The evolution of slime

Chapter 131 Husband agrees?

Chapter 131 Husband agrees?

It was less than half a month before leaving Dongxia. Half a month ago, Fang Te secretly swore in his heart that he would starve to death!Even if he was beaten to death by a mage!Even if he was trampled to death by a giant!I will never step into the Eastern Xia Kingdom again!
After half a month!

Really fragrant
With complicated emotions, Fangte turned into a human and walked half a circle outside the bamboo forest of the Eastern Xia Empress. Finally, Fangte made up his mind to go in!

As soon as he stepped into the bamboo forest, Fang Te felt that something was wrong. The last time he came, Fang Te clearly noticed that there was a very powerful enchantment circle engraved in the bamboo forest. The principle is similar to gossip. Fangte couldn't reach the bamboo courtyard, so Fangte didn't want to break the barrier and go to the bamboo courtyard directly. Instead, he wanted to step into the bamboo forest and let the empress notice, and then let someone take him to the bamboo courtyard.

But now, Fangte discovered that his existence was actually allowed by the bamboo forest. Although the magic circle still existed, there was no intention to hinder him, and all directions became clear.

Fangte walked the same way, and after half a day, he arrived in front of the bamboo fence in the bamboo courtyard, and a beautiful and charming woman in plain clothes put her hands in front of her, bowed her knees, and greeted herself with a smile:

"Sir, you are back."

Fang Te frowned. It is the dream of many people to be called this by the most beautiful woman in the world, but Fang Te felt scalp numb.

"Your Majesty, let's change our address. I'm flustered." Fang Te said shyly.

"Change your name? That's fine too, but you have to change your husband too. You can't call a concubine 'Your Majesty' anymore. It's so ugly." Empress Dongxia straightened up, with a little playfulness in her tone.

You are a female empress, if I don't call you your majesty, what should I call you? I can't call you Daji!

Fangte complained crazily in his heart!I thought to myself how could such a thing happen to me!

"Then I'll call you Ari?" Fangte asked tentatively. In fact, he thought of the nine-tailed demon fox in a moba game he played in his previous life, so he blurted out, "How is it?"

The empress was taken aback for a moment, and a daze flashed across those silky and charming eyes.

"Sorry, I was joking."

Seeing the Empress suddenly froze, Fang Te also realized that the address he blurted out subconsciously just now seemed a little too intimate, and wanted to take back what he just said.

"No, let's just call my concubine that way, that's fine." The empress's voice was soft and clean, completely different from her charming tone just now, and she seemed a little absent-minded.

"Ah raccoon"

Fang Te yelled out with difficulty, at this moment, he really wanted to slap himself in the face a minute ago!He's really too nasty!Why does it feel like I'm having an affair again outside!etc!Why do I say again?

"Hmm... um! Husband, what's the matter?" The queen's fair cheeks were flushed, but Fang Te didn't notice, because he was busy complaining:

Obviously you put me in!Surely you know why I'm here!What else do you ask me?wrong!Didn't she agree to change my name?
"My concubine calls my husband my husband, so I'm not cheating." The empress sensed what Fang Te was thinking, covered her mouth and smiled lightly, this smile almost lost Fang Te's soul.

"His Majesty."

"Huh?" The Empress frowned.

"Ari, I'm here to borrow two from you."


"No, I borrowed two people from 'you'." I have to say that the girl's truthfulness in some aspects is too serious.

"Husband, come in first and have a few cups of tea. I think Husband should not be in such a hurry to leave."

The empress led Fang Te to the bamboo house, took off the coat he was wearing, and put it on the fire to roast slowly. With delicate hands, the empress brewed a pot of tea for Fang Te, and slowly put the hot tea on the stove. In front of him, it was like a man returned from serving by a normal wife.

"If the concubine's guess is correct, the husband is here for the affairs of the Twilight Continent." The empress pursed her thin red lips lightly.

"Yes, after all, you told me the matter first, and you must have known about Emilia's current news, so I want to ask first, is Emilia really in the Twilight Continent?"

"It is indeed there, but I really don't understand why the Twilight Continent wanted to arrest Emilia." The Eastern Xia Empress served Fang Teman tea, "Doesn't my husband want to know why Luoluo and Yaya are not here? I'm by your side, but I can still get the news of the orc tribe as soon as possible?"

"Your Majesty, how did you know about Ainia? I really can't guess it, and I don't think the orc tribe will betray me and betray my oath. Since you can't guess and don't want to, then just don't think about it." , I don't think Dongxia wants to do any harm to the orc tribe."

"My husband is really bold. If I guess correctly, you want to borrow Luoluo and Yaya."

"Although Luoluo and Yaya are from the Eastern Xia Empire, they have lied to me for a long time, but they have helped me deal with things for so long, their talents are absolutely beyond doubt, and the orc tribe does not know that they betrayed. The prestige is also high, so I want them to help me coordinate the overall situation! Then."

"Then husband, you can go to the country of mechanical species and try to cooperate with mechanical species to deal with the Twilight Continent?" Looking for another woman outside, my husband is really flirtatious."

Fang Te was at a loss for words for a moment, she was just discussing and negotiating, why did she come to this conclusion, but it seems that this conclusion seems to be correct!

wrong!That's right!I have nothing to do with this empress!
"I also hope that Dongxia Kingdom can help. If you have any conditions for your country, I will try my best to meet them."

"Conditions? Conditions." The empress stood up, walking back and forth with her slender hands behind her, looking playful and cute, "Yes, I want my husband to agree to do one thing! It's just that I haven't thought about it yet. , I will tell my husband when the concubine has made up her mind."

Fangte opened his mouth slightly, a little hesitant, after all, he can't agree to everything, especially if the other party is such a dangerous woman!

"Husband, don't worry, I guarantee that this matter will definitely not violate my husband's principles, beliefs and morality, and it will definitely be within my husband's capabilities."

She bent down playfully to look at Fang Te, her beautiful face was less than an inch away from Fang Te, and even Fang Te could smell his fragrance.

"How is it? Husband agree?"

(End of this chapter)

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