The evolution of slime

Chapter 132 No one knows it's lychee

Chapter 132 No one knows it's lychee

"I promise you"

After a brief silence and hesitation, Fang Te nodded and agreed. For Fang Te, he had no choice.

"I didn't expect my husband to do this because of that little female dragon. I'm still a little sad." The Empress of Dongxia's willow eyebrows were slightly lowered, her eyes were flowing, and her style was infinite.

Fang Te thought she was just talking casually, but she actually saw a look of worry on her face. After seeing this, Fang Te, a straight male cancer patient, felt unbearable and felt guilty in his heart. Be right.

"Luoluo and Yaya can return to Ainia to help manage the orc tribe at any time." The empress said, "I just don't know what my husband's plan is next? The Twilight Land is not so easy to deal with."

"I know that the owner of the Twilight Continent, Jon Capet, has lived for thousands of years and has ruled the Twilight Continent for hundreds of years. It is really difficult to deal with him, so I plan to go to the Kingdom of Gears! ( The capital of the mechanical species)”

"Do you want to use the power of the mechanical species to compete with the Twilight Continent?"

"Well, according to my plan, sooner or later I have to deal with the mechanical species, but there is no good opportunity. As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is a friend. I not only want to rescue Mia! I also want to reach the level of the mechanical species. A friendly relationship, at least not good enough to be blacklisted by them."

"That concubine is in Dongxiayao, I wish my husband's plan a success." The Empress Dongxia said with a smile, "Of course, it would be good if the little female dragon just disappeared in the Twilight Continent, so that there would be one less person to share with my concubine." Husband."

Perhaps because of being molested by this extremely charming woman, Fangte has gradually gained immunity, and he can gradually take her jokes less seriously.

"Actually, I don't understand something. Last time I left in a hurry and my mind was messed up, so I didn't ask. Before leaving this time, I still want to ask. Of course, I don't expect you to answer me." Fang Te will The topic turns here to my side.

"My husband, please ask, I must know everything."

"First of all, when did you notice me? Secondly, even if I am Di Xin's reincarnation, why do you know? Furthermore, if I am Di Xin, you only showed me the previous few lives last time. But you didn't embarrass me. Why? You can force Di Xin to stay by your side. Finally, if I am really Di Xin, what will you do to me? Or, your ultimate goal What is it?"

Fangte asked a series of questions, each of which was straight to the point without going around the corner.

After listening to Fang Te's question, the empress gently rolled up her sleeves, revealing her pure white and crystal jade wrists. She gently picked up the teapot with her slender hands, and slowly heated it on the stove. The whole process was skillful and elegant.

"When the husband came to this world, the concubine noticed the husband, and the husband is the reincarnation of Di Xin, there is no if, moreover, the husband said that the concubine did not embarrass you, but how can the concubine have the heart? Even if I force you So what if you keep your husband by your side? Can your husband forget those women outside of you?"

Empress Dongxia replied with a smile, every word was like pearls falling to the ground, whispering softly, which was extremely beautiful.

"As for the ultimate purpose of the concubine." The Empress of Dongxia gently pulled a strand of blue silk behind her ear, and stared at Fang Te with winking eyes, "It is not convenient for the concubine to answer at this time, but as long as the husband knows , everything this concubine does is for my husband, no matter before, now, or in the future."

Fang Te did not run away from her sight, he held his eyes steady and stared at her for nearly five seconds, Fang Te did not see the slightest lie in her eyes, but just like this, Fang Te felt a little complicated in his heart The empress couldn't help feeling sympathetic.

Millennium is only for one person!Never give up!No matter what I am doing, everything I do is for him in my heart!
If it were me, would I really be able to do it?
If he had an almost endless lifespan, and the woman in front of him was just an ordinary person who would live, grow old, get sick and die, would he really pursue her for thousands of lives?Will he really find her in the vast crowd?
Fante really doesn't know, maybe only those who have experienced it will know.

But is it really worth it for her?So what if he was King Zhou of Shang in his previous life!So what if he was King Zhou You, Ji Gong Nie in his previous life?But I am Fangte now, even if I know all kinds of things with her in the previous life, and remember all the memories about her, but all the emotions have been lost!I am no longer Di Xin!

Is she really worth it?
"Is it worth it?" The stove in front of Fangte exuded a crimson but not dazzling fire, Fangte lowered his head, looked at the pair of flawless slender hands stirring the fire, and said lightly.

Those slender hands that looked like white jade were fixed in the air, and the red flames reflected the beautiful face of the Empress. Maybe it was because of the fire, or for other reasons, the eyes of the Empress were slightly moist, like gems falling into the water. The world fell into an inexplicable silence.

"Who knows?"

The queen's slender hand fixed in the air continued to stir the stove, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, like a bright crescent moon.

After finishing the cup of tea in front of him, Fangte wiped his mouth, and took out a few round fruits from the void pocket. The peel has scaly protrusions and is bright red in color.

"This is the latest fruit discovered by Ainia. It tastes good. It's very similar to a fruit I ate on Earth. You seemed to like it very much before, so I thought about bringing some over here. It hasn't been named yet. So I call this fruit ""

Fangte put the bright red fruit on the tea table, stood up slowly, bowed and bowed, and simply glanced at the empress who was kneeling on the cushion, turned and left without saying anything.

The crackling sound of the wood in the stove echoed in the warm bamboo house. A beautiful woman put her hands in front of her body, quietly looking at the red fruit left by the man on the tea table.

She stretched out her small hand, slowly held a fruit in her palm, and gently pushed aside the scaly and protruding outer shell of the fruit, revealing the translucent and creamy flesh that was as transparent as a baby's skin.

The woman covered her sleeves lightly, the delicate lips of red lips touched the soft flesh, and the white teeth gently took a bite of it, the taste was smooth and delicious.

Two drops of fragrant tears gently slid down from the corners of the empress' eyes, and slid across the empress' perfect cheeks, leaving no trace
"You seemed to like eating it very much before, so you wanted to bring some over. You haven't named it yet, so you call this fruit"

"Litchi Bar"

(End of this chapter)

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