The evolution of slime

Chapter 133 speechless

Chapter 133 speechless
Ella Empire, Bot Family.

A girl wearing the most expensive chilli silk dress was raised in the backyard of one of the most nobles in the Ella Empire.

The girl was sitting on a stone bench in the flower pavilion, and several maids stood beside her and served her.

Looking at the colorful, rare and expensive flowers in the backyard, what the girl thinks is not how beautiful the backyard is, how expensive each flower is, but what the girl thinks is how many orc children this garden can support ?How many flower and herbal drinks sold by the orcs can be sold in exchange for this piece of garden.

On the other hand, the news that Henry Bott, the head of the Bott family, spent [-] gold coins to buy a beautiful woman from the orc-bred cat and human race has spread throughout the city.

As people's talk after dinner, no one said whether the fifteen thousand gold coins were worth it or not, but they were all talking about Mrs. Bott's ugly face and Earl Henry's beautiful life in the future. I'm afraid it will be difficult to see this blessed earl in Yanju in the future.

But in fact, it has been three or four days since Earl Henry bought the girl back, and he hasn't even touched the soft little hands of this cat-human girl.

One of the reasons is that Mrs. Bot was very upset when she saw her husband who was over 20 years old bought a girl who was more than [-] years younger than herself and looked fresh. She quarreled with him several times. It was related to asking him to touch Laura, and it was also because the banquet held by Princess Daphne was getting closer, so he needed to make more preparations!
Of course, the more important reason is that the beast-eared lady of the orc-breeding cat-human race wouldn't let him touch it at all!As long as the earl gets a little closer to the cat-eared girl, she will feel as if her fur has exploded, and she is almost about to enter a bloody state.

Among the nobles, it is not that no one has hidden orc girls in golden houses, and naturally cat-human girls are also included. When dealing with cat-human girls, one must be patient!Can't attack by force!It is even more important to avoid being unable to bear the overlord's bow.

In the past, some nobles spent a lot of money and effort to buy cat-human beast-eared girls, but they didn't "tune and tame" them well to cultivate their trust in themselves, so they couldn't help but be attracted to their beauty and pure and charming posture. The Overlord bows hard!
In the end, the bow was pulled up, but the string was broken, and the beast-eared lady of the cat-human clan either went on a hunger strike or hanged herself with a white rope!Anyway, they all committed suicide in the end!In the end, I paid a heavy price just for one night!

After learning the lessons of those elite nobles, many nobles have learned to be smart, and they have adopted a gentle approach to the girls of the orcs and cats.

Although the cat-human girls are arrogant and have a nature of being willing to bend rather than bend, after all, the life of the orcs is not good. Not only do they have to fight with monsters every day, they even have to compete with other orc tribes for resources. Life is very difficult, and the cat-humans are no exception.

So those nobles found that as long as they are patient and take good care of them, although they will be wary of you at first, slowly, they will slowly let go of their grudges towards you.

At this time, you just need to hold on, and carefully pull in the distance step by step. In the end, it usually takes less than two years, the fastest one year, and the slowest three years. Even the most popular among the orcs is also the hardest." The "tame" cat-human beast-ear girl will also obediently rely on you, and then you can live a day and night life.

So this Earl Bott is not in a hurry. After all, he has already made mental preparations before buying it, isn't it just two or three years at most?As long as you give her the best food and supplies, Laura will become dependent and even love herself!Wouldn't it be a lot more fun at night after two or three years!
Earl Bott, who was in the study, had even begun to imagine the beautiful scenery with this cat-eared lady with snowy skin and a soft body, and himself on the bed.

However, in his opinion, the current thoughts still need to be put aside first, after all, tonight is the banquet hosted by Princess Daphne.

All the top nobles of the Bote family and the Ella Empire have been preparing for this banquet for a long time!If his son entered the eyes of Princess Daphne!Then your family can enter the royal family!

The royal family, one of the three great empires of the human race!The earl felt excited just thinking about it!
"My lord! The time is almost up, the carriage is ready." The old man in butler uniform knocked on the door and entered the study, bowing and saying.

"What about the young master?"

"The young master is already waiting outside the door."

"Very good! Let's go then!"

At the same time, the nobles of Ella City took the youngest and most promising youths of their families to the Ella Palace!

In the center of the Ella Palace, in the most luxurious and noble room, a middle-aged man who is nearly fifty years old and is about to enter old age is lying on the bed.

His eyes were tightly closed, and his breathing became weaker day by day. No matter whether it was the pastor, the doctor, or even Anthony, they all tried, but none of them could cure the man's illness. The last time this man woke up was already two It was a week ago.

Beside this man who is one of the most precious human beings, a woman is wearing a long purple dress, her long hair is coiled behind her head, two strands of black hair are running across her cheeks, light makeup is applied, her beautiful little face It was written all over the sad expression that a girl of this age and identity should not have.

Standing upright behind the girl, Buster, Prime Minister of the Ella Empire, sighed softly. For this little girl who had only grown up for more than half a year, Buster loved this little girl like his own daughter.

She was originally a cheerful girl, but since the day that slime left half a year ago, this girl has never shown that beautiful and pure smile like a narcissus.

Even if the girl forced a smile to reassure Buster, what Buster saw in the girl's clean eyes was only sadness.

Seeing the girl's slender back, Buster couldn't bear it, but he didn't know how to comfort him.

"Princess, the banquet will start in two hours. Many nobles have already arrived at the royal garden of the palace." Buster said calmly.

"Well, I see, Uncle Buster."

The girl stood up, and the purple radish skirt was folded together like a crape myrtle flower, gently covering the girl's fully developed body.

She turned around and smiled at Buster, but this smile made the man whose daughter left him for more than half a year feel sad.

"Little Daphne, in fact, you don't need to make any substantive choices for tonight's banquet, you just need to appease the nobles a little bit."

"But, Uncle Buster, even if I don't make any real choices tonight, Daphne will marry one of them soon, right?"

Looking into the girl's eyes, the legendary Prime Minister of the Ella Empire was speechless
(End of this chapter)

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