The evolution of slime

Chapter 134 Let's go

Chapter 134 Let's go
"Oh little Daphne, I'm sorry, it's Uncle and I'm incompetent." Buster sighed again and said with self-blame.

Daphne shook her head, and said softly but firmly:
"Uncle Buster is already very good, really really good."

Daphne was indeed not comforting the legendary Prime Minister of the Ella Empire, Buster was indeed very powerful.

After the war between the Ela Empire and the orc tribes, although the loss of troops was serious, it was far from being injured. The number and quality of the mages, knights, warriors, and priests in the Ela Empire were particularly amazing. It's not that the orc tribe entered the cold winter, and it also needs to appease the nobles and important officials in the country. As long as the Ella Empire is willing, it doesn't even need to ally with the Moxi Empire.It can definitely beat the Ainia half a year ago!
And the reason why it formed an alliance with the Moxi Empire half a year ago was nothing more than that the Ella Empire did not want to lose its troops in vain, and wanted to pull the Moxi Empire, which is adjacent to Ainia, into the water!

After the defeat, the most serious impact was not military strength, but the sudden serious illness of Ella emperor Nubiadi!And no one can cure it!
Both princes died, and Emperor Ella was seriously ill!Daphne is the only woman left in the royal family!Many of the noble ministers colluded with each other and wanted to sit on the extravagant throne in the city of Ella.

On the surface, the Ella Empire is as calm as ever, but many forces in the dark are sweeping like a storm!
If it weren't for Buster, the legendary prime minister who helped Nubiadi sit on the throne of God, going around, and Buster's prestige and influence in the entire empire were constantly intimidating!And the support of the church!It is estimated that the Ella Empire has long been caught in civil strife!
So, as Daphne said, he was really powerful enough to suppress the dark storm in the Ella Empire with just one person.

But Buster knew it too!This is only temporary!It would be extremely stupid to say that this dark storm can be quelled only by relying on one's own maneuvers and the support of the church!
A large part of the reason why those nobles are still holding back is because Daphne is a daughter!Among those top nobles, many of them are businessmen!And businessmen are the most profit-oriented!
A prime minister with national prestige!A righteous title!A top family!A church that fully supports the royal family!Plus ministers loyal to the royal family and nobles of all sizes!

If a talented person from his own family marries Princess Daphne, all these conditions will be met!All resources that support the royal family will also support their own family!So wouldn't his family be able to control the entire Ella without a single soldier?And it's still justifiable!
So what if the rest of the nobles are restless?The balance of strength has been broken, and they can only accept their fate.

So it seems that Buster is right to say that he is incompetent!Because no matter what!If the dark storm in the Ella Empire is to calm down, Daphne must marry one of the top five nobles in the Ella Empire!

So he can also be said to have failed to protect this poor girl who couldn't help herself.

"Uncle Buster, it's getting late, let's go."

Daphne's soft words woke up Buster, who was still blaming herself, she put her hands in front of her body, and walked out of the most luxurious room in the entire Ella Empire.

"Little Daphne, do you hate Lilin?" When Daphne was about to step out of the room, Buster called from behind to stop the girl who had suffered the biggest change in half a year.

Daphne turned around slowly, looked into Buster's eyes, and there was a long silence between them.

"Although Sister Lilin helped the slime escape, he was the one who killed the two brothers! He was also the one who caused the father to be exhausted and unconscious! So, don't worry, Uncle Buster, I don't hate Lilin at all. Sister, if I can see Sister Lilin again in the future, Daphne will still love her like a sister."

"What about Orgrim?"

"Uncle Buster Orgrim does not exist, there is only that slime! That one I will never forgive no matter what! The slime that will never let go!" Dave Ni Jingying's white teeth bit her red lips tightly, but her innocent face was covered by sadness and hatred
Buster said nothing, bent his right hand to caress his left shoulder, and bowed to her at 45 degrees. In the etiquette of the Ella Empire, this gesture means "understand" and "obey".

Daphne gently squeezed the sides of the purple dress with her slender hands and raised it slightly, her left foot was slightly behind her, her slender feet were lightly tapped, her head was slightly lowered, and her knees were slightly bent to show her return. This etiquette expressed "thank you" and "Respect".

Straightened up, followed by the maid, Daphne turned and walked towards the royal garden
The red moon sprinkled the clear light on the quiet palace path, and the crystals embedded in the palace wall for lighting flashed faintly.

Except for the maid who followed the girl, there was no one else around the girl.

"Your Highness, have you forgotten what to bring? Just give us the order."

The maid who was following Daphne said respectfully, when she came back to her senses, Daphne realized that she had unknowingly returned to the back garden of the palace complex where she lived.
Regarding this place, she has never been here since her brother's accident happened.

"It's still the same." Daphne squatted down, stroking the petals of the violets with her slender hands.

"Although the princess hasn't been here for a long time, we still come to take care of it every day."

The maid said in a light tone, she just wanted to be praised by Daphne, but her words did not enter the heart of the petal caressing woman.

The girl's thoughts drifted away uncontrollably, and she didn't know where she was going

"My name is Orgrim, don't look at me as a child! I look cute, but I'm actually an adult."

"I didn't expect you to be Her Royal Highness Princess Daphne. You are really different from your brothers."

"Your Highness, you are here so early today, so let's start class."

"Today, I will tell Her Royal Highness the festival of the orc tribe - Qixi Festival."

"The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl are really pitiful, but at least they can meet each other, can't they?"

"Will the teacher protect me too?"

"If that time comes, it won't be my turn."

Like a revolving lantern, scenes from half a year ago appeared in the girl's mind. He told her about the colorful world outside, but he kept deceiving her.

"Princess? Princess? What's wrong with you? Why are you crying? Are you feeling unwell?"


The girl stood up, letting the tears that slid down her cheeks drop to the ground.

"The banquet is about to begin, let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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