The evolution of slime

Chapter 135 The Kingdom of Gears

Chapter 135 The Kingdom of Gears
To the west of the endless land, across the Canyon of the Dead, between the kingdom of the dead and the kingdom of giants, there is a country that is almost isolated from the world.

The area of ​​this country is not large, even only one-third of the total area of ​​the Ella Empire.

According to common sense, such a small but not small country faces only one fate, sandwiched between the kingdom of the dead and the kingdom of giants, and that is to submit to one of the two major forces.

However, what is unexpected but reasonable is that this country has been sandwiched between the two countries for an unknown number of years, and the country of the dead and the country of the giants have no intention of annexing this country!

because!It's not that they don't want to swallow such a big piece of fat, but that they simply can't do it!
This country was established at the beginning of the world, named - the country of gears!It is also called the country of mechanical species by others!


A green slime that is full of spring does not know how many teleportation circles it has gone through, how many voids it has stepped through, and he has been on the road without rest and sleep for three or four days!This guy has finally arrived in the country of gears!
In fact, according to the pissing nature of this slime, he should go to the kingdom of the dead for a few laps, but because there are too many things in his heart that he can't let go, so he came here non-stop.

"As expected of the country of machines!" A slime with the size of [-] cubic centimeters was holding a beggar chicken drumstick bought from Dongxia Kingdom, which was bigger than him. He took a bite, and his mouth was full of greasy food. .

In front of this slime is a huge visible barrier!The barrier is like a hemispherical blue balloon, covered with blue currents visible to the naked eye!

People standing outside the barrier cannot see inside the barrier, even Fangte, a slime who has become one of the few eighth-level mages in the world, cannot see through it.

However, Fangte was not surprised by the existence of this huge closed barrier. After all, before coming to the country of gears, Fangte learned about various types of machinery from books. Those books have the most records and the most detailed information. The most important thing is this barrier in front of Fangte!

This barrier is called "Net of Turbulent Flow", and it is composed of magic and black technology!Its area covers the entire Kingdom of Gears. Unless it is a mechanical species, as long as outsiders touch this "net of turbulent flow", they will immediately be reduced to ashes, leaving you with no scum left.
Fang Te wanted to try the power of the world's most famous barrier. He gnawed the chicken leg in his hand and licked it. Only the glistening bones remained, and then threw a perfect of the parabola.
Then there was nothing and then that bone completely became the nourishment of the earth!Completely turned into ashes...

"Godless! Machine species!" Fang Te couldn't help but sigh, just a national barrier is so strong, if one day he has to be an enemy of machine species, it's scary to think about it!

Fangte came back to his senses from the exclamation. Although the "Net of Turbulent Flow" is very powerful, it is only for other people. Fangte is a BUG-level existence for the "Net of Turbulent Flow"!

Wiping his mouth, Fangte activated his "Shaper" skill!After a while, Fangte turned into a mechanical species in the shape of a young man.

"Shaper" can change into any race, this change is a complete change except for the soul!

The moment Fangte became a mechanical species, he felt that his heart had become a "magic core". The magic power was stored in the magic core and supplied to the whole body like blood, while his brain had become countless collections. Body chips!These chips handle various affairs, just like the various functional areas of the human brain.

In terms of limbs, Fangte feels a kind of lightness and randomness!This feeling and lightness come from Fantawild's complete control over his own body structure!
In other aspects of the body, Fang Te felt that his blood had turned into a blue liquid. This liquid was a combination of magic and electric current, which was very wonderful, while the joints, bones, cells, etc. had turned into a blue liquid. Another gear, and these gears cooperate with each other in an ingenious indescribable way.

Even Fangte can clearly perceive the existence of every part of his body, as if he only needs to think about it!You can make structural changes within the allowed range!
Fangte noticed!The spring of magic power has become the core of the body, which is constantly producing magic power!In other words, I can always maintain the appearance of a mechanical species!This surprised Fang Te a little.

Finally, after Fangte got familiar with his body, he confidently walked through the "net of turbulent currents" and swaggered into the kingdom of gears!


The moment you enter the country of gears!Fante was stunned!This kind of shock is no less than when I just came to this world!Even more than that!

Because within the black barrier!It's a whole other world!

The real world outside the barrier is a clear sky with white clouds!And within the barrier!In the sky of the Kingdom of Gears, there are patches of dark clouds floating and light rain falling!
Mobilize the magic to take a closer look!The dark clouds in the sky turned out to be made of gears!

Look back from the sky and look forward!Fante took a deep breath!

Skyscrapers straight into the sky!There are many high-rise units of various units, familiar modern roads and streets!Street lights on both sides of the street!The flashing neon signs in front of the store, and the ticking Big Ben on the large clock tower!

Except for no cars and "passers-by" walking on both sides of the street!All architectural styles!Everything in Gearland!There is almost no difference with the style of the earth!
"But why is there no one?"

Looking at the silent city in front of me, there is no mechanical species on the road, not even any living things!The city is as quiet as a ghost town!Except for the raindrops splashing on the ground and the ticking of Big Ben!There will be no more voices!
Fang Te took a deep "breath" and walked on the familiar but unfamiliar street. He felt both the long-lost excitement and a little fear in his heart!
Maybe this is a fringe area, so there are no mechanical species coming in and out.

Just as Fangte thought so in his heart and turned on the vortex jet under his feet to leave this marginal city, a dragon chant resounded in the sky!
A shadow covering the sky and the sun appeared above Fangte's head!
Dragon Yin?Dragons?Why are there dragons in the Kingdom of Gears?
Fante looked up!A monster with sharp horns that looks like a fantasy dragon raced across the sky quickly!

This is a dragon beast!An eighth-order power monster!

The next moment, an order appeared in Fangte's brain, who was in a state of shock and bewilderment!
(End of this chapter)

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