The evolution of slime

Chapter 141 The Nameless Terror

Chapter 141 The Nameless Terror

"Fante, what was your initial impression of mechanical species?"

Dr. Zick and Fang Te sat in the front hall of the store. Two people who could not be called "people" looked at the comings and goings of mechanical species through the glass window. Among them were walking dogs, some wandering alone, and Groups of "shopping" together.

The whole street is very modern. Except for mechanical dogs and other mechanical pets, the mechanical species are all humanoid. At this time, Fangte seems to have returned to the earth. If the damn sky is not raining all the time, it will be even worse. alright.

"What else can happen, the mechanical species is isolated from the world, and there are very few books describing the mechanical species in detail. In my impression, the mechanical species is dull, just a lifeless individual like a walking corpse."

He casually opened an energy ball and drank a few sips, not to mention, this thing is really delicious.

"What about now, come to the country of gears, do you still think so?" Dr. Zike looked out the window with deep eyes, no one knew what he was thinking.

"It's a bit different." Fang Te rubbed the shell of the energy ball with his fingers.

Although Hubby's performance is indeed the same as Fangte's impression of the mechanical species at the beginning, he only knows how to obey instructions, is terribly rational, and knows nothing about emotions. He is a machine.

But when he came to one of the regions of Dongshi, the country of gears, the mechanical species on the street were talking and laughing, and they also gathered in the "cafe" for leisure, and even the mechanical species walked their dogs.

Especially the mechanical species named "Red Princess" is obsessed with Shubi, which makes Fangte feel that she is no different from ordinary girls. If Zike hadn't told Fangte, Hongji's setting is Lolita. Otherwise, Fangte really wouldn't suspect that the red-haired girl is a machine.

"Oh? Why is it different? Tell me about it." Dr. Cike looked away, and the other party smiled maliciously.

"It feels like they still have some feelings." Fangte said in an uncertain tone.

"Haha. Do you have feelings?" Cike stood up and patted his buttocks, "Boy, it seems that your understanding of mechanical species is not deep enough, this is not acceptable, this is not conducive to the success of our cooperation Sexually, kid, come on, let me take you to correct your concept again."

Cike threw the half-drinked energy orb on the table, and walked out the door like a lazy uncle. Although Fang Te didn't know what the greasy middle-aged uncle wanted to do, he followed him out.

Cike lit a cigarette, Fang Te refused the cigarette he offered, and the two stood at the door, looking at the people coming and going on the street with the same eyes, like two idiots who have been single for many years.

"That girl has good legs." Cike said.

"It's really good, but it's a pity that it's a mechanical species." Fang Te replied while rubbing his chin.

"That girl's breasts are quite big. It seems that 'Will' must have referred to the data of girls with big breasts in the outside world when creating her." Cike said again.

"It's really big, but unfortunately it's a mechanical type."

"Although that girl has flat chest, she looks like her butt is up."

"Unfortunately, it is a mechanical species."


There was an inexplicable silence between the two, just silently watching the beautiful women coming and going on the street.

Too bad it's mechanical
"Uncle Cike, what exactly do you want me to see?" Fangte asked after nearly 10 minutes passed.

"Don't worry, wait a little longer."

Cike stubbed out the cigarette in his hand, and a short while later, a straight black girl in a short black skirt walked over with a short-legged puppy and passed in front of Cike and Fangte.

Fang Te thought that the middle-aged greasy man was about to say something, but unexpectedly, he stepped forward, pretended to fall, and when he was caught off guard, he threw himself on the mechanical dog.

Fang Te noticed that the moment his body touched the mechanical dog, his palms turned, energy flowed, and an electric needle was directly inserted into the core of the mechanical dog!

"Oh, I'm really sorry, I'm sorry."

Cike scratched the back of his head and stood up apologetically, with a smile all over his face, but the mechanical dog remained motionless on the ground, and then the gears in the mechanical dog's body made a jamming sound, and flames and electricity sparked on the surface of the mechanical dog. popped out of the gap.


With a muffled explosion, black smoke rose from the mechanical dog's body, and its entire body collapsed to the ground, obviously!It's "dead"!

The girl squatted down and fiddled with the mechanical dog a few times with her slender hands. A pair of azure blue eyes emitted a blue light, scanning the mechanical dog from top to bottom. After a while, the girl stood up and looked directly at Zick.

Fangte thought that the mechanical species would get angry or fight with Zick, but what happened next made Fangte feel horrified.

"It's dead." The girl's tone was surprisingly cold!There was no anger or sadness at all, as if the girl was just confirming a fact!
"Well, it's dead." Zeke also responded casually to the girl, "It was an accident."

"Judging from the inspection and the situation just now, it was indeed an accident, but according to the property law, you need to compensate me." Even after saying the compensation, the girl's tone did not have the slightest desire for "compensation", as if she was just following the Programs do things!

"Here are ten mechanical silver coins." Cike took out ten silver coins from his pocket and placed them in the girl's palm.

Putting away the silver coins, the girl left without even looking at the "dead" mechanical dog on the ground, leaving only this "corpse" behind!
Fang Te didn't say a word for a long time, but he felt a little cold and extremely uncomfortable in his heart. He wanted to go back to the store, but Zeke held his hand and asked him to wait a while.

Half an hour later, the girl with long black hair and short black dress appeared again. The girl was leading a mechanical dog again. This dog was exactly the same as the one that "dead" on the ground!
The girl led the dog past Zick and Fangte, and at the girl's feet was the body of the untreated dog!

As if she didn't see the dog's body, the girl led the dog and walked over!

Cike lit a cigar again, and slowly exhaled a smoke ring into the air:
"If I remember correctly, the dog and the girl who died on the ground had been together for 300 years, and they would pass in front of my store every day, every minute of the day."

Zick looked at Fangte and said lightly:

"Now, do you still think that mechanical species have feelings?"

Fang Te picked up the "dead" mechanical dog on the ground, looked at everything on the street, and looked at the faces of those laughing and lively mechanical species.

Everything is full of nameless terror.

(End of this chapter)

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