The evolution of slime

Chapter 142 Time

Chapter 142 Time
In the [-]th area west of the Kingdom of Gears, countless high-rise buildings fell down, and the broken wreckage covered the streets. The limbs of mechanical species were everywhere, and many cores were broken, exuding blue energy liquid and spreading.

The roar of the machinery spread across the sky, and an eighth-order monster dragon python neighed and continuously emitted venom into the air.

"Dragonheart, attack the belly of the dragon python, and the heartless will assist you."

"Dragonheart refuses to assist, reason: one Dragonheart is enough."

The mechanical species named Dragonheart swooped down, the original map of the magic circle appeared in his hand, and a 30-meter-long fire knife transformed into the palm of his hand.

More than 90 years ago, on a rainy day like always, a newcomer mechanical species hugged a dead mechanical dog and looked at the hypocritical city in front of him. The words of the middle-aged man were deeply carved in his heart like a sharp knife. .

"Mechanical species have no gods, no emotions, and even mechanical species don't know how they came about. From the moment they were made, they were given their own missions, some fighting, some living, some producing, Everything is inseparable from the existence of 'will', and 'will' cannot be separated from its own existence, it will only do things according to its own settings!"

The mechanical species named "Dragon Heart One" rushed straight to the ground, and collapsed a circle centered on him with a diameter of ten meters under his feet.

Reversing the blade, Dragonheart stepped forward, and the raindrops fell on the blade formed by the flames, and instantly evaporated into hot water vapor.

"What is the will? What exactly is the mechanical species, what do you want to do, and how can you let the 'will' help me?"

The fingers of the mechanical species named Fang Te tightly pinched the "corpse" of the cold mechanical dog that had no blood in its arms.

"'Will' is simply like a program, and the mechanical species is just a product of 'consciousness'. I can't guarantee that 'will' will help you attack the Twilight Continent, because 'will' does not have the slightest emotion. It will only make the most conservative existence that is most in line with the interests of the mechanical species."

The words of the middle-aged man made the mechanical species named Fangte half-closed his eyes. He thought he could get in touch with the will, and then negotiate with the will to make the mechanical species form an alliance with the orc tribe, but now he understands that "will" can only But it's just like a program. Negotiation is something with a high degree of freedom, and 'will' will never do it.

So logically speaking, he can only fail.

The dragon python activated its self-enhancing magic, and covered itself with a thick layer of iron snake skin with concave and convex sharp corners.

The fire knife collided with the dragon python's armor, making a muffled crackling sound.

The magic power in the body of the mechanical species known as "Dragon Heart Man" was gathered in both arms, and it was lifted nearly a hundred meters away together. The dragon python smashed a high-rise building across its body. The bloodied body swooped towards him.

"As for what I'm going to do, you don't need to know now, even if you know, it's useless. It's just that if you and I want to achieve our goals separately, we need to join hands."

The middle-aged man approached Fangte and looked straight into his eyes.

"However, I can tell you that the reason why I choose to cooperate with you is not just because I have no other collaborators to choose from. If I just give me another thousand years, I can still make a machine to help me accomplish my goal. kind!"

"Then why did you take the risk and choose to cooperate with me?"

"Yeah, why?" The middle-aged man handed him a cigarette, "Maybe because you look like me!"

The mechanical species named Fangte did not refuse the cigarette offered by the man this time.

"Dragon Heart Man" sideways avoided the attack of Long Mang, and the next moment, several electromagnetic sniper cannons smashed towards Long Mang like a torrential rain!
The dragon python's armor was shattered, the pieces of meat exploded, and there was a smell of blood and burnt snake meat in the air.

"Dragonheart, give him the last blow and take back its heart."

"Dragon Heart Received."

The mechanical species code-named "Dragonheart" scattered the fire knives, the skin on his arms fell off, and a blade of lightning flowing in the blue gathered together. He dragged the long knife and walked on the ground, and the blade slashed across the ground with ease. Pass a long notch!

Long Mang raised the snake's head, still wanting to make a final struggle.

"After all, how do we cooperate?" The mechanical species named Fangte carried the "dead" dog into the repair shop, lit a cigarette and stuck it in front of its corpse.

"First of all! I helped you get into the battle formation! And I'm in the same formation as Shubi." The middle-aged man stood behind him, with his hands in his trouser pockets, and said slowly.

"and then?"

"Then, you have to keep climbing! Climb desperately!"


The dragon python spat out a long snake letter, opened its bloody mouth and rushed towards the dragon heart!The rest of the mechanical species in the air have been evacuated one after another, and they didn't watch the last scene. For them, everything is over.

The dragon heart held a blue electric blade, a blue light flashed across, the snake's head was separated from the snake body, and the bright red blood splashed all over the dragon heart.

"How long will it take to climb?"

"Neither long nor short, it depends on what you think!"

"Don't go around the bush, give a deadline, even if it's rough, at least you have to be mentally prepared."

"It may be more than three months, or it may be four months."

"You mean more than 90 years." Fangte knew that the more than three months he said referred to the time in the outside world, and according to the ratio of the country of gears to the time outside!More than three months!That is more than 90 years!

More than 90 years!Although the time here is three hundred times faster than the time outside!But it doesn't mean that the speed of flow is three hundred times faster!it's here!The passage of time that Fangte felt was almost the same as the outside!

"More than 90 years, more than 90 years can completely change a person! Especially in this cold world, so you will be very boring! You will even forget a lot of things! What's more, you will forget what you have to do!"

The middle-aged man said with a smile.

"Boy, I think you are very pleasing to the eye, and I will warn you again at the end! If you can't guarantee to maintain your heart in more than 90 years or even 100 years, you should go! I will pretend that what happened today didn't happen."

"You said you've been here for 9000 years, right?" Fangte asked back, ignoring his words.

"That's right, it's been 9000 years."

"So have you ever been lost?"

"I got lost a few times, the longest time I spent 1000 years to realize what I was going to do, but, according to your wife's situation, I'm afraid after a few years outside, your wife and the son of the Twilight Dragon It’s all soy sauce.”

"It's really risky."

"So what's your decision?"


The mechanical species named Fangte turned to Zick and said with a smile.

"Is there still smoke?"

(End of this chapter)

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