The evolution of slime

Chapter 143 Plan

Chapter 143 Plan
Raising the knife with his hand, the mechanical species known as the Dragon Heart One stabbed into the edge of the dragon python's heart, and slid it!Draw a circular circle.

Dragon Heart Zhe half-closed his eyes, fished it out casually, and dug out the heart of the dragon python with his bare hands.Everything is so proficient, as if he has done this kind of thing countless times.

The bright red heart was beating in his hand, he didn't care too much about the heart in his hand, he just looked at the sky quietly, the raindrops in the sky washed the blood on the ground.

He doesn't know how many years it has been raining in this sky, he just remembers that in the 90 years since he came to this world, the rain in this sky has never stopped!
"Fangte. Returning to the team...can become an S-level mechanical species?"

A little mechanical loli landed on the ground, looking sideways at Fangte, with curiosity written on her delicate face.

"It should be fine." Fang Te let out a breath of foul air.

"Fanta. It's amazing. It only took more than 90 years to say it." Shubi raised his head and looked at Fangte, his eyes sparkling.

Fang Te smiled slightly, and touched her head. Every time he saw her shining pupils, Fang Te was always in a daze, as if the one in front of him was not a mechanical species, but a real girl.

Fang Te also knew that this was the girl's pre-set image and expression. For Hubby, there was no emotion at all, but even if he was lying to himself, Fang Te would rather treat her as a simple girl.

"Maybe it's because of this that Zick let me form a team with her for so many years." Fangte said softly to himself.

"Fante, what did you say?"

"I said, tonight I'm going to see Dr. Zick in the East [-]th District, are you going?"

"Shuby, afraid of Hongji." Shuby lowered his head, the cute and frightened expression once again made Fangte in a trance, and soon Shubi raised his head again to look at Fangte seriously, "But, Fangte, go, Hubby, don't be afraid, Fante, I will protect Hubby."

Fang Te said softly: "Of course, I will not let Hong Ji bully you, Fang Te will protect Shubi."

On the afternoon of the day when the dragon python hunting mission was completed, Fangte was called to the central tower in the first area of ​​the center. Under the instruction of a total of 299 hundred S-level fighters, Fangte filled the vacancy of the 300th place and became the No. [-] S-class combat species!It is also one of the mechanical species that has reached the S-level combat class in the shortest time!

"When you reach the S-level combat machine species, that is the beginning of our plan. If you have not forgotten your original intention, don't forget to come to the East [-]th District to find me. During this period, in order to prevent accidents What an accident, we'd better meet as little as possible."

During the conferring ceremony, Fantawild accepted the unique reward of S-class combat mechs "magic power injection". All the mechas present watched the baptism process of Fantawild's core, but Fantawild's mind was not here. .

"Have a drink and come to the Zick repair shop."

With the melodious sound of the wind chime when the glass door was pushed open, the girl named Hongji received the guests with a smile all over her face. It's all so impeccable.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you're finally here, my sister misses you so much!"

The originally dignified Hong Ji couldn't restrain her inner impulse when she saw Shubi, and rushed towards Shubi like a hungry wolf.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Shubi immediately hid behind Fang Te, and tightly grabbed Fang Te's clothes, while Hong Ji was also held down by Fang Te's head, her feet kept walking on the spot, red The lotus arms exposed from the shirt kept moving.

"Hongji, stop making trouble."

When Fangte was stopping Hongji from "invading" Shubi, a small door connecting the workshop in the store opened, and a familiar yet unfamiliar voice came out.

"But...Master Xiaoxiubi came here with great difficulty." Hong Ji stopped messing around, and stood beside the middle-aged man with her hands folded in front of her.

"Don't worry, our Dragonheart Master has just obtained the title of S-level, and they have a month's vacation. During this time, they will come here often." Dr. Zike patted Hongji on the shoulder and comforted him, and turned towards Fang Te walked over.

"Yo, boy, long time no see."

"It's been a long time, it's been ten years." Sitting on the chair at the front desk, Fang Te casually opened an energy ball and handed it to Hubby, and then opened another one to drink by himself.

Shubi has been pulling the hem of his clothes and following him, tightly avoiding Hong Ji who is staring at her like a hungry wolf.

"I didn't expect you to become an S-class combat mech after 90 years. Now I'm more and more suspicious of your real identity. Seriously, you can't really be Anthony, right?" Said with a smile in front of Fangte.

"Hehehe, if you hadn't discovered the amazing magic power in my body when you repaired me more than 90 years ago, would you cooperate with me?" Fangte waved his hand wearily.

Yes, it has been more than 90 years. Although the outside world has only passed more than three months, the 90 years that Fantawild has experienced are really 90 years!
During these long years, Fantawild joined the formation of combat machines, continuously completed missions to gain military exploits, hunted day and night, and went out to the Kingdom of Gears to capture monsters more than a dozen times.

Even more than a dozen times, in order to win the greatest credit alone, Fangte singled out a ninth-level monster, and Shubi carried him to Doctor Zick with his life hanging by a thread.

In the past 90 years, as a fighting mechanical species, Fantawild has spent almost all of his time in blood and hunting. This life of bloodthirsty and constant killing may only be competent for mechanical species. For Fangte's normal "person", he was also lost.

The most serious one time was that Fangte completely forgot his ultimate goal, and naturally regarded himself as a mechanical species. If it wasn’t for that time when Fangte went out to the Kingdom of Gears and just saw the night sky similar to Ania that night, I’m afraid He really can't come back.

"Cooperation? Fangte, cooperation? What?" Shubi lay on Fangte's lap, looking up at him with cute eyes.

"Huby, the articulator of Fante's left arm is broken. I don't have any stock here. Can you go to the distribution center and get some for me?"

Dr. Zick came back to his senses, looked at Shubi with a smile, and wanted to send her away.

"Then leave it to Hubby." Fang Te tenderly touched her little head.

Shubi enjoyed rubbing the palm of Fangte, who had been with her for more than 90 years, nodded cutely, and flew to the distribution center.

"Little Hubie, I'm going too."

Hongji signaled to Zick, and after he agreed, he happily chased Shubi away.

"Okay! Let's talk about your next plan."

After the two left, Fang Te said slowly.
(End of this chapter)

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