The evolution of slime

Chapter 172 Cooperation

Chapter 172 Cooperation
"Your Excellency Fangte means..." The Red Queen gradually understood what Fangte meant.

"Your Majesty's guess is correct. The orc tribe will not send troops this time, and will only provide assistance when necessary. The reason is of course that the orc tribe needs to recuperate. Therefore, all operations in the Twilight Continent will be carried out by mechanical species. If Your Majesty trusts me, and please entrust me with full responsibility for the Twilight Continent this time, and I will fight as an S-rank battle-species dragonheart."

Fang Te looked directly into the eyes of the Red Queen, without fleeing in the slightest.

"After the end, most of the mineral energy of the Twilight Continent will be owned by the mechanical species, and the orc tribe will not take every flower and grass of the Twilight Continent! However, I hope that His Majesty can take the Twilight Continent's Jon Cape and Nessari O Capet to me."

"According to what Your Excellency Fangte said, the mechanical species will suffer the most this time, and the mechanical species will benefit the most." The Red Queen stood up and paced back and forth in the store, hesitating.

"Jon Capet is very ambitious. In order to develop, there must be a battle between the Twilight Continent and the Kingdom of Gears. It depends on whether the Twilight Continent will take the initiative to declare war after the Twilight Continent becomes stronger, or the Kingdom of Gears will take the initiative now." His Majesty's choice."

The footsteps behind Fangte gradually stopped, and Hong Ji turned around, looking at the slime with a size of [-] cubic centimeters in front of her, without any hesitation in her eyes.

"Dragonheart! How many troops do you need?!" Although the Red Queen already has emotions, she is not just a mechanical species, but some of her nature as a mechanical species has become her personality.

Once the mechanical species made a decision, they would not ask why they chose!

Fangte turned around and jumped off the chair, his figure gradually grew bigger, and after a while, he turned into an S-class mechanical species again - Dragonheart.

"Only need 49 mechanical species!"


"Including Dragonheart! A total of [-] S-class combat machines!"

There was silence in the store, the two looked at each other, neither of them spoke.

In the largest castle in the Twilight Continent, a silver-haired girl in a black dress was reading a book brought from the orc tribe in her room.

It has been three months since Emilia's arrival. During these three months, Emilia did not dare to fall into a deep sleep every night. Every time she rested, she would engrave a lot of magic circles, and even put herself A piece of her soul was engraved into the last magic circle. If the magic circle was broken, she would die immediately, and she would never give the other party any chance to touch her.

Perhaps because of Emilia's determination, Nelthario did not do anything inappropriate to Emilia in the past three months. It's just like a guest.

However, Emilia knew that everything was not that simple, and the calmer the environment, the more vigilant she was.

Standing up, always vigilant and a little tired, she looked at the distant sky through the window. She thought of a green slime. At this moment, her eyes were so gentle.

"Father, have you confirmed it? Shirley is really the one favored by God?"

In the dark forest of the Twilight Continent, Neltharion walked with his father.

"Aegiya's favor, the silver-haired dragon girl, do you think there is anyone more in line with the prophecy of God on the stone tablet?"

Under the twilight city, there is a stele similar to that of the former Ori Kingdom. On the stele is a ferocious black dragon. It breathes black dragon breath and burns everything in the world. Beside the black dragon, Is following countless different dragon clans!On the ground, the undead surrender to it, and all things bow their heads to it!

And at the bottom of the stele, "Akiya's family member, the silver-haired dragon girl" is written in dragon language.

Nelthario brought Emilia to the Twilight Continent, in addition to wanting to possess her, part of the important reason was that his father thought she was a divinely favored person (a divinely favored person: a godhead with a god , which is equivalent to the agent of the gods in the world, who can use divine power),
"Also, Nelthario, do you still remember what happened to Shirley two months ago?" the owner of the Twilight Continent said slowly, showing envy and longing in his eyes.

Mentioning what happened two months ago, Neltharion frowned. The favored person has the power of the gods, or it can be said to be the ability.

Since Emilia is the favored person of the phantasy species, she should have some of Aegia's abilities. According to literature records, Aegia's abilities include "black flame" and "soul ferry".

The former can burn everything until the target is completely burned to ashes, otherwise it will not be extinguished. The latter can strip the soul and even send it directly to the kingdom of heaven. It can be said to be the key to mastering the Canyon of the Dead. Dead things, Jon Capet has been nostalgic for a long time.

Two months ago, under the arrangement of Jon Capet, Emilia had an outing with herself and Neltharion. The location of the outing was the "Dark Graveyard" in the Twilight Continent.

The nobles in the Twilight Continent didn't pay much attention to the burial of the dead, so most of the corpses in the Twilight Continent were buried in the dark cemetery, and the dark element in it was the most intense place in the entire Twilight Continent, so some undead were also produced.

Although these undead are very low-level, their attack power is not strong, and they have no sanity, but the moment Emilia arrived, all the aimless undead and low-level skeleton fighters stopped and looked at Emily ya.

Although Emilia didn't know what was going on, a strong intuition prompted her to touch a low-level undead. The undead touched by Emilia began to slowly drift away, decomposing into dark elements and dissipating in the environment among.

The next moment, all the undead, including low-ranking soldiers, knelt down on one knee towards Emilia to show their submission.

Nelthario felt cold sweat when he thought of the situation at that time. Fortunately, the Twilight Continent is not like the Canyon of the Dead. There are only a small number of undead with low combat effectiveness, and Emilia is also ignorant of her own abilities. Otherwise, if she were to command a huge army of the dead, things would be difficult.

"Although the ability of "Black Flame" has not been awakened, the surrender of those undead has already explained everything." Jon Cape patted Nelthario's shoulder, "We must hold Shirley in our own hands !"

"But father, you also know Shirley's character, and I still can't get close to her." Nesario spread his hands, expressing some helplessness.

"There are thousands of ways to conquer girls, why should we ask for trouble?"

Jon Cape smiled and took out a bottle of potion from his pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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