The evolution of slime

Chapter 173 Visit

Chapter 173 Visit
"Father, this is."

After receiving the medicine bottle, Nelthario frowned as he looked at the blue liquid inside.

"The tears of the succubus." Jon Cape said with a smile, "This is the potion used by the demon succubi to seduce their 'prey'. It can arouse lust to the strongest state. Just a small drop can Let that little girl Xue Li fall."

"Father, using this method to conquer a woman is an insult to me! I can get her, I don't need this kind of thing." Nelthario's tone was already full of anger.

In Nelthario's impression, what kind of woman can't be captured by him?Where is the need for such incompetent people to use things!This is simply an insult to one's identity and beliefs!

"Don't worry." Jon Cape patted his son on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I know there is no girl in the world that you can't conquer, but Shirley is different. Leave it to you, I didn't ask any word about you, but you haven't made any progress, time waits for no one."

"But father! Even if I get her man afterwards, so what, does her heart still exist after she finds out that she has been humiliated?"

"You don't understand now. There is a saying in the Dongxia Kingdom that the raw rice is cooked, so what can she do? Besides, she will be your woman sooner or later, so what method does it matter? The result is not the same.”

Jon Capet put the potion in his palm, gently broke off his fingers and held the potion
At the same time, on the east side of the Twilight Continent, fifty mechanical species crossed the Mississippi Sea and landed on land.

The lead mechanical species chewed a straw and observed the next four weeks.

I have to say that the environment here is really not good. All the plants are black, even the sand is black, and there are continuous howls and wailings from the blackness in the distance. The eerie atmosphere is simply an ideal development place for a haunted house.

Fangte even thought that if Twilight Continent was transformed into a haunted house theme park, it would definitely be hot.

"Xiao Ming, where do the two-headed dogs live?" Fang Te shaved his teeth with a straw, and said in a casual tone.

A mechanical species stepped forward and stood behind Fangte.

"Captain, according to the analysis of data, the Dog Demons love heat very much, and their residence is in the volcano of the Twilight Continent."

"Volcano." Fang Te looked ahead and spit out the straw, "Actually, I'm quite afraid of heat."

That day, fifty mechanical species stepped into the Twilight Continent at the same time, but soon, all the mechanical species dispersed and flew towards fifty different noble tribes in the Twilight Continent.

Except for the Dog Demons, these fifty noble tribes are not the top nobles in the Twilight Continent, and they are all scattered in all directions of the Twilight Continent. However, these nobles all have a common characteristic, that is, they were all once The original owner of the Twilight Continent was once violently conquered by the Twilight Dragon.

Under the rule of the Twilight Dragon, these nobles who were originally born and bred in the Twilight Continent have been suppressed by the Twilight City for a long time, except for the two-headed dog demons who are under the influence of the Twilight City. In addition, other nobles are quite miserable.

Although they seem to be calm on the surface in recent years, they don't know what they think in their hearts, but Fang Te feels that the race that was born and raised in an environment that is too "black" to be "black" in the Twilight Continent is really true. Those who don't believe that they really surrendered to the Twilight Dragon obediently.

Including the two-headed dogs, they were originally the No. [-] nobles in the Twilight Continent, but now they have become the vassals of the Twilight Dragon and other people's younger brothers. Fang Te believes that they still have some pimples in their hearts.

The Twilight Continent seems to be stable, and there are no storms under the rule of the Twilight Dragon, but this is just a bomb under the quilt. Everything needs an opportunity. If this is the case, Fangte will give them a chance. Opportunity!
A nobleman's rebellion is looking for death, and they don't even think about it. A group of nobleman's rebellion may still have some hope. They may still think about it and be a little confident, but they may just stop thinking about it. After all, the Twilight Dragon is still There are a large number of Twilight magic army, and the strength of the two dragons is not underestimated. Who would really seek death meaninglessly, and the two-headed dog demons naturally would not hit the stone with an egg.

But, what if this group of primitive nobles knew that the two-headed dog demon clan had betrayed?
Did the two-headed dog demons know that there was a group of primitive nobles standing on the same front as themselves?
Will they be moved?
at last!Let them know that not only them, but also the mechanical species will help them!And all the mechanical species want is 60.00% of the magic energy crystals in the Twilight Continent.

For these primitive nobles, they don't have the technology to use magic crystals to create magic armies. In this case, magic crystals are not very useful to them, and the mechanical species only needs 60.00%. What can't be done in this kind of transaction? Woolen cloth? !
Under the superposition of various conditions, Fantawild became the fuse, and the bomb under the quilt would be ignited.

Fangte has come to the lava city of the two-headed dog demon!The walls of this city are built of lava stones, and there are dozens of volcanoes of different sizes in the city, and the residents in the city are all two-headed dogs.

A river flows through the lava city, but this river is so red that it makes people panic because it is full of magma.

"Stop, who are you? Why did you appear on the territory of my two-headed dog demon?"

Beside the city wall, Fangte was stopped by the two-headed dog demon guards on the [-]-meter-high city wall.

Fangte didn't speak, but just stretched out his right hand to face the sky. Under the gaze of the Dog Demons, Fangte's right hand began to change continuously, and after a while, it turned into an energy fort.

Fangte shot at the sky, an explosion smashed in the air, the sound spread throughout the city, and the ground trembled!
"Mechanical species!"

The two-headed dog demon guards stared at Fang Te in surprise, doubts abounded in their hearts.

Why did the mechanical species, which has always been indifferent to the world, suddenly appear in the dog demon tribe?Although the Twilight Continent fought a big battle with the mechanical species, and the two-headed dog demons also participated, but the mastermind is also the Twilight City Lord, why did they only find us?

"My dear friends, the shot just now was just to show my identity. I am code-named Dragonheart, an S-class combat mechanical species, and I came here to discuss with your tribe. There is no malice."

Fang Te bowed and said with a smile.

"Go and report to the leader! Say the S-class mechanical species is coming!"

The guards of the city wall concentrated their minds, staring at Fang Te below the city and said in a cold voice.

(End of this chapter)

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