The evolution of slime

Chapter 174 Hachier

Chapter 174 Hachier

"Is there something wrong with the mechanical species coming to my lava city?"

In the central city lord's mansion of Lava Dog Demon City, the patriarch of the two-headed dog demons sits on the throne of the city lord carved out of rock. Stand on his left and right respectively.

Fangte, who was under the steps of the throne, carefully looked at the two-headed dogs and demons. It has to be said that this race can be said to be a natural fighter.

The two-headed dog demons are very tall, with an average height of nearly two meters, and the city lord sitting on the throne of the city lord is even closer to three meters. Their figures are burly and out of shape.

The strong muscles are exposed. Although the eight-pack abdominal muscles are covered by red hair, Fangte can still see its general shape, especially the two sexy big chest muscles, which Fangte dreamed of in his previous life!
"Respected leader, I am here to form an alliance with you on behalf of the mechanical species." Fang Te put his palm on his chest and bowed in a very respectful tone.

Hearing Fangte's respectful tone, the two red-haired dog heads of the dog demon leader were stunned. In his impression, the mechanical species were cold tools, and the tone was without the slightest emotion, but in front of him It's really unbelievable that the tone of this mechanical species is like an ordinary person.

Could it be that the mechanical species has evolved?
"Your Excellency Dragonheart! I also hope that you can pay attention to your wording, and please don't cause unnecessary misunderstandings to others." Fang's surprised expression flashed away, and the two-headed dog demon city lord frowned Wrinkled, looking very serious, but Fang Te thinks he looks a bit like Erha with red hair.
"You didn't hear me wrong, my lord, I am indeed expressing your request for cooperation on behalf of the mechanical species." Fang Te said with a smile, the rich expression did not look like a mechanical species.

Ha Chier (the patriarch of the two-headed dog demon clan) squinted his eyes and looked directly at Fangte.

The relationship between the mechanical species and the Twilight Continent is not good. To be precise, the relationship between the Twilight Dragon and the Kingdom of Gears is not good, but as the younger brother of the Twilight Dragon, the relationship with the Kingdom of Gears is not much better. go.

But, why did the mechanical species come to him for cooperation?wrong?Why would a mechanical species with an elm-headed mind cooperate with others?
"My lord seems to be doing well as a vassal of the Twilight Dragon."

Fangte looked around the palace of the lava city. The palace was very empty, supported by several huge dragon rock pillars, with ancient languages ​​engraved on it.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that the two-headed dog demons are the most primitive and ancient nobles in the Twilight Continent, even if they become the younger brother of the Twilight Dragon, they can still get along well."

With a sound of "shua", the guard standing beside Ha Chi'er moved violently, and the sound of armor rubbing around his lower body echoed in the huge hall.

They glared at Fang Te, and the sharp teeth of the two skulls on the neck dripped sticky saliva. If Ha Chierping hadn't raised his hand to signal them not to move, they would have rushed to bite Fang Te.

"Your Excellency, are you insulting my two-headed dog demon?" The two-headed dog demon has a bad temper, and Ha Chi'er is also trying to suppress his emotions.

"The Demon Dog Demon Race was born and raised in the Twilight Continent, and its tribe has ruled half of the Twilight Continent for nearly a thousand years." Fang Te walked slowly in the hall with his hands behind his back, and his tone was not in a hurry, "The warriors The fighting power is extremely strong, one is worth one hundred, and he believes in 'I would rather die than surrender'. He is a model of contemporary fighters, but he surrendered after being defeated by the Twilight army 600 years ago, and finally became a warrior at the foot of the Twilight Dragon. running dog."

Fangte turned around and looked at Ha Chier, with sarcasm and contempt in his eyes.

"So, it's not me who insulted you, but yourself." Fang Te said word by word.

With a "roar", the four guards around Harchi couldn't bear it anymore, black magic power surrounded them, and their weapons were equipped with sharp claws.

Like the violent blood of the orcs, the four double-headed dog devils fell on all fours, their bodies began to swell, their muscles began to bulge, their pupils were extremely scarlet, and saliva slipped from their fangs and dripped on the ground.

This time Harchi didn't stop his guards, they rushed towards Fangte, wanting to teach this unrestrained machine a bloody lesson.

Looking at the four two-headed dog demons that looked like he was pounced on, Fangte didn't have the slightest panic in his eyes.

The sharp claws reached his forehead, Fang Te stretched his body and then dodged, he casually grabbed his tail and swung it, throwing the dog that fell from the sky and wanted to crush Fang Te like a hammer ball magic.

With a "boom", the two-headed dog demon was knocked into the wall by his companion, and a depression was knocked out of the wall made of lava.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the other two raised their four heads and spit out hot flames with a temperature of over a thousand at Fangte.

But what I didn't expect was that the mechanical species swallowed all the flames they had just spit out, and then a fire knife appeared in his hand.

The roar of the core of the mechanical species sounded, Fang Te stepped in front of them, and with a flick of the fire knife, they were all sent flying.

"My lord, you are really impatient." Fang Te twisted his body and sat down on an unconscious dog demon, "As I said, the Kingdom of Gears is here to seek your cooperation. of."

"It really is an S-class combat machine!"

Ha Chi'er's claws holding the throne were even stronger, and a strong vigilance arose in her heart.

There are nearly a million combat machines in the Kingdom of Gears, but there are only three hundred S-class machines! Their strength has long been recognized by the world.

Although it is only an S-level mechanical species, as long as you bear the pain and pay some price, you can still erase this S-level mechanical species, but everyone knows that the mechanical species is connected with "will". S-class combat mechs died in Lava City!I am afraid that the country of gears will never let it go.

Moreover, the Kingdom of Gears actually sent S-class mechanical species to Lava City!Could it be that those mechanical species like tools are really serious! ?

"It was my subordinate who was rude just now, please forgive me." Harchi said indifferently, as if everything had nothing to do with him. Everyone said that the dog demons are simple-minded and well-developed limbs, but this leader is really different.

"It's okay, but I think your patience with me has reached its limit, and I'm not good at words, so I wrote down the purpose and plan of this visit here, please read it."

After all, Fangte flew out a letter. Ha Chier opened the envelope and saw that everything was written in general in detail. Unknowingly, Ha Chier frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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