Chapter 20

A small magic circle bound Fangte, unable to move at all.

"You four bastards are counting on me!"

Fang Te turned around like a QQ candy, only to see that the four brazen old thieves quickly disappeared.

"This binding circle is based on body shape, it will be fine if you get smaller." Li Lin said lightly.

"That's it."

Fangte twisted his body back and changed back to a size of more than 20 cubic centimeters. Sure enough, he found that he didn't feel that sense of restraint. He took small steps, turned around and wanted to leave.

"Is it boring to be with me?" Li Lin's voice sounded like a silver bell came from behind Fang Te, she pouted her mouth angrily, looking pure and lovely.

Fang Te stopped moving, and when he heard Li Lin's sad and resentful tone, he felt a little guilty.

During this period of time, Fangte learned about the situation of this country, and even more about the only princess in this country.

Li Lin lost her mother since she was a child, and was locked in this gorgeous palace since she was a child, without seeing the outside world.

Some time ago, the king ran out with his eyes closed, but was brought back within a few months. For Li Lin, this magnificent palace may not be as good as the big world outside.

In a few months, Li Lin will be 16 years old, and she will also be married. At that time, it will be impossible for Li Lin to go to the outside world again, and as the friend she made in the outside world, she will It is her only consolation, which is why Li Lin knocked herself out and brought her back.

But during this period of time, Fang Te was either lying unconscious on the bed, or obsessed with the beast-ear girl and the maid, or drinking and chatting with the four old men, and then discussing with the four old men about the cheating stone tablet. philosophy.
I really seem to have forgotten this girl
Of course, this is not the whole reason, there is another reason that Fangte will not stay here for long.

As long as the four old men complete the space tunnel leading to the beastman kingdom, Fangte will leave. Before that, if Lilin's friendship with her is deeper, she will be sadder when she leaves, so Fangte is actually Some deliberately avoided her.

"It's not boring. After all, chatting with beautiful women can be boring." Fang Te moved his small body and jumped up the steps of the pavilion, and then onto the stone table. "However, I've been very busy recently."

Fangte didn't lie, he's really been "very busy" recently
Li Lin caressed the hem of her skirt and sat down lazily, with her crystal chin resting on the stone table, her big watery eyes looked at Fangte wearily.

Perhaps the atmosphere felt a little awkward, Fang Te took the initiative to find words:

"Aren't you busy with blind dates recently? I think there are a few more handsome ones, of course, a little worse than me. How do you feel?"

"I don't know." Li Lin turned her head lazily, a strand of hair fell beside her ear, "I've known them since childhood, I like them, but I just treat them like brothers, like... like a brother."

Fang Te wanted to slap himself very much, he felt that he was a genius for chatting, what kind of topic was not good to talk about, talking about a girl's emotions.

"But Fangte, what do you mean by liking? I like my father, my brothers who played with me since I was a child, I like the four mage grandpas, and I like you too."

"Wait! Say it again!"

Li Lin hesitated for a moment, then repeated: "But Fangte."

"No! It's the last sentence!"

"Like you too?"

"Please use an affirmative sentence and remove the 'also' if you can."

"like you."

"Ah~~~~ It's a feeling of heartbeat"

Seeing Fang Te's appearance, Li Lin didn't know why he was so excited, but he always felt cheap.
"Cough, cough, cough." Fangte coughed a few times after realizing his dream of being confessed by a girl, and returned to the topic, isn't it easy to explain to a girl what "like" is?Although I have been single for 18 years!But have you never eaten pork, haven't you seen a pig run?

"Actually, 'likes' are classified into different categories. For example, your liking for me is between friends, and for those four old wretches."

"You are not allowed to say that about Grandpa Master!"

"Well, the 'like' for those four old men and your father is between family members, and the 'like' for those noble children who grew up with you is like between friends and family members, Of course, if possible, this 'like' would rise to 'love'."


"Well, to put it simply." Fang Te rubbed his chin, talking nonsense in a serious manner, satisfying the love master's addiction, "Simply put, it's the feeling of heartbeat!"

"Then do you have feelings for the slime at the banquet?" Li Lin asked innocently.

Fang Te rolled his eyes, and when he was about to answer, a voice came from not far away.

"My dear princess, forgive me for my private visit."

A man came over. The man was handsome, with sharp edges and corners, a slender figure, and a smile like a spring breeze. He had the appearance of a young girl in spring who would fall in love with him, or a single dog who would want to beat someone up.

Li Lin held Fang Te in her arms, bowed slightly, and called softly, "Cousin."

The son of King Ori's righteous brother--Ori Toke, if nothing else happens, he is the nobleman who is most likely to marry Lilin and become the next King Ori.

"Hello, respected Mr. Fonte." Ori Tok stretched out his hand to Fangte who was in Li Lin's arms.

"Hello, charge now!" Fang Te transformed into small tentacles and held him with natural hostility.

Although Ori Toke didn't know the meaning of the word "now charged", he clearly felt Fangte's hostility, but he still maintained an elegant and calm image.

"Li Lin, you are becoming more and more attractive, you have really grown up."

"Which place are you talking about?"

Fante responded, the pure girl beside her didn't understand what it meant, but Ori Toker's eyelids twitched slightly.

"Li Lin, my mother wants to see you, are you free to have dinner together tonight? I have already made an agreement with Uncle King."

"Sorry, Li Lin and I already have an appointment tonight."

Fang Te said on his own, and Li Lin was also slightly taken aback, but nodded with a smile, indicating that it was indeed the case.

In the ensuing conversation, every time Ori Toke said a word, he would be choked by Fang Te once. He and Li Lin had so few conversations. It is estimated that he will have to fight Fangte a long time ago.

Half an hour later, Ori Tok really couldn't get around Fonte, so he said he would come back another day and left the garden.

"Fangte, you seem to dislike your cousin very much."

After Ori Toke left, Li Lin asked.

"Yes, I don't like him very much!"

Fante lost his eyes, which was a very uncomfortable feeling.

On the other hand, after Ori Toke left, he walked out of the palace and met an unknown person...

(End of this chapter)

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