The evolution of slime

Chapter 21 Anthony

Chapter 21 Anthony

Adjacent to the three city-states of the Kingdom of Ori, there is a city-state attached to the Kingdom of Ella, named Affiga.

But today, the city-state fell into a great panic. Countless merchants and rich men opened up the relationship with the guards and soldiers, and let their daughter who was waiting for a family sneak out of Affiga.

And some ordinary people without money also locked their unmarried daughters tightly in their houses!Never let your daughter go out!
And in the palace, the master of the city-state knelt at the feet of a man who was only 20 years old.

The man sat on the highest seat in the palace, hugging left and right. These girls did not dare to speak angrily. Some of them were young girls who were captured not long after they left the city, and some were the daughters of the masters of the city-state kneeling on the ground.

"I heard that the princess of the Ori Kingdom next door to you was born with stunning beauty and hasn't married yet. Is this true?" the second prince of Ella said lightly.

"I heard so, Your Highness." The owner of the Affiga city-state broke out in cold sweat, "But I don't have the blessing to see it with my own eyes, but I brought a nobleman from the Ori Kingdom, he is Ori Ri Lilin's cousin! And he also wants to see you, Your Majesty."

"Oh? Really, then invite him in."

Sweet said casually, already sketching the appearance of Ori Lilin in her head, wondering how beautiful she is?Is it more beautiful than that little female dragon?

A handsome man walked into the palace, he was Ori Tok.

"My lord! May the flame of Perseus be with you." Ori Toko knelt on one knee.

"The flames of Purseus don't burn me to death." Sweet waved his hand, gesturing for him to get up, "I heard that your cousin is so beautiful? What do you say?"

Sweet went straight to the point, without any nonsense, even Ori Toker was a little dazed!

Originally, he wanted to come here to discuss business with Prince Ella, one of the three human empires. He wanted to exchange his cousin for the affiliated city-states of the Ori Kingdom and the Ella Empire, but he did not expect that he would be so direct and let The belly draft that I had originally typed was useless.

"My Highness! Ori Lilin's appearance is absolutely rare in the world, I'm afraid even Ajiya (the god species, created the fantasy species, and it is recorded in the book that Aijiya's beauty can make the sun and the moon sink) is not ashamed! "

"Oh! That's it! It seems that I didn't come in vain this time!"

Sweet stood up happily, pulled out a sword and threw it directly at the Santo Afiga.

"Mobilize all the troops of the nearby city-states affiliated to the country of Ella to attack the Auri Empire, within seven days! After seven days! I want to enjoy that human Ajiya in bed!"

When the main battle of Affiga City held up the long sword grandly and was about to leave, Ori Toke on the side hurriedly said.

"Your Highness! Although the Kingdom of Ori has only three small city-states, there are 300 paladins (although under the jurisdiction of the church, they are obliged to defend the country before the country is in trouble)! Four sixth-level mages! 100 priests! (with paladins The same, under the jurisdiction of the church) the total number of fighters is 2, if His Highness wants to attack by force! I am afraid that the loss will be heavy!"

"Oh? Then my future brother-in-law, what's your opinion?" Sweet said playfully.

"Your Highness! I am willing to persuade King Ori to submit to the Ella Empire! I would like to swear by the god of mankind, Purseus! Swear allegiance to Your Highness to the death, Rugbas (King of the Kingdom of Ori) refuses! I am willing to respond in the city Your Highness! It can reduce most of Your Highness' losses!"

"sounds good."

Sweet touched the softness of the woman beside him, and seemed to think about it seriously.

"Then my dear brother-in-law, what benefits do you want? What benefits do you want to make you betray your uncle and give up the human Ajiya you mentioned?"

Ori Toke was overjoyed, feeling that everything was within his plan, and there was no big deviation!

"It is your highness! It is my honor to serve the Ella Empire! I am willing to be your confidant! For your highness! For the Ella Empire, manage the 10 square kilometers of land centered on the Affiga city-state, totaling [-] city-states!"

"The 10 city-states cover a total of [-] square kilometers. It seems that you not only want the Ori Kingdom, but also use the power of the Ella Empire to rule the nearby city-states."

Ori Tok didn't say anything, just lowered his head.

"Master Affiga, tell me, a total of [-] square kilometers of land was exchanged for a beautiful girl and a loyal minister! Did I make a fortune?"

Affiga didn't speak, but his clothes were soaked in cold sweat.

"But, how do I know if you will stab me in the back in the end?" Sweet said lightly, without the slightest emotion in his tone.

"Your Highness!"

Ori Tok raised his head, and wanted to say something more!But a black flame swept towards Ori Tok from the corner!

Before he could react!He has been burned to ashes!The girls around Sweet covered their mouths in fear, for fear that they would cause the man's dissatisfaction by screaming.

Sweet sat back on his seat carelessly, and said to the mass of ashes under the steps:
"If you are facing other small countries, you may be tempted by your rhetoric. Unfortunately, you made a mistake. You are facing the Ella Empire." Sweet glanced contemptuously That ball of ashes, "I hate tall and handsome men."

A nameless wind blew out from the corner, blowing the dead ashes of Ori Toke out of the window.

"Your Highness! I'm going to gather the troops now."

The lord of Affiga turned around again and wanted to leave. After all, Ori Toke was brought by himself, and he also had a deal with Ori Toke in private. He was afraid that this cruel second prince would burn himself in the next moment. into ashes.

"City Lord, didn't you hear what that person said just now? I still think it makes sense." Sweet said with a smile, but this smile looked like a devil's smile in the eyes of City Lord Affiga.

"What do you mean, Your Highness?" Santo Affiga asked with a trembling bow.

"Write a letter to King Ori, asking him to hand over his daughter within two days! Otherwise, His Highness will personally go to greet that human Aegiya!"


The city lord of Affiga sweated, and hurriedly retreated. In the palace, only a few scantily clad girls and Sweet were left.

"My respected mage, tell me, isn't it very polite for me to give courtesy first and then soldiers?"

Sweet's words echoed in the palace, and the girls looked miserable, not even daring to breathe harder.

In the darkness of the corner, where the black fire came out, an old man in a mage robe slowly came out.

The only archmage of the human species!
(End of this chapter)

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