The evolution of slime

Chapter 200 Revealing identity

Chapter 200 Revealing identity
The door of the conference hall slowly opened, Fang Te walked into the conference hall accompanied by the Empress and Hong Ji, and Shubi also tightly grasped Fang Te's clothes, with her small head pressed against Fang Te's back, Let Fang Te lead.

As soon as they entered the meeting hall, the leaders inside looked at Fangte in unison, and their gazes were so hot, as if they were looking at a woman who was not wearing any clothes, and they could see Fangte's goosebumps. Pimples are up.

Hongji also noticed that these leaders looked at Fangte strangely, and approached Fangte silently, while the empress smiled playfully. , but if things change, she wants to leave, or who she wants to take away, I am afraid that only the two archmages Anthony and Vega can stop it a little bit.

The leaders of the conference hall consciously gave way to Fangte, and along this road, Fangte and others walked to the front of the crowd in the conference hall.

"I said, it's fine if Ai Li (the leader of the blood clan) looks at me affectionately, why are you old men looking at me like that? Have you never seen a handsome guy?"

Fang Te said half-jokingly, and glanced at the leaders in the meeting hall, Fang Te found that their breathing became more and more rapid, and some clans with more direct and irritable tempers had already clenched their fists, as if they were enduring something.

It wouldn't be because they knew that I was the slime of Ania, so they were very upset with me, no, I made it so obvious, they should have guessed that I was that slime a long time ago !

"That you don't keep talking, I'm afraid of you being silent like this." Fangte said lightly, "Okay, I admit it, I'm Ania's handsome slime who fascinates thousands of girls .”

Fangte came into contact with the "shape changer" skill, and returned to his original and most comfortable posture.

When a one-cubic-meter-sized slime appeared in front of everyone, even though they were prepared for it, they were still taken aback, and they looked at Fangte even more enthusiastically.

After all, Fantawild's reputation has been too great over the years. They have long been curious about this lowest but most legendary slime, and today they finally saw it!
However, this slime seems to be different from what they had imagined.
In the impression of these demon species, this slime should be more than 30 meters tall!Then the whole body is pitch black!It can transform into thousands of tentacles!It has a pair of devil horns on top of its head!Sharp teeth can crush everything!His eyes should be extremely murderous!

This springy slime looks a little cute
Especially Ellie, the leader of the vampire, this royal-sister-type vampire leader's eyes lit up when she saw Fang Te's appearance!I can't wait to hold him in my arms and knead him fiercely!
"That... Actually, I didn't intend to hide it, but in order to deceive the opponent, it is definitely impossible for me to reveal my identity, and it doesn't matter if I am a real machine species, after all, I am indeed forming an alliance with you on behalf of the machine species."

The battle is imminent, Fangte said frankly, for Fangte's side, the strength of his own side is not far from that of Jon Capet, so every high-level leader needs to have absolute trust in each other, and no one is allowed to appear. Any point of distance and suspicion!otherwise!This suspicion will become a breakthrough for the enemy!In the end, it became the fatal wound of the coalition forces!Therefore, Fangte needs to be honest with them!This is a must.

"The purpose of my coming here is also very simple. My wife was kidnapped. Of course, I want to get it back! Although I learned that my wife disappeared not long ago. But the matter has come to this point, and I can't back down. "Fante continued, "Our purpose in this battle is different. You are fighting for your own clan, while the Orc Tribe and Dong Xia are to solve this future powerful enemy, and the mechanical species is also to solve Jon Capet, but They are even more for the magic energy crystal."

"Although our goals are different, our enemies are the same, so we will gather together! Fight! Bloody!"

Fante's words spread to every corner of the conference hall, and his tone became more and more passionate.

"I know that this last battle will be the most difficult battle since the half-year campaign!"

"In this battle! Most of you are going to die! Even! I'm fucking going to die too, I really don't want to die! No! Who wants to die? Who wants to die? No one! Cares Our people are still waiting for us to go back! People close to us are waiting for our triumph at the gate of the tribal house! They are all our favorite people! So! We want to live!"

"I know that even if we win this battle, those disgusting nobles behind you will let you compete with the other clan leaders present for all resources! I also know that you don't want to do that!"

"Being an enemy of someone who once lived and died together! This kind of thing is more uncomfortable than death!"

"I know that everyone can bury this matter in their hearts and not think about it! Because everyone dare not think about it! Just think about it! Our will to fight will be depressed! Our desire for victory will dissipate! Even if it is victory It’s gone! For the Twilight Continent! It’s nothing more than a more chaotic situation! And the killing will continue!”

"But is it over if you don't want to? If you don't want to, can you pull out the thorn in your heart?" Fang Te took a deep breath and swept across all the clan leaders.

All the leaders in the meeting room seemed to have noticed something, and they raised their heads to look at Fangte.

"I came late today. I would like to apologize to everyone for this, because I went to deal with some things, and these things, if nothing happened, should have been completed."

Fang nodded, and Hong Ji released the projection!A list of deaths in the projection!See this great list!All the clans occupying seats gasped!These lists are all cancerous nobles of various clans and tribes obtained by Fangte after investigation!Now!They were all cleaned!
But instead of being angry, the leaders in the chamber were a little bit happy.

"The Twilight Continent is very similar to Ania, because it is the same as Ania. For seven centuries, various races in the Twilight Continent have been fighting continuously! Various frictions continue to occur! Even if Jon Capet became the Twilight Continent Lord, he did not stop this kind of mutual conquest! He even likes to see conflicts between tribes! Because this can wear down the strength of tribes! This is more conducive to his control!"

"I'm just an outsider in the affairs of the Twilight Continent, and I have no right to interfere, but! Before the war! I don't want to have any uncertain factors. After all, this battle is not only about the Twilight Continent, so please everyone Forgive my rash act."

After all, Fang Te bowed deeply.
(End of this chapter)

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