The evolution of slime

Chapter 204 The Horn Has Sounded

Chapter 204 The Horn Has Sounded
In the world year 3019th century [-], across the Mississippi Sea, on the Twilight Continent opposite the Endless Land!On the tens of thousands of miles of plains between the Black City and the Bone Horse City, the biggest war in this land since the seventh century took place!
The two sides have invested a total of 120 million races, of which the Black City side has a total of 50, and the Bone Horse City side has the remaining 70!
In this war, none of the clown tricks will work!On this blood-stained black land!Fight only with strength, fight only with blood!
On this final battlefield, no one quits!And no one will be able to quit!Only the victors can leave this battlefield!Those who stay on this battlefield will be those who sleep forever!

This period of history will become a compulsory chapter in the history of high school students in the "schools" that will bloom all over the world in the future!At the same time, it is also a battle that any military scientist cannot avoid!
A few years later, the natives of Ainia were also full of emotions for this plain, because no matter which side won the victory, this plain buried too many ancestors.

However, no one thinks that this war is unnecessary!Because without this battle, the Twilight Continent would not have the current peace, and this world would not enter the real trend!

"It's really interesting, slime and the dragon of twilight, giggling fun"

In the vast sky above the battlefield, a silver-haired woman sat in the air with her slender legs crossed, and her white lotus root arms supported the girl's small crystal chin, looking down at the chilling battlefield where the two armies were confronting each other.

A strand of silver hair fell down the girl's small face, and the girl's golden vertical pupils revealed infinite banter, as if everything that happened in front of her was just a drama, and he was the superior spectator.

"Hey, Shirley, the person you like is here, tell me, will he win?" the silver-haired girl said to herself.

In the next moment, an extremely complicated expression flashed in the girl's eyes, filled with expectations, thoughts and worries
"Okay, okay, I know, but it's better for us to take a look here now. After all, even the gods dare not set foot in such a large-scale war."

The girl's bare feet turned up and down, up and down. The next moment, the girl seemed to feel something, and smiled lively at the battlefield.

"My dear legendary archmage, what are you looking at?"

In the center of the army, Fang Te followed the gaze of the Empress and looked up. There was only a starry sky above, which was quite beautiful, but Fang Te still felt that the starry sky of Ainia was the most beautiful.

"It's nothing." The empress looked away, "How good is my husband's chance of winning the last battle?"

"Huh..." Fang Te rubbed his hands. No matter what season it is, the nights in the Twilight Continent are always so cold. "Who knows the odds? But, isn't there you?"

As a legendary archmage, the Empress seldom takes action. Even if the Eastern Xia Kingdom has formed an alliance with the orc tribe, even if it is the most important one, the Empress does not intend to help Fangte, but only intends to run away with Fangte after the defeat. It's just the road.

Although I didn't know that this legendary archmage didn't want to make a move, but under Fangte's "bargaining"!The Empress finally agreed to Fang Te to help him deal with the [-] Twilight Magic Army.

In fact, according to the empress's strength, it is probably her limit to hold back the [-] Twilight army. [-] is indeed a little less, but Fangte is already very satisfied, and in exchange, Fangte needs to promise her one more thing. thing!

In addition to the incident last time, Fang Te already owed the Empress two things, Fang Te was actually quite flustered in his heart
"Goofy! Do you have any plans after this battle?" Lan Bujia and Ha Chier stood together. All the air forces including the Raven Clan had already flown into the air and prepared for the battle. Lan Bujia Bujia chatted with the leader of the two-headed dog demon clan before the battle.

"If you have any plans, it depends on what my lord has arranged. If he lets me stay in the Twilight Continent, I will stay. If he lets me go, I will go." Ha Chi'er held the blood claws made by the mechanical species in both hands, and stood up. The burly chest stood opposite the army and stared at the enemy.

"Oh, I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about whether you have any plans for your personal affairs." Lan Bujia shook his head helplessly.

"It's a personal matter." Ha Chi'er thought for a while, "Actually, I was going to get married, but I was tricked by my lord into rebelling against me two months before I got married. After this battle, I plan to go back to my hometown to get married."

Looking at the smile on Ha Chi'er's ferocious face, Lan Bujia knew that this guy missed her fiancée.

"Stupid bird, what about you, what are your plans?"

"I, I don't look like you. I got married the year before last, but I heard that the master said that Ania has a large library. The books in it are not in this world, and they are all written by the master himself. I'm going to study there for a few months."

"Dark Crow City is gone?"

"Hahaha, half of the orcs' blood flowed in the Dark Crow Clan's body. This time, returning to Ainia can be regarded as returning to the ancestors. This Dark Crow City, please take care of it when the time comes."

"I don't care."

Ha Chi'er muttered something for the first time, and Lan Bujia, who heard it beside him, smiled and didn't say anything more.

"Hey, hey, big fool! Don't step on us when the time comes!" On the left side of the army, Sha, the leader of the Sand Scorpion Clan, stood beside the leader of the Ogre Clan. Sha's long tail pushed against Charles. This time they fought hand in hand.

"Kukukuo, your clan is too short, so don't trip us up then."

"What did you say!"

Sha raised his long tail and stabbed at his thigh, the leader of the ogre tribe quickly dodged.

"Brother Xiong, please when the time comes." The leader of the gas ghost tribe patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, leave it to us!" Stella's huge bear paw patted on her armor, making a bang bang sound.

"Do you have any last words? Maybe I can convey them to you." The leader of the swamp monster said slowly, looking at the huge army ahead.

"Well, what last words can we Soul Clan have? We've already died, at worst we'll just die again." The leader of the Soul Clan said flatly.

"Hey, I heard that your daughter is very beautiful, why don't you let your daughter sleep with me for a few nights after this battle." Ellie, the leader of the blood clan, poked the waist of the leader of the dark elves next to him.

The leader of the dark elves frowned, not wanting to say anything more to this guy.

On the battlefield, there are many similar conversations. After this battle, some of the people who said these words are still there, and some are no longer there.
When the red moon moved into the air, the horn sounded loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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