The evolution of slime

Chapter 210 Don't Blame You

Chapter 210 Don't Blame You
In the Bone Horse City Lord's Mansion, there is an independent private room, which is separated from the other clan leaders who lived in the City Lord's Mansion before the war, and it also has a small garden, which can be regarded as Jon Capet's preferential treatment for her.

As night fell, after ordering good things, Fang Te came to the room as soon as he arrived at Bone Horse City from the battlefield.

Fang Te was afraid that the empress would think too much, and originally wanted to bring the empress to accompany him, but the empress allowed Fang Te to go to the room of the succubus woman alone, while the empress herself took Shubi to the Twilight City Finding traces of Emilia surprised Fangte.

"Are you really relieved to let me go?"

"Well, really."

"Then I'll go."

"Husband, let's go."

"Why don't Hubby accompany me to the Twilight Zone."

"No, just after the war, I need a husband here, let Shubi go with Li'er, it's okay for the husband to see her."

"Then I'm really going!"


In this way, under serious probing and questioning, Fang Te came to the woman's room.

"Your Excellency Fangte!" Su Mei's closest succubus girl, Ling'er, saluted after seeing Fangte coming to the room with her emerald green body.

She was obviously a little surprised by Fangte's arrival.

After seeing the huge faucet held in the hand of this little slime tentacles, Ling'er's tears fell down, and she knelt directly in front of Fangte with her small knees:
"His Excellency Ling'er Xie Fangte helps the Succubus get revenge!"

"You don't have to thank me. If there were no succubi, I wouldn't be able to lift this dragon head." Fang Te helped Ling'er up, and his tone showed obvious fatigue. Ever since the meeting in Heicheng, Fang Te hadn't After sleeping again, "Can you take me to meet the leader Su Mei?"

Mentioning Su Mei, Ling'er's face revealed a sad expression. After a brief silence, Ling'er said sadly: "The leader is in the inner room, please."

In the inner room, a purple-haired woman was lying on a soft purple bed. She was only wearing a thin layer of clothes. Even if the quilt embroidered with orchids was placed on her body, it could not block her curves that were more graceful than the empress. , but her complexion was pale and her breath was extremely weak.

"Ling'er is going down first, please tell me if you have something to do."


After Ling'er brought Fang Te to the inner room, she retreated "obediently". Before Fang Te could stop, she left and closed the door.

Fante shook his head helplessly, and took out a recording crystal (similar to a surveillance camera) to record everything that happened in the room, otherwise it would be really difficult for Li and Li to explain.

He inspected her body condition from a distance, and after 3 minutes, Fang Te put away his magic power, and the heart that was worried about her was relieved.

Although her face is pale and unconscious, and her breath is still weak, the magic points in her body have been repaired in sevens and eighties, and the magic power in her body has begun to generate and operate independently. As long as she cultivates well, it will take about seven or eight days. You can wake up.

"Leader Su Mei, I did what I promised you, but I'm really sorry, I originally wanted to capture this Twilight Dragon alive, but I didn't expect that as long as he doesn't die, the Twilight Army will not stop fighting, there is no way , I can only kill him."

The recording crystal recorded Fangte's words and deeds. He looked around, took a chair, put the faucet on the chair, and said to himself:
"Hey, don't blame me. I'll give you this head. Although it looks quite creepy, but you hate him so much, I believe you should like this head."

Fang Te looked at the faucet, thought for a while, and then found a piece of cloth to cover him.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you, I don't know what happened, I became the new Lord of Twilight, I was shocked at first, but in the end I accepted it, after all, my small goal is to unify world, so I am quite satisfied with being the co-owner of the Twilight Continent this time."

Fang Te swayed his butt and got off the stool, yawned, and continued to "report" the situation to his allies.

"But it's a pity that I still haven't found Leah. I really don't know where Leah has gone. Hey, tell me, where can she go as a little female dragon who has just grown up? Will she encounter any danger? Ah, alas, my brain hurts even thinking about it, even though I don’t have a brain.”

The scent of lavender in the room made the already exhausted body heavier and heavier. Slime began to speak intermittently, and his eyelids were about to close. The soft body swayed like a jelly.

"Ahhh." Fang Te yawned, "Where are you talking, oh yes, before, before, I said, I want you to go to Dongxia immediately, but now, the Twilight Continent is also stable now Come down, you can deal with business before going, no need"

The air was mixed with the virgin body of the succubus leader and the light fragrance of lavender. Fang Te's sleepiness reached its peak. Te also smacked his mouth a few times, snored, and slept soundly.

Two hours later, perhaps awakened by Fang Te's low snoring, the woman's fingers moved on the bed, her breathing became more and more stable, and her complexion was not as pale as before.

"very noisy……"

Hearing the snoring, Su Mei frowned and said weakly.

He opened his eyes sleepily, turned his head, and sat up with the bed propped up, only to see a green slime lying flat on the ground, snoring, and rubbing its belly from time to time.

Seeing Fang Te, Su Mei's lavender eyes showed shock at first, but soon, she understood everything. She knew that this slime had done what he promised, and he had won.

On another chair, something was covered by a cloth. Su Mei leaned over and lifted the cloth curiously.

When she saw what was under the canopy, tears fell silently.

She knew that now was not the time to cry, but when her only wish for many years was fulfilled, that kind of joy could only be expressed with tears, and the tears shed were very sweet.

"I killed him with my own hands, don't blame me, don't blame me."

Turning on the recording crystal beside the bed, Su Mei heard everything that Fang Te said before...

"Well, I don't blame you. Although Meier couldn't kill him with her own hands, Meier is very happy. How can I blame you?"

Putting down the recording crystal on the bedside, and looking at Fangte again, Su Mei's eyes were lovely, and a blush appeared on her sickly pale cheeks, very pretty.

"This is just a little thank you from Meier, nothing else."

Su Mei said solemnly, bit her lips lightly, hugged Fang Te from the ground into her arms, and hugged Fang Te into the bed with a faint fragrance.

"Fortunately, you should have a good night's sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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