The evolution of slime

Chapter 209 After the bloody

Chapter 209 After the bloody

The crows babbled, the thin clouds in the sky were dyed red, wandering in the sky, the blood-red sunset sprinkled the field, countless flags broke and fell, and there was a hill in the distance, but this hill was corpses stacked on top of each other , formed by stacking corpses on top of each other.

After passing through the blood-stained land, and after a night of cold air, the soil and blood coagulated together, and the small puddles also gathered red viscous liquid, exuding a stench.

On this battlefield, countless soldiers fell, and the exhausted soldiers staggered step by step. Their eyes were still scarlet, and the hand holding the half-broken flag pole kept shaking. trembling.

They looked around vigilantly, looking for the remaining enemies. When they found that the war was over, they breathed their last breath of relief, and knelt down on the ground with half of the flag.

A beautiful woman dragged a long plain white skirt and walked on this bright red land, the corners of her plain white skirt were stained red with blood.

Walking in front of a hill made of corpses, the beautiful woman took a deep breath, mobilized her magic power and began to carry the corpses out, as if she was digging something.

However, the beautiful woman didn't dig anything, and she changed one hill after another of corpses. She didn't lose the slightest thing every time she failed, because losing would only waste her time. The hem of the skirt was to dig, and she didn't care about the blood-stained hands in her hands, because she could only feel at ease when she saw him.

As she was digging, the woman's tears fell uncontrollably, ticking and falling on her slender hand that was constantly digging, attuned to the blood in the woman's hand, revealing a tinge of whiteness, which formed even more with the red-stained surroundings of the slender hand. sharp contrast.

"Hey, hey, stop digging, I'm here."

A frivolous and cheap voice sounded from behind the woman, a red and green slime slowly "pulled" itself out from the pile of corpses, beside this slime, a petite The soft little Loli sat up slowly, and she rubbed her eyes sleepily in ragged clothes, as if she had just woken up.

"Shuby... so tired to say" Huby complained weakly.

"Lucky Shubi, Shubi is so strong, unlike the beautiful sister in front of me, who is thousands of years old, I didn't expect it to be." Fang Te stroked Shubi's small head, and looked at the beautiful girl in front of her half-jokingly. woman.

It's just that before Fangte finished speaking, a fragrant shadow in front of him rushed towards Fangte. Before he could react, Fangte was tightly hugged by her in her warm arms.

Weeping silently, she knelt on the blood-red ground and tightly hugged him who was still alive. If one looked from the top down, the plain white dress was like a snow lotus blooming in the pool of blood, the beauty was suffocating.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, you are so old, you still cry." Fang Te stretched out his small tentacles to touch her long hair, and gently reprimanded her.

For the empress who has persisted for thousands of years, Fang Te thinks that she is stubborn and wrong. In Fang Te's view, there is only one person in a lifetime, and the empress's persistence only comes from her "never giving up". This kind of obsession will only The empress has been bothering her for thousands of years, so Fang Te thinks she should let it go!This is the right thing to do.

However, at this moment, Fang Te questioned himself.

Is it wrong to be obsessed with one person for several lives?Is "not giving up" also a stupid behavior?Even if she lets go, can she live a better life?Fangte is gradually becoming unclear now.

Stretching out his small tentacles, Fang Te lightly patted the Empress's delicate back, silently comforting her.
"Stella! Are you dead! Stella?"

In another part of the battlefield, the leader of the Gas Ghost Clan was lying on his back and slapping the Thunder Bear Clan leader who had a broken arm beside him weakly, but his slapping was like fanning the wind.

"Stop making noise, let me sleep for a while, I haven't had enough sleep yet." Stella woke up and clapped the hands of the leader of the gas ghost tribe away.

But the next moment, the smell of blood in the air made him aware of something, and he sat up suddenly!
"Aren't I fighting a war? Why did I fall asleep! Where is this place! It's not Hades!" Stella looked at the battlefield under the twilight, and couldn't help feeling startled.

"It's not Hades! We won!"

"The leader of the blood clan, you really are. What did the master say?" The leader of the dark elves put the undercurrent longbow by his side, and sat in front of a royal sister-like woman whose black dress was dyed red. After thinking for a while, he said, "You are really a dish."

"Hehehe" Ellie looked at the handsome man with pointed ears and oval face sitting in front of her, "You are not much better, if it weren't for me, you would have died long ago, by the way, yours My daughter can sleep with me for two days."

Hearing that Ellie wanted to sleep with her daughter again, the leader of the dark elves didn't say anything, just looked into the distance with a smile.

"Hey hey hey! Dead dog! Fuck! Dead dog! You really won't die!"

The leader of the Raven Clan pulled a huge two-headed dog devil out of the pile of corpses, and kept patting his big dog's head.

"What's the noise! ​​What's the noise! ​​Can't I just sleep?" Ha Chi'er wanted to raise his paw and slap Lan Bujia, who was shouting beside him, but he couldn't move because of the pain all over his body.

"It's good to be alive, it's good to be alive, but dead dog. Why is one of your eyes gone?"

"It's nothing if you lose one eye, don't I still have three?"

"enmmm, according to what you said, it's still one more than me."

Everywhere on the battlefield, people got up one after another. After experiencing the most intense battle, they just sat where they were, exhausted and didn't want to move. They just talked some irrelevant nonsense, but these nonsense sounded so reassuring and comfortable After all, more people can't even speak such nonsense, and they have been sleeping peacefully on this red land ever since.

After pacifying the Empress, Fang Te led the still-capable army to clean up the battlefield, or the clans and tribes had put down their weapons and raised their hands to surrender. Looking at the huge Twilight Dragon Head in Fang Te's hand, On the spot, he swore allegiance to Fangte in the name of the gods and vowed never to betray.

After the last war, there was no atmosphere of celebration, only more and more people joined in cleaning up this huge and tragic battlefield.

"Little sister, your sweetheart is really strong. I didn't expect him to win like this."

Above the sky, a silver-haired girl talked to herself, she was the only bystander of this war, and she saw the beginning and end of the battlefield with a smile.

"You really want to see him. If that's the case, then let's go." The silver-haired girl raised her lips slightly, "It just so happens that I want to talk to him too."

(End of this chapter)

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