The evolution of slime

Chapter 208 The Curtain Ends in Twilight

Chapter 208 The Curtain Ends in Twilight

"Inferior race! Bury with my son! The Empress killed my son! Don't even think about leaving her! I want her life to be worse than death!"

As the words fell, the huge magic circle quickly expanded and covered the sky. The next moment, a black dragon of twilight appeared in each magic circle, nine magic circles in total!These twilight dragons have no form, they are all condensed from dark elements, and they are surrounded by pitch-black lightning!Terrifying!

The nine elemental dragons that had exhausted two-thirds of Jon Capet's magic power were heading towards Fangte!Wherever it passed, it destroyed hundreds of Raven warriors and the bipedal dragons loyal to Bone Horse City!
The surrounding dark elements are constantly breaking and condensing, which shows that the dark elements in the surrounding environment have been completely saturated or even overflowed.

"If I hadn't been in the country of gears for more than 90 years, maybe I would really run away now." Fang Te looked directly at the nine dragons, put away the electric blade, and there was no panic in his eyes, "All Said that you had a fight with Archmage Anthony, and it seemed to be a draw, so just let me see how strong the few Archmages in this world are!"

"Fante. With Hubby. Are you bored?"

Just when Fangte was so ambitious that he wanted to pretend to be X, Shubi grabbed Fangte's clothes and looked at Fangte seriously with innocent eyes.

"How come, Fang Te was very happy when I was with Shuby, I just lied to him just now." Fangte pampered Shuby's little head, "But Shuby, in the future When I want to look handsome, don't interrupt me."

"Handsome?" Shubi turned her head cutely, and those dark magic dragons had already rushed to Fang Te's side.

"That's it."

Fangte undoes the transformation, returns to the slime appearance, mobilizes the "Elemental Slime" skill, and all the dark elements gather in Fangte's body in one breath!Fantawild turned from green to black!The whole body is like soaked in oil!
"I eat!"

Fangte activated the "Enlargement" skill, turned into a giant slime of [-] cubic meters, protected Shubi behind him, and opened his mouth to eat nine black magic dragons like small fish!One by one, they got into Fangte's mouth!
Nine magical dragons burrowed around in Fangte's stomach, and Fangte rubbed his stomach.


After a full belch, the nine giant dragons completely melted away, and Fantawild smashed his mouth, emmm chicken flavor, crunchy.

The Empress, who originally wanted to raise her throat, and intended to harm her cultivation to save Fangte, was also relieved. Seeing this slime's satisfied expression, the Empress let out a "puchi" laugh, and her smile was flamboyant.

"Husband, I'm worried about the dead fox..." The empress wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, looking at the huge slime, feeling a little resentful.

After eating the nine dragons, Fangte activated the passive skill "Devourer". Fangte looked at his fist and found that it was blessed by black lightning!
This is the first time Fangte has used these two skills, but they are really easy to use!
In the astonishment of Jon Capet, Fante narrowed his body and moved forward in the air, and the small tentacles that turned out carried the thunder of the dark element, and punched Jon Capet one after another!He has no power to parry!
For Jon Cape, although it is very uncomfortable, there are too many unknowns about the strength of this slime!And I only have one-third of my magic power left!Even as long as the empress forcibly escapes, he will be instantly killed in a short time, just like Nelthario at that time.

So he quickly flew to the ground without entanglement, and Fang Te just wanted to follow, but found himself dizzy for a while.

This is a sign of exhaustion of mana!
Just now, Fantawild's "Dark Element Enhancement" and "Devourer", the three skills were all displayed under the gigantic state!But the two skills used to consume a lot, and now they are almost exhausting their magic power!
But it doesn't matter, Fang Te knows that even if he catches up to the ground, it is useless. After all, no matter how strong a person is, he is as strong as the empress fighting tens of thousands of Twilight puppet troops, but when they are all exhausted, Fang Te has no confidence on the battlefield. Killed him under heavy siege.

and!The battle is set!
Fante looked at the distant sky!Thousands of black dots are getting bigger and bigger...

"My lord! Are you all right!"

After falling to the ground, tens of thousands of twilight magic troops can guard Jon Capet, and the lieutenant beside him also wiped his sweat. If something happens to him, the twilight army will lose its command, and the battle will be lost up!


Jon Capet looked at Fangte who was rushing back in the distance, and frowned. Although he was unwilling, a large-scale war could not be saved by just a few people!The winner of this battle!belong!Still myself!

Fante returned to the rear of the army formation!Fang Te was also immediately guarded by heavy soldiers. These soldiers looked at their recognized master, and they felt even more proud of Fang Te!

"My husband is so strong!" The empress withdrew, surprised at Fangte's strength.

The empress can stop ten thousand with one!But she didn't have any scars on her body, and even the hem of her skirt wasn't damaged at all. Fangte was a little proud at first, but when she saw the empress breathless, she immediately let it go.

"Just a fluke."

Fang Te released the clone that was in charge of the command just now. At this time, the Lightning Dogs who were in charge of conveying the military order came back panting, waiting for Fang Te's order.

"The last order!"

Fang Te took a deep breath and looked at the battlefield.

"Pass my military order! All soldiers! All troops charge!"

at the same time!Due to the withdrawal of the Empress, Twilight's army of a total of [-] lost its restraint and joined the battlefield!The battle situation is even worse!
And Jon Capet heard the horn of the Fante Black City's rear army charging!I don't want to have more long nights and dreams!Directly order the whole army to attack!I even joined the battlefield!
There is no more order, no more deployment, everyone is jealous!Everyone doesn't know how the battle is going!No one knows whether they are an advantage or a disadvantage!All they can do is kill the enemies in front of them!Even if their arms and legs are severed, as long as they are alive, they will not put down their weapons!

And in the battle above the sky, the crow, the beauty black eagle and the biped pterosaur are also making the final bite!There was a rain of blood in the air!
This huge battle is coming to an end!

But at the end comes the moment!290 A-level combat machines and [-] nine invincible S-level machines!Stab it from the back of Jon Capet's army!It pierced straight through the heart of this army that was gradually gaining victory!
World Year Seventh Century July 2019, 29!
The war that swept across 90.00% of the five clans in the Twilight Continent will end in Twilight.
(End of this chapter)

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