The evolution of slime

Chapter 207 3 of 2

Chapter 207 Two thousand out of three thousand
"I promise you! But! How are you going to win this war! If you are not absolutely sure! Please allow Meier to see you off."

Before the last battle in the Twilight Continent started, Fang Te and the Empress came to Charm City to have a secret meeting with Su Mei.

The empress watched her husband negotiate with her with great interest, and fiddled with Fang Te's hair from time to time.

"Without your help! This last battle, I won't fight! Because I can't win at all! But if the Succubus can help me! Then! I am sure to win this victory!"

"Sure? How sure?"

"Forty percent sure!"

Su Mei took a sip of red wine: "Not enough!"

"Indeed! It's not enough for me! But! For you who want revenge! A [-]% success rate! It's enough! I think, even if you give your body to Neltharion, after he Assassinating him by the pillow is not so much!"

Su Mei looked at Fangte with anger on her face!

"You man! I hate it!"

"I didn't want you to like me either!"

The box fell into silence, Su Mei just kept drinking, during this period of silence she drank more than she drank in a day.

Ten minutes later, Su Mei's face was flushed, her eyes were blurred, and her charming posture was alluring, especially when she thought that the leader of Meizu was still pure, it made people fall into a deep trap.

However, Fangte may not have any meaning now, after all, after being trained by the empress, Fangte's resistance has been improved by many levels.

"What should I do?" Finally, she spoke.

"The battle is imminent, I want you to take three thousand succubi to help Jon Capet!"

Su Mei frowned, and looked straight into Fang Te's eyes: "You want to stuff people into Bone Horse City? But what if there are 3000 people? Even if 3000 people will rebel at that time! How big a storm can it cause? What's more, I need to put at least a thousand members of my clan among the people you put in to cover you!"

"Ordinary 2000 people can't do it!"

"But, what if there are [-] S-class combat mechs?"

Su Mei's hand that was about to hold the wine glass was hanging in the air.

"And if it's [-] A-level combat mechs?"

"And your succubi are not strong in combat power, and there are not many in number. In order to attract succubus, Jon Capet, of course, is more to win your heart and want your body. He will definitely not let the succubus If the clan goes to the battlefield, I will give you the task of guarding at night!"

"So! In the end, what if! Before the start of the war, you only need to put a little water in the night watch, and hundreds of top assassins will sneak into Bone Horse City in the next moment to assassinate?"

Looking directly at the smiling man in front of her, Su Mei felt as if her entire body had been seen through, and her heart felt cold.

"However, when the time comes, please ask Miss Su Mei to suffer more."

Fang Te got up and bowed his hands (Su Mei yearns for the culture of the Eastern Xia Kingdom), and said calmly.

In Bone Horse City, in a room filled with light fragrance in the City Lord's Mansion, a pale woman was lying on her back on the bed. Been in a coma for a week.

"Leader, do you think we will win?" A maid girl who looked only eleven or twelve years old held the woman's white and soft hand, looking at her with tears in her eyes.

The girl was picked up by the woman, just like her master picked her up back then.

"Leader, wake up" the girl said in a crying voice, turned her head to look at the sound of fighting coming from afar, wiped away her tears, and pleaded to the unknown person in the distance, "Master is already like this, You must win!"

at the same time!In the empty Bone Horse City, the Kingdom of Gears is owned by all!A total of 290 nine S-class mechanical species![-] A-level mechanical species unlocked the psychedelic camouflage (mechanical technology, non-magic, impossible to see through with magic), and took off their color contact lenses.

In the eyes of all of them, the magic engraved gear is constantly zooming!
"S-level mechanical dragonhearts have joined the battle! The time has come!" One of the S-level mechanical species passed the order to all the companions in the bone horse city, "Mechanical species! All attack!"

The next moment, thousands of figures flitted across the sky of Bone Horse City!Go straight to the battlefield!The roar spread throughout the city!

"A mere inferior race! Dare to compete with the dragon race!"

Jon Capet has been watching Fangte, so he naturally knows that this mechanical species was transformed by him!

Facing the slime rushing towards him, he felt that his dignity was greatly insulted!At the same time laugh at his overreaching!
He soared into the air and fought against Fangte and Hubby above the battlefield.

Originally, he had planned to take Fangte directly at the beginning of the war, but considering the strength of this slime and the unexpected appearance of the Empress Dongxia, he temporarily gave up.

But now, the empress singled out 10 Twilight's army and couldn't get away, and the mana was consumed so much that it was impossible to support them.Now that he came to die by himself, why didn't he send him a ride?
Light and darkness counter each other, Jon Capet's magic and dark elements are the main ones, while Fonte and Huby are holding an electric blade and the other holding Seraph's staff to blast him together.

Fangte and Shubi have fought side by side for more than 90 years, and the tacit understanding of fighting has reached its peak.

The electric blade and Seraphim's staff were swung in the hands of the two, with agility, like dancing. Jon Capet kept blocking with the dark blade, but the attack of the two was getting faster and faster, and every gap between the blades The other party makes up without leaving any gaps.

At this time, the Dragon of Twilight has become the monster hunted by Fangte and Shubi. They have even killed one or two tenth-order monsters in these years!

Although the Twilight Dragon is not good at hand-to-hand combat, it is only relative to his own magic attainments.

Originally, Jon Capet thought he was good at these two types of machines!But I didn't expect close combat skills to be so terrifying!
Every blow they make is wasted!Every step of the way!
Finding an opportunity, the Twilight Dragon flew up and killed more than a dozen Raven clans.

After opening the distance, the Twilight Dragon turned into its original form. Although it was the Twilight Dragon, the power of the stars surrounded him!It seems to provide him with inexhaustible energy!

He spit out a ninth-order magic cannon from his mouth!He blasted straight at Fangte, missed, and fell to the ground. Hundreds of clan warriors and twilight puppets were completely wiped out!

Like a dragon playing in water, the Twilight Dragon keeps swimming!Beside him, the tenth-order magic circles are constantly emerging!
The tenth-order magic circle consumes a lot of mana!These tenth-order magic circles probably consumed two-thirds of his magic power!

obviously!He wants a quick fight!

(End of this chapter)

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