The evolution of slime

Chapter 206 Raised His Head

Chapter 206 Raised His Head
On the battlefield, the dust is flying, and the wind is mixed with the smell of sand and blood.

On the side near the Black City, Fangte's orders were issued quickly by the Lightning Dogs. For every move on the battlefield, Fangte made judgments based on the information on the generals and their races provided by the Succubus Clan!Every order is so clear and effective!
The members of the Lightning Dog family have changed batch after group, some of them died because of the order, and some were changed because they were too tired, but no matter how the messengers of the Lightning Dog family were replaced, as the leader of the rebel coalition There is only one slime!

Discovering this, Jon Capet ordered to try to cross the battlefield to kill Fante!And he did!However, when those who had finally crossed the battlefield were only 100 meters away from Fangte, a red-haired girl and a petite and cute loli blocked the way of all the attackers, leaving all their lives behind!

And that slime didn't care about the attackers who wanted to take his life at all, he didn't even look at it, he just kept giving various commands without stopping!
After the great battle between the orc tribe and the human species, Tan Xiao's reputation as the "werewolf soldier saint" has already resounded throughout the human empire, and it has also spread throughout the world. I have heard the classic battle of this "Werewolf Soldier" strategizing on the battlefield to win more with less!

Although Tan Xiao was the most dazzling general star in that war, and even Yuelu and others could only be compared with him when combined with the brilliance of Yuelu and others, but the world has overlooked one of the most important things, the most important one "people"!
This person has been working non-stop during the war for more than four months, and the affairs he handles every day are calculated in thousands!

But every decision he makes is extremely precise!He is coordinating the overall situation of the orc tribe, and all battlefields cannot avoid his decision-making and figure!The deployment of all troops is not too much or too little!

and!Most people in the world don't even know that Tan Xiao was taught by him!

This time, the entire Twilight Continent knew this "person"!
Whether it's your own side or the enemy's!I am amazed at the sophistication of this "human" command!
If someone regrets that he did not personally see the "werewolf soldier saint"'s military tactics, then the military scientists of later generations will hate themselves for being born at the wrong time!Haven't seen the most exciting battle in the Twilight Land for seven centuries!
"The rest of the soul clan retreated three hundred steps! Let go of the gap!"

"The blood race has persisted for 15 minutes! Tell her that's enough! The dark elves are starting to swim! The blood race is guarding two-on-one!"

"The life and death of Tesla, the leader of the Thunder Bear Clan, is unknown. The leader will be replaced by his lieutenant! All gather to help break through the left wing."

"Tell Li'er not to hold on any longer. It was originally agreed to be [-], but she has already blocked [-]. That's enough! What? You ask me who is Li'er? It's my wife, the most beautiful one!"

"The Twilight army is very powerful! But they are always puppets! Let the swamp monsters hold the Twilight army! It's best to gather!"

After conveying a large number of instructions, Fangte took a deep look at the battlefield!Eyes across the air from Jon Capet!
Jon Cape held his hands behind his back, clenched his fists, felt Fangte's gaze, and his teeth creaked!

In his plan!Everything should be smooth!Even the clans and tribes in the Twilight Continent on their own side have not slept well for nearly a week in fear!The fighting power is not as good as before!But just relying on his own 40 Twilight army is more than enough to wipe out these remnants!
But why is it so difficult now?
It was as if every step I took with soldiers was predicted by that damned slime, and I had a sharp sword for nothing!But it seems to be chopped on the cotton!The offensive was disintegrated bit by bit! No force was needed at all!
And I thought that even if the combat power of the clan and tribe on my side had dropped a lot, they still retained the most basic combat power anyway!Even wooden stakes can block the footsteps of those rebels, but this slime regards its own clan and tribe as a gap!Stabbed severely!

The area that should have been in charge of those clans and tribes has completely become a breakthrough, making the combat environment of Twilight's army even worse!
"My lord. We still have the greatest advantage in the situation." The leader of the thought clan beside Jon Capet said in a trembling tone when he felt his fierce murderous aura.

Jon Capet ignored him, although the battle was not as smooth as expected!But the hard gap in strength still exists, and victory is inevitable!However, the loss of Twilight's army after this battle made him feel extremely distressed!Now he wished he could cut that slime into pieces!

"Fante. It's so hard to say."

Shubi had just stopped the attacking team and returned to Fangte's side. Her dress was stained with the blood of the enemy, and her long hair was extremely messy, like a kitten with fried fur just waking up.

"It's really hard to win, but, does Hubby trust Fangte?"

Fang Te smiled and stretched out his small tentacles to touch Shubi's head, and gently smoothed her messy long hair, his movements were very gentle, just like a brother doting on his sister.

"Huby Believe"

Fangte took a deep breath and circulated the magic power in his body. The next moment, two slimes appeared in front of Shubi. Shubi's eyes froze for a moment, a little surprised.

Run the skill again, Fangte's body becomes a mechanical species!It's not because the mechanical species is Fantawild's strongest posture, but after more than 90 years of fighting and that forcibly breaking into the central tower of the Kingdom of Gears, Fantawild discovered that the mechanical species was the most powerful before he was not familiar with fighting with the main body. Familiar look!

"Huby, please protect my body." Fang Te touched Shubi's head, turned around and wanted to fly away, but before jumping up, Fang Te felt that the corner of his clothes was being pulled .

"Fante Hubby is going." Hubby pouted, a little angry.

"Uh, okay, but if the situation is not good, we have to retreat."

"When Fangte leaves, Shuby will leave." Shuby said seriously.

Fang Te looked at Shubi, and then at the graceful woman in the distance who resisted all armies for him, his heart warmed.
"Then let's go, it's time for this battle to end!"

next moment!A mechanical species who became an S-rank in the shortest time in the country of gears and a little loli crossed the battlefield!Go straight for the Twilight Dragon.

at the same time!The more than 2000 succubi guarding the Bone Horse City seemed to have received some kind of signal, and raised their heads at the same time, looking at the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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