The evolution of slime

Chapter 218 Come to visit

Chapter 218 Come to visit
The sound of knocking on the door came into the room.

"Come in."

"But, sir, the door is locked."


Fang Te stood up and opened the door, and a cat-human girl named Ni stood in front of Fang Te.

Looking behind Fangte, the girl's restrained little face turned red like a strawberry. Fangte turned her head and looked back, she casually untied the small seal of the Queen's quilt, lying on her back in half-undressed clothes. Panting, his face was blushing like an afterthought.

"Ni. Ni is disturbing your Excellency!" After finishing speaking, Ni turned around and was about to run back.

Fang Te couldn't help covering his forehead, grabbed her with one hand, walked out of the room, and closed the door behind him.

"It's not what you think, oh, forget it, I don't want to explain anymore, Ni, what's the matter?"

"Oh, that's right, that's right." Ni's expression became serious, but his blushing did not fade, "Your Excellency, Henry Bott is visiting!"

Fang Te straightened his collar, the corners of his mouth slightly raised:

"He finally took the bait!"

"Lord Bot, please come inside, the master will be here soon."

In the residential hall, Earl Bot walked through the front yard and into the living room led by the cat-eared maid.

While crossing the front yard, the Earl was sternly shown!
Ordinary nobles use the best and eat the best food even if they have girls from the orc tribe, while the upper-class nobles have girls from the cat tribe, they also carefully raise them in the backyard.

But in this Earl Bruce's yard, everything overturned Henry Potter's imagination!

From the front yard to the hall!He saw more than a dozen orc girls, most of them were cat-human girls. Some of them were watering flowers in the garden in the front yard, and some were rubbing stones on the steps of the garden. table!

After arriving at the hall of this huge house, more beast-eared girls were mopping the floor, wiping the stairs, and sweeping the windows with blankets.

Wearing a pair of jet-black Cheng Liang leather shoes on the petite feet of these animal-eared girls, they made a very pleasant "da da da" sound when they walked.

They wore black and white maid costumes, but unlike the traditional style, the maid costumes they wore looked like short skirts, which were just below half of their shapely thighs.

Moreover, the socks they wore were very long, and I had never seen them before, but the black stockings looked extremely silky, just reaching the knees, and the whiteness between the stockings and the skirt was simply a work of art!

Watching the animal-eared girls in strange but extremely cute and beautiful costumes coming and going in the living room, Earl Bott swallowed as he looked at the absolute space between the black silky stockings and short skirts of the maid.

She can tame beast-ear girls and even cat-human girls so submissively!In the earl's heart, reverence arose for this new noble young master!
Originally, he was still very worried about his coming this time, but now it seems that his worry is not necessary at all.

"Please forgive me for keeping you waiting."

Just as the count was looking at the maid's short skirt and swallowing, a masculine voice came from upstairs.

"No, you can"

Earl Bott got up and was about to return the salute, but when he saw the woman next to the man who was going up and down the stairs, he was completely stunned!The words I was about to say were frozen in my mouth, and I couldn't say them at all!

This is too beautiful!
A demon-like figure, perfect facial features, fluffy white and tender skin, under the plain white gauze skirt, ankle-length high-heeled shoes are entangled with a pair of beautiful and flawless jade feet!The cherry-colored red lips are so delicate that they seem to be dripping water!Especially those charming eyes!Long eyelashes wink wink!Every bright eye stimulates the male hormone in his body!
Especially the nine long white tails swaying in the air behind the woman!
The value of this woman!It is equivalent to a small country!
Sensing the disrespectful look in Henry Potter's eyes, the woman rolled his eyes at him, and hugged the man's arm tightly in her arms, with such an intimate look that she wished that the Earl would kick the man beside her away!Then replace it.

"mmp, didn't I say you don't need to be too pretty? What kind of trouble is Li Er going to do like this! My plan is very uncomfortable!"

Fang Te complained in his heart, looking at the nobleman who was fascinated by the raccoon, he coughed a few times to remind him.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Earl Hunter came back to his senses and quickly shifted his gaze, but even so, he always unconsciously glanced at the empress.

"Li'er, go down first." Fang Te said softly to the Empress beside her.

"Yes, my lord, but my lord, don't let Li'er wait in the room for too long." The empress smiled charmingly, kissed Fang Te on the cheek, pinched the hem of her skirt with her slender hands, curtseyed and went upstairs.

Even if the empress disappeared from Henry Potter's sight, he still couldn't calm down for a long time!Especially when he thinks about this man and such a beautiful woman, his teeth itch with envy!
"Lord Bot, please." Fangte walked down the stairs.

Henry Bott nodded, forcibly calmed down, and sat opposite Fang Te.

Several orc maidservants came with refreshments and placed them in front of them.

"Master Bruce, please forgive me for taking the liberty to visit."

"Lord Bot, you're welcome. I'm just a little noble from Ella. When I come to the capital this time, please take care of me, Lord Bot."

"You are too modest."

Henry Potter frowned.

Little noble?Can the little noble take all the auction items in the Ghana Auction House?Can you buy this most expensive compound?Being able to have so many beast ear mothers is even worth a small and medium-sized country's nine-tailed sky fox! ?
"Master Bruce came to Ella this time for fun?"

"Hehehe, it's a little embarrassing to say, the elders in the family heard that Princess Daphne was choosing a relative, so I was just forced by the elders in the family to try my luck, please don't laugh at me." The expression of embarrassment and reluctance is fully interpreted, he is simply the actor.

"Hahaha, so you are still a competitor of my unworthy son."

"No, no, Bruce is just here for a formality. Bruce doesn't care about the royal affairs. After all, the royal family is too restrictive, and he prefers a free life without restraint."

Regarding the Earl Bruce's words, Henry Potter was half-believing, but it didn't matter. After all, there were so many competitors, it didn't matter if there was one more, and the choice of a husband by the princess was not all about money.

Like this young man who has no roots in Ella, if he can't compete, then he really shouldn't be in Ella.

"Master Bott is visiting Bruce, what's the matter?"

After a short silence, Fang Te said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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