The evolution of slime

Chapter 219 The Bruce Family

Chapter 219 The Bruce Family

"Earl Bott's visit this time, what's the matter?"

"It's a little hard to say, I want to ask you, Lord Bruce, for help." Although Fang Te's age seems to be only 25 or [-] years old, a circle younger than Henry Bott, but the two have the same title , in the Ella Empire, the same title is the same generation.

"If Bruce can help, he will do his best."

"Then thank Lord Bruce in advance." Henry took a sip from his teacup, and Henry was stunned for a while!
This tea!

It's so delicious too!

The lips and teeth are fragrant, the throat is smooth, like silk and satin, and it is extremely warm and moist in the stomach.

"This is the finale auction item of the Ghana auction house, the 'silk and satin' grown by the Angel Seed, please don't hold it against it."

After all, Fang Te personally filled a glass for him.

He treats the person he met for the first time with tea worth thousands of dollars at random. I don't know if he is really a prodigal or his life is too casual.

But no matter what, entertaining Henry Potter with this tea gave him enough face. In his heart, this young man named Bruce gave him a good impression.

"It's actually like this. Half a year ago, I bought a cat-human beast ear girl at the Ghana Auction House."

Henry Bott paused and looked at Fang Te, seeing his calm expression, he continued to speak.

"Speaking of which, Lord Earl, please don't laugh at me. Since the wife in the early family was quite fierce, this is the first time I have raised a girl from the orc family. According to the experience of other nobles in domestication, I use the best food for her every day. Best of all, keep an extremely safe distance, and never do anything that disgusts her."

Henry Burt's chatter was completely open. It seemed that he had indeed been troubled for a long time.

"It's been more than half a year. Normally speaking, there should be some good impressions. It's even normal to touch the little hands. But from the beginning to the present, the distance between me and the beast ear girl has not indented at all, even Up to now, as long as I get closer to her by ten meters, she will be ready to commit suicide. I have also consulted many veteran nobles who tamed the beast ear girl, but there is no way."

Henry Potter sighed and drank a cup of tea again.

Fangte still understands his mood, it's like you have delicacies from mountains and seas in front of you, but you just can't eat that kind of feeling, it's actually quite uncomfortable!
"So you want to" Fang Te deliberately drew out the tone.

"A few days ago, I heard that Earl Bruce is very experienced in taming beast girls. Today, I saw that it really lived up to the name! Especially seeing the nine-tailed sky fox next to you made me feel ashamed! In the end, I decided not to be ashamed to ask!"

"." Fang Te, "My lord, 'Don't be ashamed to ask' is not used in this way."


The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

"Hahaha, Bruce is just joking, please don't mind." Fangte said with a smile.

"What does Lord Bruce mean?"

"Master Bot, this is just a small favor. If you don't help, then how can you be worthy of your presence?" Fang Te said generously, "Please rest assured, there is no Bruce Raiders in this world." No animal ear girl! It's just"


"However, the character of the beastman girl is similar to that of our human race. It is not impossible to formulate a method for you, but Bruce needs to have some simple conversations with the cat ear girl in your house. After grasping her character, Bruce can be sure to help Your strategy."

"Oh, no problem, how about tomorrow? Can Earl Bruce have an appointment tomorrow?"

"If that's the case, then Bruce will take the liberty to bother you tomorrow. However, Bruce also has a small favor. The adults in the family hope that Bruce can socialize with some outstanding nobles in Elador. Please."

"It's easy to say, I believe that the arrival of the Bruce family will definitely bring a new atmosphere to this city of Ella."

Before Fante finished speaking, Henry Bott said generously, in his opinion, this young nobleman named Bruce was the pathfinder of their family, and he wanted to use him to open up a little bit of the situation in Ella, In order to make it easier for the entire Bruce family to settle in Ella.

Such things have happened before, and there are many. After all, Ella City is not an ordinary "suburban city". The final point of the development of all nobles in Ella will always be in Ella City!So countless powerful nobles want to occupy a place in Ella with their heads broken!
This is equivalent to introducing and opening up contacts, and I am only playing an initial role. If this family occupies a place in Ella, then having this "initial introduction" friendship will be good for my family, even if this family does not live up to expectations. It doesn't hurt you to fail.

Fonte and Bott had a pleasant conversation at the first meeting, and they made an appointment to visit the next morning.

"It will indeed be a new atmosphere."

Seeing Bot leaving, Fang Te stretched his waist and said with a smile, the corners of his mouth raised wildly.

"My lord!"

That night, when Henry Botter was dealing with business in his study, a servant walked into his study.

"How is it? Have you found out the details of the Bruce family?"

Henry Bote stopped writing, raised his head and said.

"Find it out, my lord." The servant took out a stack of documents from his arms and handed it to him with both hands, "Based on our investigation, there is indeed a Bruce family in the far city east of Ella."

Henry Bott looked, and the servant said.

"The title of this family was passed down by the fifth generation of Emperor Ella, and the title is hereditary. The Lord Bruce of Ella City inherited the title of his dead father. Although the Bruce family has always been low-key, but because they have mastered the relationship between Ella and Odea The trading network has huge financial resources! However, it is precisely because the Bruce family has close contacts with the Odea Empire and has great financial resources, so they have always been vigilant by the emperors of all dynasties."

"Thus, my subordinates speculate that the Emperor Ella is sick, and the Bruce family wants to take advantage of the weak royal family to enter Ella and occupy some foundations."

"No wonder the Bruce family asked a young man in his 20s to explore the way." Henry Potter whispered to himself.

"Okay, I understand, you go down."

"Then...about this Earl Bruce, should we take action?"

"Action? Why? Do you think the princess will choose a noble young master who has a close relationship with the Odea Empire as her husband? Take a step back, even if she wants to choose? But does she dare to choose? That old fox in Buster will Let her choose?"

"Since he is not a threat to us, why are we asking for trouble? Besides! I have already been introduced by the Bruce family, so what's wrong with making friends with a family with strong financial resources?"

"By the way, my lord, there is one more thing?"


"The Twilight Continent has changed hands."

(End of this chapter)

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