The evolution of slime

Chapter 226 Gifts

Chapter 226 Gifts
"Master Bruce, how can I accept this, it is too precious."

In the aristocratic residence with the strongest army in the Ella Empire, Fangte gave him the original black magic crystal brought from the Twilight Continent (the original black magic crystal: eight sides with 330 six facets in total, and a total of [-] reflections , more precious than diamonds.)
And this General Campbell, who has the most powerful army among the nobles of Ella, is most interested in collecting the original black magic crystal!
While talking, Campbell put the black magic crystal rough into his bag, and poured a cup of tea for Fante with a smile.

"Bruce's family is poor, and he doesn't have anything to offer, as long as General Campbell doesn't dislike him." Fang Te respectfully toasted him.

"Hey, where is it, the rough stones that Mr. Bruce sent are many times better than those in my collection!" Campbell smiled from ear to ear, "In the future, if you have any troubles, please come to me, you are welcome."

"Then thank you, Mr. Campbell."

"Hehehe" Campbell said with a smile, "Master Bruce, you don't have to be too polite, but I would like to remind you that the recent situation is somewhat chaotic, but it is also a great opportunity, so don't miss it!"

Fang Te smiled and said nothing, and didn't answer much.

Half an hour later, Fonte tactfully rejected Campbell's request, walked out of the house, got into a carriage, and drove to the residence of the nobleman Perthrow.

Pei Siluo likes to collect swords. In Pei Siluo's house, Fangte gave him an electric blade brought from a mechanical species according to his interest. This electric blade is the weapon obtained when Fangte upgraded to an A-level mechanical species. Although the number of A-level mechanical species is much higher than that of S-level, the overall base number is only [-], so the exclusive weapons of A-level mechanical species can be said to be rare treasures for sword collectors.

"Since Lord Bruce has said so, then I will accept it." Pei Siluo pressed the button, and an electric blade came out from the handle, extremely sharp, "But Lord Bruce, be careful, Ella is not peaceful recently, Your Excellency Bruce urgently needs a superficial position!"

"Thank you, Master Pei Siluo, for your reminder."

Coming out of Pei Luosi's residence, Fangte rushed to the next noble residence.

A week has passed since that banquet. During this week, Fang Te relied on the chance at the palace banquet to walk around, visiting everywhere with treasures, deepening the relationship with the various nobles. Feelings.

And these nobles didn't have any bad opinion of Fang Te because of the incident at the banquet. After all, everyone knew that Fang Te was just acting as a prop for Princess Daphne to express her thoughts.

And now no one has the time to fight against Fangte. On the contrary, many nobles began to try to win Fangte over.

At that banquet, Princess Daphne's decision can be said to be extremely irrational!She rejected all young talents of nobles!The meaning expressed is very simple!She wants to be an empress herself!I will not hand over this throne to any family!
But in this way, many families who have endured for a long time will not be happy!
Your father is lying on the bed wondering if he will die tomorrow, and your two older brothers are already dead. How can you ascend to the throne as a woman with no morals and abilities?Do you think you are the Empress of Dongxia?But the Eastern Xia Kingdom was founded by the empress herself. Was it you who defeated Ella?

After that banquet, the nobles and ministers of Ella were divided into two camps, one of which was the royalist party. They swore to die for the royal family of Ella, and to Daphne!
The other is the rebel party (self-proclaimed: Elavi New Party), almost all the nobles with rebellious hearts gathered together and started planning. They planned to elect a prince of the royal family as the emperor, and rebelled under the banner of "for Ella", As long as the rebellion succeeds, the new emperor is just a puppet of these families, and these families will rule (carve up) Ella together!
The benefits are huge!They will never waste such an opportunity to control one of the three great empires of mankind!
And Bruce, as a local rich man, has a deep family background, and many nobles who plan to rebel want Fangte to join them!After all, the royal family is not built, and wars burn money. If the Bruce family joins, they will have more confidence in this competition.

It's just that Mr. Bruce visited and gave gifts everywhere. Whether it was a royalist party or a rebel party, Fante always gave gifts, giving people a feeling of being indifferent.

Fortunately, no one was disgusted by Fang Te's slick behavior. After all, the Bruce family is just a businessman. Of course, they have to inquire around before they understand the situation. After all, this decision determines the future of the family, and who will feel sorry for Bai Lai's treasure? Woolen cloth?

In the evening, Fang Te took the Empress to a banquet at the invitation of Henry Bott. At the banquet, Tet did not see Mrs. Bott and his son. After asking, he found out that Mrs. Bott took her son back to her hometown to "visit relatives". So there was only Henry Potter at the banquet, and his eyes basically stayed on the empress.

Moreover, his smile was extremely wretched, and the taste of the wine he presented was also extremely wrong.

The owner of the Bote family has been persuading Fang Te to drink, but Fang Te did not refuse. After drinking a few bottles of wine, he felt warm, and felt that the alcohol was stronger than the usual wine, which made him feel a little bit confused. The empress also drank a lot, her face was flushed, very attractive.

But in the end, under the puzzlement of Henry Bott, he watched Fang Te and the Empress walk out of their house soberly, and went back in the carriage.
"The taste of that wine is a bit strange, and it's quite strong." Sitting in the carriage back, the stamina of the wine was getting stronger and stronger, Fang Te felt a little dizzy.

"It's not like my husband doesn't know the strength of the wine. That Henry Bert obviously put an elf drug in the wine. He just wants to fascinate the husband and the concubine and then cheat on the concubine." The female emperor headed Leaning on Fangte's shoulder, he said with a little resentment, "Don't you worry about my concubine?"

"Worry. What are you worried about. I believe my raccoon will not be stunned by this kind of thing!" Fang Te's face was flushed, his eyes were blurred, and the alcohol was completely coming up.

"Husband, what did you just say?" The empress' face flushed, and a hint of girlish shyness climbed onto her beautiful face.

"I said. My raccoon raccoon"

Before he could finish speaking, Fang Te's suppressed strong alcohol and elf drug completely broke out, and he fell on the empress's knee.

Looking at the man on her knee with a smile, the empress stroked his hair, remembering how he blocked the wine for herself at the banquet just now, and stripped the wine in his glass to exchange it, the empress pulled her hair and bowed Kiss lightly.
And tonight, in the palace, a news came that the pen slipped quietly from the hand of a woman who was dealing with affairs in the study.
(End of this chapter)

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