Chapter 227
An ancient empire, an empire with countless inheritances, has experienced countless winds and rains, but every time it passes through like a Noah's Ark, but the owner who drives this ark is constantly changing.

However, no matter how the owner of this ark changes, no matter how the owner of this ark got the throne, they all have the same surname!
However, in this storm, maybe the surname on the throne should be changed.


"Patriarch! There is news from our people in the palace that Emperor Ella, Nubiadi, has passed away."

In Henry Potter's residence, he was still wondering in the study about the elf drug that he had bought with a lot of money but had no effect at all.

"Patriarch, Emperor Nubiadi has passed away."

In Campbell's mansion, a servant came to the news.

"Go get ready, get ready to leave the city."


"General Longka! Your Majesty, he! He! He died!"

"What! When did it happen!"

"An hour ago!"

"Pass down our military order to strictly guard the palaces and castles and strengthen patrols! By the way! Close the city gates and prohibit anyone from entering or leaving! Especially those nobles! They must not be let out!"


In the palaces of the top nobles and ministers in the city of Ella, they got the news of the death of the emperor of Ella successively. Although Buster immediately blocked the news, it still couldn't stop the internal response of some noble ministers in the palace.

At the same time, when Fang Te stepped into the gate of the residence, someone from the palace invited him to enter the palace.

The empress relieved Fang Te of the alcohol and drugs, and the two soon arrived at Anthony's residence in the palace. Only in this place, all the nobles could not stretch their minions in.

"Daphne is okay." Fang Te's face was still a little red, but his consciousness was clear.

"It's okay, but she has been sitting next to her father's body, and her hatred for you is getting deeper and deeper." Buster said.

"Fante, according to our plan, sooner or later you will have to meet Daphne with your true face, why don't you let the old man go and explain to her first." Archmage Anthony said.

Fang Te weighed things up a bit, and said: "Mr. Anthony, you said that the princess has experienced such a big change in just one year, and the reason why she didn't collapse is because of me."

"Well, Daphne was originally a weak little girl. If she hadn't been supported by the belief of wanting to kill you for revenge all these years, I'm afraid she wouldn't have persisted until now."

"In that case, let her continue to hate me."

The three empresses all looked at Fangte, and they naturally knew what Fangte meant.

Because Princess Daphne wanted to avenge her brother and father, this belief has always supported this poor girl. If she tells her that her brother was not killed by Fang Te, and the reason why her father is ill It was also because the deadline was approaching, so what would she think.

The belief that has been supporting her through the journey will collapse.

Why do people live?It's because there are things she misses in this world. Now that the royal family is facing the greatest crisis and her family is gone, what else is there in this world that she misses?
If she loses the belief of "revenge", then for her, since this world has nothing to cherish, I am afraid that she will despair now that she is physically and mentally exhausted, and the end of despair will be "wanting to leave (die)".

"Do you want her to hate you for the rest of her life? Is it good for her to let her live in hatred for you all her life?" the empress said, with a little anger in her tone, this was the first time.

"I don't know, but until she finds a new reason to live, I'd rather let her keep hating."

The empress bit her lips lightly, and wanted to say something, but she hesitated.

"The sudden death of Emperor Nubiadi was indeed beyond our expectations. In our plan, Princess Daphne temporarily chose a nobleman, and then took advantage of the reluctance of other noblemen, using me as an entry point, to slowly separate these people. Nobles, then we reaped the benefits, but now it is too late."

"It can even be said that from the moment Princess Daphne gave up choosing any nobleman, everything deviated from the trajectory we expected."

Fang Te said solemnly, rubbing his fingers non-stop.

"It's useless to say these things now, but if possible, I hope that my father-in-law and Mr. Anthony can trust me unconditionally! I hope that the two of you can help me mobilize all the forces that can be mobilized in the Ella Empire! Although the matter is very troublesome, but It's not irreparable!"

Fangte looked at them with determination in his eyes!

In the bedroom in the center of the castle palace, there was no one else. A young and beautiful woman was sitting on the head of a middle-aged man's bed. The woman's gentle and slender hand was tightly holding his wide palm, but his palm was getting bigger and bigger. cold.

Maybe it was because she had cried enough over the years that the tears had long since dried up.The woman didn't cry, but just quietly looked at the man who was lying on the bed and couldn't wake up, and didn't even leave a last word, the man who loved her the most in the world.

"Fante pays homage to Her Majesty the Princess!"

A familiar voice came from the bedroom door. The first time the girl heard his voice was a year ago when she was a minor.

His voice told the girl about the outside world, and told the girl one story after another. In the girl's heart, he was the most knowledgeable person, more knowledgeable than any bachelor in the palace.

The girl stood up slowly.

Turning around, she looked directly at him.

"Who are you? Orgrim? Font? Or Bruce?" The girl was surprisingly calm.

"They're all me."

"A year ago, you saved me in that alley."

"It's easy to do, no matter who it is, I will do it."

"That day, you lied to me too."

"It must be like this when I am on a mission to your country. Please forgive me, princess."

"Grandpa Anthony said, you killed Brother Gash?"

Fante was silent.

"Grandpa Anthony said, you killed Brother Sweet?"

Fante was silent.

"Did you do it?"

"Since Archmage Anthony has confirmed it, why does the princess ask again?"

"I want you to answer me yourself!"

Daphne and Fang Te looked straight at each other, and the room fell into silence. After a long time, Fang Te spoke slowly:
"I never wanted to let them go! Including your father!"

"I see." Daphne's eyes were red, she turned a dagger from her cuff, and stabbed straight at Fang Te.

He didn't dodge, the dagger sank directly into his body.

(End of this chapter)

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