The evolution of slime

Chapter 228 Deleting One by One

Chapter 228 Deleting One by One

The dagger was completely submerged in Fang Te's body, and the magic killing technique engraved on the dagger glowed faintly, but after a while, the light of the killing technique rune engraved on the dagger slowly dissipated, and finally, the rune was on Fang Te's body. The special body was wiped out, and the dagger was completely turned into a piece of ordinary scrap iron.

"Your Highness, you can't kill me like this." Fang Te transformed into small tentacles and held Daphne's wrist. With a little force, Daphne let go of the dagger in her hand in pain, and the dagger slowly escaped from Fang Te's body. Arch out slowly.

Biting her lips tightly, Daphne did not intend to give up. She took out the dagger with the other hand and wanted to stab Fang Te's body. The moment the dagger pierced Fang Te's body, Daphne's body was frozen, completely I can't move.

"Let go of me! I'm going to kill you!" She struggled, but she couldn't get rid of the restraints. In the next moment, she couldn't even speak.

"Although the princess blocked the news of Emperor Nubiadi's departure, there are ministers and nobles in the court who have the eyes and ears, so the news of your father's death has now reached the ears of those people."

Ignoring Daphne, Fang Te paced in the room and said word by word.

"The so-called Elavian New Party is nothing more than bandits who want to carve up Ella. According to my investigation, they not only form an alliance with themselves, but also have a relationship with the Moxi Empire. Therefore, what the Ella Empire has to face is not only Those troops who rebelled against the nobles, and the millions of troops of the Moxi Empire."

"But... Princess, what do you have in your hands? The support of church paladins and priests? An archmage? A few noble troops supporting you? Royal pro-army?"

"Indeed, with such a count, you do have a lot of cards in your hand, but so what, even if you can resist the army of the rebels, can you resist the army of the Moxi Empire? Don't forget, the Moxi Empire It also has an archmage."

"Maybe you say it doesn't matter. For you, what is the Ella Empire? For you, maybe as long as someone can kill me for revenge, it's nothing to hand over the Ella Empire. Indeed, Ella The La Empire does not have a high status in your heart."

"But, can you kill me? Assassination? There are countless guards guarding me in the dark. With the overall strength, I will fight to the death with Archmage Anthony. It is unknown who will win? And Archmage Anthony will obey you." Are you dispatching me to assassinate me? Relying on the power of the state to destroy Ania and drive me into a corner? But is the situation in Ella possible now? And Anthony and Buster have reached an agreement with me, as long as the Ella Empire Get through it safely, and they will join my camp."

"No matter what, whether it is to start a war with the strength of the country or to have someone assassinate me, it is impossible to succeed."

In Daphne's eyes, her expression gradually dimmed, and Fang Te began to see despair, which made her realize the reality clearly.

"However, I will give you a chance, a chance to kill me."

When the belief she had been supporting was about to be completely shattered, Fang Te said.

"To annex Ella and quell the war, I need your support! As the last direct royal family, the princess has a righteous reputation! And the church and those nobles who are loyal to the royal family will only be loyal to you, so I need the princess to cooperate with me Mobilize all the power that Ella can use! Cooperate with me to annex the Moxi Empire, and finally the princess took the initiative to lead Ella to join the orc tribe!"

"Perhaps in this way, the princess must think that I am dreaming, but I think the princess will definitely agree."

After finishing speaking, Fang Te took out a dagger from the void pocket and threw it in front of Daphne.

"This dagger is made of tainted iron stone in the Twilight Continent. It is the most beloved weapon of Twilight Lord Jon Capet. It is engraved with a total of ten thousand magical engravings. On the battlefield, I was almost killed by this dagger. Kill me." Fang Te unlocked the immobilization spell that was blessed on Daphne, "After the war, hand over the country of Ella to me, and you will have three chances to kill me."

"How? Willing, or, not willing?"

Lowering her head, the girl looked at the black dagger lying at her feet, her eyes flickered.

The magic ripples slowly drifted away from Fangte as the center, and after a while, Fangte appeared in front of the girl in the image of Orgrim a year ago.

Bowing his hands, Fang Te said nothing more, turned and left.

And at the moment when he turned around and stepped out of the room, the girl bent down slowly, rolled up her sleeves, exposing her snow-white arms, and gently picked up the pitch-black dagger
"Patriarch, it is not advisable to stay in the city of Ella for a long time. We have established a relationship with the gatekeepers, and please leave quickly."

In Earl Bott's residence, a butler persuaded Henry Bott to go to the backyard.

In the past week, Henry Bote has gotten closer to Laura according to the strategy method given by Fante. Although he can't touch little hands yet, it's not a problem to chat at close range.

"What's the rush? My son has already left for the fief. If something happens to me, even if that boy Buster wants to touch me, he has to consider whether he can withstand the anger of the Bott family," Henry Bott said confidently. said.

As soon as they entered the backyard, a woman in a long red dress appeared in front of the two of them. Seeing the woman, Henry Burt immediately smiled.

"Lola, don't catch a cold, go inside quickly."

"My lord promised that Laura would come in the afternoon, but it turned out to be so late, Laura thought that my lord would not come tonight."

Laura said shyly, the thin dress set off her graceful figure.

Henry Potter waved his hand, but the butler had no choice but to back down.

"Lola's standing a little numb, can my lord help Laura into the house?"

Whispering softly, looking at Laura's soft and white lotus arms under the clear moonlight, Earl Bott only felt his blood boil, and he hurried forward and reached out to hold it first.

But just as his fingertips were about to touch the hem of her clothes, a cold light flashed, and a bloody light stained the white flowers in the backyard red.

At the same time, in this quiet night, two-thirds of the nobles in Ella quietly closed their eyes and would never wake up again.

In a house in the central part of Ella, there was no one there, and the night wind blew into the study room on the second floor of the house, and a book that was already open turned the pages under the night wind.

The night wind stopped, and the pages stopped turning. A piece of paper mixed in the book was exposed under the moonlight.

On the paper, there are names written one by one, and these names will be erased one by one tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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