The evolution of slime

Chapter 235 In front of the tombstone

Chapter 235 In front of the tombstone

More than 30 years ago, under the afterglow of the flames, this forest turned into a sea of ​​flames. After more than 30 years of growth, although many burned trees were not as tall as before, under the special care of the royal family, they are still alive. The general appearance has been restored.

It was still the familiar path, and Cike took Hongji's hand and led Ladd to walk on this path that was so familiar that he couldn't be more familiar with it. At the end of the path, there was a wooden fence made of ordinary wooden piles. surrounded by cabins.

In front of the cabin, the elegant flower garden was dotted with blooms. Perhaps because the flowering season was over, half of the flowers in the flower garden had withered, and the rest of the flowers were already dying, as if they would fall to the dust at any time.

However, it can be seen that in the past 30 years, this garden has been carefully cared for, otherwise, this flower garden may have been overgrown with weeds.

Pushing away the small wooden house, the three of them entered the old small wooden house. The arrangement of furniture and mechanical equipment in the wooden house was the same as it was more than 30 years ago. Hong Ji looked sideways at Ci Ke glanced at him, so the hands held by Ci Ke and Hong Ji couldn't help but clenched tightly.

"More than 30 years ago, at the moment you entered the country of gears, I was looking forward to your coming out day and night, but after two months, my heart was dead. I know that the world has passed two months, but It has been more than 50 years in the country of gears, and you are probably long gone."

"Everyone in the Ella Empire thinks you are dead. At the same time, I am no exception. In the third month, I was completely desperate. I came to this place, which is already covered with ashes. I asked the mage to investigate The original appearance of this forest, I let the best master of the palace restore everything in this forest! I let the top craftsmen in the court build the wooden house you made."

"On that day, I made up my mind to be a rebellious child. I pulled my father from the throne. I succeeded, but I also failed."

"In the third year, my father who was pulled down from the throne told me that he didn't want to live in the palace anymore. In the end, I didn't expect that my father came here and stayed for more than ten years. During these ten years, my father lived in your palace. In the wooden house I lived in, I took care of the flower garden you planted, living like an old farmer."

Leaving the wooden house, Ladd closed the wooden door gently like a down-to-earth guy who went out to work, walked through the flower garden, and walked deeper into the woods.

The winter sun in the afternoon passes through the cracks in the leaves, and lands mottledly on the muddy ground covered with weeds. A few butterflies fly back and forth between the trees, and unknown flying insects look back and forth on the fallen leaves on the muddy ground. After hearing the sound of footsteps, he burrowed into the soil, with only one beard slightly exposed.

There was the sound of "Haloxylon" stepping on the leaves in the woods. There was no communication, just walking forward.

"We have arrived."

In the depths of the woods, Ladd exhaled a breath of cold air, pushed aside a bush, and made way for the road sideways.

Among the bushes, a white tombstone looked extraordinarily bright in the warm sun.

On the tombstone is engraved the name of a very honorable person during his lifetime.

This name should have appeared in the royal cemetery, it should have been engraved on the stele with the best time, and the place of sleep should have been built by the top craftsmen in Odea, but now, in front of Zick, it is just an ordinary building. , The stone tablet used by ordinary people, the words engraved on the tablet are also carved by ordinary craftsmen, and behind the tombstone is an earthen tomb covered with wild flowers and weeds.

Everything is so simple, no difference from ordinary people.

"An ordinary emperor, an evil father."

This is the inscription next to the name.

Ladd took out a few sticks of incense from the secret box in front of the stele, lit them with magic, inserted them in front of the stele, and bowed again and again as Odeya's son sacrificed his father.

"This old man has done his best for Odeya, for Odeya's future, for the sake of the future, I don't have any weaknesses, and I don't hesitate to erase you. For the emperor, he is already qualified, but as a father Said, what he did was really terrible, but what reason should I say to him, as my brother and son, I am also extremely terrible."

Ladd said slowly, grabbed his sleeves and gently slapped away the dust on the monument.

"Tao, my brother doesn't expect you to forgive my father, but I think that since my father has lived here for more than ten years in his later years, he must be guilty of you, so my brother thought, it would be good if my father could see you. of."

Zick shook his head:

"In that incident more than 30 years ago, no one was right, and no one was wrong. Since the matter has passed, then... let it pass."

Holding Hong Ji's little hand, Zi Ke walked to the monument.


"Hongji, there is an old man buried here, an old man whom I love deeply, but because I made him angry many, many years ago, tell me, will the old man forgive me?"

Hong Ji looked at the tombstone, tightly held Cike's hand with her small hands, and said softly:
"Hong Ji and the master begged the old man for forgiveness."

Cike's heart warmed up, looking at the tombstone, his eyes were already moist.
More than 30 years ago, an emperor fought for the country.

More than 30 years ago, an older brother was for his younger brother.

More than 30 years ago, a younger brother was for his beloved girl.

As an emperor, he sacrificed his children for the future of the country.

As an older brother, he fought against his father for his younger brother.

As a younger brother, he gave up his country and his brother for a girl.

The world is like this, no one is right and no one is wrong.

"Old man, it's been a long time. Although I was very sad when you wanted to assassinate me, it's not that I can't understand you. If it were me, I don't know if I would make the same decision as you. "

Tsk's eyes were wet with tears.

"It would be a lie if I said I didn't hate you at all, but since you have taken care of that garden for me for so many years"

The swirling tears finally fell, like a little boy, choked with sobs in every word.

"If... if this is the case, then we... let's get even."

Tears dripped down in front of the stele, and the emotions that had been suppressed for a long time turned into tears, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Father. Tao. Come to see you."

Like a boy who never grew up, he held a girl's hand and knelt in front of the stele, without getting up for a long time
The breeze swayed, and the flowers and plants on the tombstone swayed gently, as if smiling gratifyingly at the couple.

(End of this chapter)

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