The evolution of slime

Chapter 236 Grow up

Chapter 236 Grow up
In the evening, Ladd, who was the emperor of Ella, returned to the palace.

Many ministers didn't eat dinner, and they have been trying to intercept the emperor outside the imperial study room. After all, the so-called "three-party coalition" has been dispatched for a day. As the leader of Odeya, he must make a decision. Whether to send troops to Ella or something else, he had to make a choice before tomorrow.

However, the emperor was "obsessed" with his younger brothers in the imperial study and couldn't help himself, and had no intention of seeing them at all.

Some young ministers and nobles didn't know how serious the "brother's accusation" of Ladd, the eldest prince, was, and they couldn't wait any longer. They even wanted to knock on the door of the imperial study, but they were all pulled back by the old nobles and veterans. !
Although I don't know what's going on, but now that Prince Tao is back, you young people are going to disturb other people's reunion, aren't you looking for death?Haven't you heard that Prince Ladd usurped the throne because of his younger brother?Haven't you heard that the court assassin who participated in the assassination was wiped out of the nine clans?
You really think that this wise emperor has no temper at all!
So they had no choice but to wait outside the Imperial Study Room.

"Tao, you mean to tell me not to act rashly?"

In the imperial study room, Cike talked long and short for three hours about the things he had experienced in the country of gears in these years. He mainly told his brother about his encounter and cooperation with that slime, and directly pointed out that Jean O Deja gave up this chance to attack Ella.

"Brother, that slime named Fangte is far more surprising than you think! For his wife, he did not hesitate to break into the Kingdom of Gears and overthrow the Twilight Continent. He is like a lunatic. , and the most admirable thing is that he knows what he wants every step of the way!"

Cike didn't hide anything from his elder brother. He had been like this since he was a child, and he is still like this now. Cike also told Fangte that he would tell Ladd all his plans, and Fangte didn't care about it.

"The Bruce family has a lot of intersections with me, so when I came forward, Fang Te simply borrowed the name of the young master of the Bruce family. Come on, the big reshuffle experienced by the Endless Land this time is inevitable."

Ladd listened to Tao's words, and walked around the study with his hands behind his back. At this time, as the monarch of Odea, he had to consider Odea.

"Tao, do you really believe that slime will unify the giant race and the Moshi Empire in one fell swoop?"

"No." Tao shook his head, "Not only the giants and the Moxi Empire, but also the elves! Even the next goal is Odea, and what he wants to unify is the whole world."

"For the position of the new king of the world, the new god of the gods, is he so hungry?"

"I think that slime doesn't care about new kings and gods at all"

Cike recalled a conversation Fangte had with him some time ago when he returned from the Twilight Continent to go to the Ella Empire. After that conversation, Tao agreed to help Fangte break into the high-level of Ella and do him some favors. Like now.

"If my guess is correct, Tao, you came back this time, partly because of that slime. He wanted you to persuade me not to send troops. After all, even if it was that slime, he didn't There is a way to deal with such a big variable in the Odea Empire."

"Yes, brother, if you send troops, that slime will be in a very difficult situation, because all his plans are based on the premise that you will not send troops."

"Then brother wants to help that slime now?"

Looking straight into Zick's eyes, Ladd said slowly.

"Well, because some time ago, the few questions he asked convinced me."

Ladd frowned. He knew that although his younger brother was innocent and kind, he was absolutely clear about what he was doing in the face of big right and wrong, and he would never make a decision easily.

"The first question, the slime asked me, if there were elves and humans in a city, chatting with each other, drinking and going out to play, would such a city be beautiful?"

"The second question, he asked me, if all the races in the world have books to read and things to do, the children of the angel race play with the children of the beast race, and the children of the mechanical race and the human race work together. Wouldn't the world be beautiful?"

"The third question, he asked me, if the orcs are no longer trafficked, the human race is marrying the orcs' girls, and even the sea dwellers and the elves can fall in love, will such a world be beautiful?"

"Tao, what's your answer?"

"I's beautiful."

"But, Tao, you know, this is just a whimsical dream, even if he is the co-owner of Ainia and Twilight Continent, but when that slime dies! Everything will be broken!"

"It sure sounds like an impossible thing."

Ci Ke tenderly looked at Hong Ji who was playing with the imperial brush on paper in the imperial study.

"But, brother, do you know? Four or five years ago no one thought that a slime could unify Aonia, but he did! A few months ago I never thought he could overthrow the Twilight Dragon, At most, he rescued his wife and ran away, but he did it."

Cike withdrew his gaze to look at Hongji's gentle gaze, and looked at his brother firmly.

"Why did that kind of thing happen between us and my father more than 30 years ago? In the final analysis, my brother wanted to separate me and Hong Ji because of racial concepts, and my father wanted to erase me because he hoped that Odeya would be stable and not be invaded."

"What happened more than 30 years ago is just a microcosm. In the world, because of different races, because of the interests of nations and tribes, there will be fewer such things."

"So, Tao has decided to gamble with that ignorant and whimsical slime! It has been seven centuries, and if we say that the long-term must be united, then it is time for this world to change."

Zick stood up and looked directly into his brother's eyes.

For the two brothers, this is the first time they talk about world politics. At the same time, the two brothers are also standing in opposite camps and negotiating like envoys and monarchs.

For Zick, he is like a child who can't grow up, chasing after the vision that is as far away as a bubble, but for Ladd, at this moment, he is not only an older brother, but also Odea. The leader of the people of the entire empire, this time, he could not easily agree to his brother's request.

"If I want to send troops to Ella or the Moxi Empire, Tao, what will you do?"

"Mechanical Zeke will lead all the mechanical species in the Kingdom of Gears to stop Emperor Odeya!"

Ci Ke's words echoed in the imperial study room, and it took a long time before they stopped. At this moment, the emperor smiled from the bottom of his heart.

My younger brother has grown up...

(End of this chapter)

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