The evolution of slime

Chapter 257 Italian Cannon

Chapter 257 Italian Cannon
"General Laco! On the dragon road, we are confronting the defenders of Ella, and it is difficult to attack."

In the barracks under the Dragon Road, a middle-aged man stared at the map placed on the table. Regarding the attack on Dragon City, the middle-aged man, the deputy general and the high-ranking mage in the army did not know how many times they deduced!Finally decided to send troops to attack the city!

"It was expected." Laco let out a deep breath, "Order! Maintain the minimum force on the dragon road to prevent the opponent from rushing down from the dragon road. The rest of the soldiers are transported to the dragon in batches. city!"

"Yes!" After receiving the order, the attendant went down.

Laco looked at the most majestic city on the map, as if he could see the orc warrior looking over the city wall.

"General! The offensive pressure on the Dragon Path is much lower, and diamond-level fighters rarely appear on the Dragon Path."

A herald reports the situation on the Dragon Road.

"A lot less?" Qin'er, the maid of the Dark Cat Pavilion who was protecting Fei Telun's safety, frowned. There are sorcerers who are constantly attacking the city above Dragon City, so it is impossible for them to give up the attack of Dragon Road!

"What is that general of the Moxi Empire named Laco thinking?" Fetrun rubbed his belly and muttered to himself, raised his head to look at the ice dragon in the sky that kept breathing dragon's breath towards the city barrier!He found!Many articles are missing!Not even the mage on the dragon's back!

"Not good! Pass my military order! The defenders put on their armor immediately! Prepare to fight to the death!"

The moment the herald was instructed to retreat, pieces of earth-shattering dragon chant came from under the dragon path!Almost in an instant, nearly a hundred ice dragons swept into the air, and in the air less than 30 meters from the ground, figures on the dragon's back poured down like raindrops!

The next moment, nearly a hundred frost dragons flew down the dragon path with their wings flapping and a strong wind blowing without stopping!Keep transporting soldiers!

"That guy! Today, I don't hesitate to spend the magic power of the high-level mage to transport the soldiers up!"

Seeing the diamond-level fighters falling to the ground, Fei Tren clenched his teeth!

In his vision, there are only two ways for the opponent to attack the city, one is for mages to attack the barriers of the city and open up the situation from the air, and the other is forcibly breaking through the dragon's way!Come on a thousand rides to open the mountain!But unexpectedly, the opponent used the ice dragon to transport the fighters!

For the barrier of Dragon City, the barrier's defense against magic is extremely amazing!But extremes must be reversed!Although this barrier can have a strong defense against magic!But the attack on physical properties is like a piece of white paper that can be broken with one poke!
soon!Fei Tren will be facing the imminent soldiers!
but!Although the situation is very bad, but the other party's doing so directly relieved a lot of pressure on the city barrier!Because the activation of the ice dragon itself consumes a lot of magic power, and every move of the ice dragon consumes the magic power of the mage!Send troops up like this!He believed that the opponent's high-level mage had little magic power left!
"Moxi Warrior! Charge with me!"

The maximum number of people outside the Dragon City can only accommodate 4000 people. On the empty space made of magic elements, thousands of diamond-level fighters launched an attack on the Dragon City.

Seeing these thousands of diamond-level fighters rushing towards him, Fei Tren was so angry that he almost wanted to scold the eighteen generations of the ancestors of those designers who designed Dragon City: Damn it!If you build Dragon City, build it!But why did you leave such a large magic open space outside Dragon City!Waiting for others to besiege the city?

In fact, the designers of Dragon City can't be blamed entirely, after all, there is only one way for soldiers to go to Dragon City. Who would have thought that the soldiers on the other side would ride the ice dragon and land directly in front of Dragon City!Moreover, the floating space outside Dragon City is a by-product left by Dragon City's protective circle, and they can't erase it.

"Where is Li Yunlong! Let his independent group come out to work!" Fei Teren shouted!As soon as the words fell, I saw a middle-aged leader of the giant tiger clan walking up the city wall!

"Here is up to you! I'm going down!"

"Don't worry, General! There is nothing wrong with me here!"

Fei Tren nodded and walked down the city wall. Under his instructions, the surrounding attendants put on the armor for him.

"Qin'er, give this instruction to the mages in the city, and let them take it apart immediately." Fei Tren took out the note he had already made from his arms, "This one is for you, when You can take it apart and see it the moment I leave the city!"

Qin'er subconsciously took what Fei Telun gave her, and Qin'er was stunned for a moment, then shook her head, walked quickly to Fei Telun, and opened her arms to stop him!

"Wait! You can't go!"

Qin'er, who was following behind, sensed the murderous aura emanating from Fei Telun, and she knew that this guy was going to personally lead the attack!
"Don't worry! Qin'er, I've already distributed some details of the city defense, and nothing will happen in general!" After finishing speaking, Feitelun walked around Qin'er's open arms.

"Then I'm going too!" Qin'er stopped him again.


"why not?"

"I can boost the morale of the army! What can you do? I don't know how weak your cat-human race is in the frontal battlefield!"

"I..." Qin'er squeezed the instruction in her hand tightly, her eyes were red, she wanted to say that she would stay by his side all the time, but she couldn't say anything.

"This is an order!" After saying that, Fei Tren walked straight ahead.

The cat-human girl watched the chubby man striding forward, clutching her chest tightly with her slender hands, tears welling in her eyes, but there was nothing she could do.

"Second Battalion Commander! Where are the Italian cannons given to you by the machine species! Bring them all up for me!"


soon!On the city wall, the forts were quickly moved up by the giant tiger warriors, and they were skillfully placed!These forts are in the openings and "grooves" of the city wall that have just been laid.

They are engraved with magic runes all over their bodies, and behind each cannon's butt is a huge energy crystal!
"Come on! Give me a good aim! Let me see the power of these things!"

"All ready!" The second battalion commander gave an order, and all the soldiers of the independent regiment held the cannon in the posture of "old man pushing a cart"!The phantom sight behind the cannon's buttocks appeared in front of every cannon warrior!
"Fire me!" Li Yunlong, the head of the independent regiment, let out a tiger roar that spread throughout the city wall, shaking away several clouds in the sky!



Moment!The magic crystal light source flows!Dozens of laser cannons fired from the muzzle bloom on the battlefield!

(End of this chapter)

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