The evolution of slime

Chapter 258 Five Shamans

Chapter 258 Five Thousand Shamans
In the endless land, passing through the Canyon of the Dead and the Odea Empire, in the world's largest national protection barrier, in this country that has just undergone changes, other intelligent races have appeared for the second time (the first time is Fang Special), it is the first time that so many intelligent species have appeared!
Orc shamans are equivalent to other races of mages, but unlike other races of mages, orc shamans have a long lifespan!Although it is not as good as the long-lived species such as fantasy species and angel species, it is no problem to live for 2000 years.

And now, these orcs who appeared in the Kingdom of Gears a month ago (Universal Standard Time) are practicing on the road to Shaman!
Although the inheritance of shaman has passed through generations, the shaman inheritance rewarded by the system to Fangte has successfully revived the profession of shaman.

And these orcs who came to the country of gears to practice are all carefully selected talents by Fangte and Lilin, totaling [-].

In the Kingdom of Gears, the team led by Yuelu, who also has the talent to become a shaman, is practicing hard.

Because the time flow here is three hundred times that of the outside world, even though they have practiced here for more than a month, they have actually practiced for nearly 30 years!
Now they have completely become a qualified shaman!Similarly, because the learning of shaman should start from a young age, these selected orcs were still cute little lolita and little Zhengtai before entering the kingdom of gears.

However, after nearly 30 years of practice in the Kingdom of Gears, they have fully grown up and become handsome and beautiful excellent beastmen.

During this period, besides Yuelu and the others, the Red Queen also let the mechanical species give them all kinds of knowledge, so that they can develop in an all-round and healthy way.

It's just that Yuelu seems to be very unhappy in the past 30 years.

For her, she has not seen her teacher for many years, which is not happy.

The most important thing was when she saw that the little loli, who was not as tall as her shoulders, gradually grew up, not only gradually taller than herself, but also getting bigger and bigger in that place.

On the other hand, she lowered her head and looked at herself, her height has not grown at all in the past 30 years, and Yue Lu stretched out her small hand to rub her chest, but she also did not grow at all...

Involuntarily, Yue Lu was very disappointed and sad with her little face, the sadness came from her heart...

"Do men like big ones?"

Sitting in the maintenance shop of Cirk, Yuelu thought of the two teachers and wives. Although they can't be called big, they are definitely not small...

"What's the matter... Is little Lulu unhappy?"

A beautiful woman in a long red dress came out, her shallow and friendly smile was no different from that of ordinary wisdom.

"It's nothing..." Yuelu shook off the little feelings in her heart, pinched the hem of her skirt, nodded her toes and bowed her knees, "Your Majesty, Yuelu is here to say goodbye today."

"Over the past 30 years, there have been a total of 5000 orcs. Thank you, Your Majesty, for your care."

Hongji lifted Yuelu who was saluting, and looked at her with eyes as clear as rubies:
"Are you leaving today?"

"Well, after nearly 30 years of practice, I think we have the strength to fight. It's time to help the teacher and the others. And according to the teacher's guess, Longdao is now in the most difficult time. Brother Fei Telun needs Yuelu support."

Hong Ji lowered her head slightly, remembering the plan that the slime told herself before going to Ella.

Although many accidents have happened in the Ella Empire, this slime also reacted immediately. Even after learning about Fangte's plan from Yuelu, she couldn't help but feel a little crazy.

However, even though it was such a crazy plan, he and Tao still chose to support him, as if as long as it was him, everything could be done.

Since Hong Ji and Tao were not in the Kingdom of Gears, on this day, after Yue Lu bid farewell to the Red Queen, the Red Queen personally sent them out of the Net of Turbulence.

"Your Majesty, you can just send it here." Outside the net of turbulence, Yuelu bowed again, and after the last greeting with the Red Queen, Yuelu and her party stepped into the void.

Seeing more than 5000 orc shamans breaking through the void and stepping in at the same time, the Red Queen couldn't help but feel dizzy.

In the database of the mechanical species, there is the most direct and clear description of the orc-type shaman!
In the second century of the world year, in the world at that time, whether it is a human mage or a magical creature of other intelligent species, in their hearts!Orc shamans are known as crazy mages!
This madness comes from the wildness of the orcs!It even comes from the terrifying strength of the orc shaman!

Use the most direct thing to describe the words.The orcs back then were very scattered, and they didn't have a unique territory!But it's because of the orc shaman!Destroy all the ancient countries on Ania!at last!The kingdom of the orcs has been formed!
If it weren't for the shaman's inheritance being cut off in the third century until now!I'm afraid the situation of the orcs won't be as miserable as it is now.

In the past 30 years, Yuelu and the others have grown up, and the Red Queen has the clearest and most direct understanding of their strength.

Although they are still a little immature now!However, the Red Queen believes!After they experienced the baptism of blood and war!Will become the strongest army in the world!
"The most terrifying berserker mage in the second century?"

Looking at the void that was opening and closing slowly, the corners of the Red Queen's mouth slightly raised. It seems that this world is really about to change...

At the same time, in the unfathomable sky, higher than the "floating continent", a silver-haired woman is walking in the sky!

There was no air, not even magic, in this place.In this area that no one has ever been to!There is only endless chaos!

Stopping, the woman stretched out her lotus arms to touch forward, with the woman as the center, bursts of magic ripples emanated from the woman's feet.

At the end of the woman's fingertips, the chaos slowly tended to a regular shape, as if!In front of girls!It is a huge door made of chaos!
Pushing lightly with the fingertips, the huge door seemed to have no weight, and was slowly opened by the woman's faint strength.

The moment the door opened, a huge magical storm swept towards the woman from inside the door, and her skirt and hair floated back like tassels in the wind.

Stepping forward with her slender legs, the woman walked forward and entered the gate. The moment she fully entered, the gate slowly closed and disappeared into the chaos again.

(End of this chapter)

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