The evolution of slime

Chapter 293 Wandering

Chapter 293 Wandering
Leaving Li Lin's room, Fang Te walked into Emilia's room.

Although the "contract" of the fantasy dragon race can only be lifted after the consent of both parties, it is only for races below the level of the gods.

The "bonding contract" of the fantasy species is similar to swearing to God when they get married in the west. The contract no longer exists.

It can be said that contracts below the level of the gods are unnecessary for Fangte.

However, some minor accidents occurred when the contract was unwound.

Fangte did not expect that the Dragon Clan's "contract" was so "comprehensive".
When Fang Te untied it, all the time Emilia experienced flooded into Fang Te's mind.

The first time I met Fangte, the first kiss with Fangte, the first time I was jealous of Fangte, the first time I blamed myself for cheating Fangte, and the first time I fell for Fangte. I planned to sacrifice myself to enter the Twilight Continent. I was very vigilant for Fantawild for the first time. I didn’t eat or drink in Twilight City. It was the first time I was happy from the bottom of my heart, because that time, Fangte said that I liked her.
And this is also the first time that Fangte has a deep understanding of how much the girl lying on the bed likes him.
At the same time, all the times Fangte experienced and about herself flooded into her mind.

In her sleep, the girl laughed and cried too. She was happy that the person she liked also liked herself, and she was sad that the person she liked was willing to endure more than 90 years of suffering in the Kingdom of Gears in order to save herself who was imprisoned in the Twilight Continent. Constant killing and loneliness.

"This damn contract, I didn't expect it to be like this, and I have to meddle in my own business."

Fang Te knew that these scenes were the last effort made by the "contract" to keep the two from separating, and wanted to make the two who were about to "separate" change their minds and regain their love back then.

But for them, the love between them has always existed.
"It's okay, sleep well, when you wake up, nothing will happen."

Caressing Emilia's forehead, Fante said softly, the golden light in his hand penetrated into the girl's brain, and all the information about Fangte in the girl's mind was revised and deleted again.

Fang Te got up and left the room, just as if he had left something... something he gave her once.

Walking to Luoluo Yaya's room one after another, Fang Te quickly modified and deleted their memories about themselves.

After finishing everything, Fang Te involuntarily walked to the door of the Empress, subconsciously about to walk in, but the moment his hand touched the door, Fang Te couldn't help but smile and withdrew his hand.

Walking out of the bamboo house, he turned around and took a look at the quiet bamboo house under the warm sun. Fang Te waved his hand, and a huge magic circle emerged under the bamboo house to protect their safety in the bamboo house.

Following Dong Xia's etiquette, he bowed deeply and the man disappeared outside the Zhuju without leaving a trace.

Crossing the void, Fangte, who is a god-species, is no longer limited to him in space, and soon he appeared on the eastern battlefield of Dongxia Kingdom.

After resisting the ferocious attack of the orcs, corpses were strewn all over the city outside the heavy city of the Eastern Realm. The corpses were left untreated, and the smell of decaying corpses and a strong smell of blood filled the sky.

Standing in the center of the battlefield, I saluted deeply, paying deep respect to all the soldiers who died on the battlefield.

After the ceremony, he straightened up, and Fang Te took out the beastman and human chess pieces from his arms.

The chess piece left Fang Te's palm and floated in the air, like a lighthouse, the chess piece exuded a dazzling light.

Countless light spots continuously emerged from the corpses on the battlefield, and the light spots converged into thin lines. Under the guidance of the light of the chess pieces, countless thin lines entered into the two chess pieces like streams flowing into the sea. !

After more than ten breaths, the chess piece completely absorbed the thin lines emerging from the battlefield, and returned to Fangte's palm again.

Stepping forward again, Fangte appeared in the northern, western, and southern borders of the Eastern Xia Empire.
In these places where the corpses are scattered, Fang Te saw his once familiar appearance, as well as unfamiliar faces, maybe because he was numb because he was used to seeing too many life and death, or because he wanted to go with them, Fang Te There was not much sadness on his face.

He bowed deeply again and again, straightened up again and again, and took out the chess pieces again and again.

The orc pawns extract and absorb the power, divinity, and soul left by the gods in the body of the dead on the battlefield.
And the pawns of the human race absorb the power that is produced by the human race itself rather than gifted by the gods.

But just time and time again, it was so difficult for Fangte to salute the undead every time, and every time he stood up straight, it seemed so difficult, and his cough became more and more severe. If they look like other races, what he coughs up is the essence of the body, and if they look like other races, what he coughs up is blood essence.

"It's okay, there should be time." Wiping his mouth.

After the chess piece absorbed the battlefields of the Eastern Xia border and the beastman race, Fang Te, who had turned into a human race, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, straightened up with difficulty, and walked to the battlefields of the world.

After more than three months of continuous chaos in the world, the flames of war spread to every corner of the world. In the void, although the surrounding scenery flashed by, Fangte, who is a god-species, could see it clearly.

Countless villages were affected by the flames of war, countless civilians died in exile or were affected by the flames of war, and countless countries were destroyed overnight.

On the ruins of some countries, the fire dragon's breath and red flames have not been extinguished, and countless soldiers have been reduced to ashes beside the red flames, and on the ruins of some countries, there are incomplete corpses everywhere. All have traces of monster bites.

In the Moxi Empire, the sea dwellers who landed on land fell together with the corpses of priests and paladins in twos and threes. They each fought for the Lord, and they never put down their weapons until the last moment of their lives.

Walking to the border of the Ella Empire, in the wilderness of this important military city that has been attacked by the elves, the corpses have not undergone any treatment, and in this chaotic world, wars are breaking out all the time, who would to deal with it?

Standing on the battlefield, with a glance, Fang Te saw a standing human warrior, but Fang Te also knew that he had already left.
(End of this chapter)

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