The evolution of slime

Chapter 294 The Bloody Man

Chapter 294 The Bloody Man
The war in the world is still going on. In any part of the world, you can see the corpses of different races. No matter what race it is, basically all the people are soldiers. Every day, I don’t know how many people can’t see the sun of tomorrow.

This kind of war lasted until July. During these months, the various races did not stop, and there was never any talk of recuperation, because these races only believed in their own gods, and they had no conditions for the orders of their own gods. accepted, but their gods did not take their lives seriously.

For to these gods,

This is just a game.

"What a game."

For several months, Fangte, who had been walking on various battlefields, looked at the sky and sighed.

At this stage of the war, the world's population has dropped to less than three-tenths of its original size, but even so, the war is not over yet!As if the war would not be over until the last living thing in the world died.

In the past few months, after Ainia had finished attacking the Eastern Xia Kingdom, the Moxi Empire and the Sea Dwelling Species took turns to attack the Eastern Xia Kingdom. However, at this moment, the senior management of the Eastern Xia Kingdom did not respond in any way.

Because the high-level officials of the Eastern Xia Kingdom did not show up and make decisions, those documents that needed to be handled by the high-level officials of the Eastern Xia Kingdom also fell into the sea. 's disappeared.

The dragons had no leader. Although the generals of the Eastern Xia Kingdom fought bloody battles, they did not have a unified deployment. In the end, under the attack of the sea species, the Eastern Xia Kingdom was destroyed. At the last moment of the destruction of the Eastern Xia Kingdom, the one they trusted No new god appeared
And even though other gods have come to the world one after another, the new god has not yet appeared, which makes people guess that the new god has died.

The destruction of the Eastern Xia Kingdom had a great impact on Fangte's side.

The most important of these is the morale of the Ella Empire. Without a powerful ally, the morale of the Ella Empire has plummeted, and the defense line shrinks again and again!at last!The defense line of the Ella Empire has shrunk to the city of Ella!
Relying on the protective circle, the Ella Empire is making the final resistance, but it can't last long.


On the other hand, like a traveler, Fang Te continued to walk. On the battlefield, he saw Tan Xiao's corpse pierced by a spear, and Fei Terun who passed away sitting on the ground, and even Posamen They all died on the battlefield with swords in hand.

And on a battlefield, Fang Te saw Yuelu who was crying while hugging Ryan's body. She cried so sadly that her face was wet with blood, and no one went to comfort the girl.

Because, on this huge battlefield, she is the only one alive
Fang Te walked slowly in front of the girl and knelt down in front of the girl, but the girl couldn't see him
It's not that Fangte doesn't want to see her, but that Fangte has no ability to let her see him again.

The wind rises and falls, the clouds roll and the clouds relax. The wind blowing across the battlefield brushed the girl's hair with a strong smell of blood.

Yuelu was crying in pain while holding the boy from the Lion Clan. He looked at her who was quietly sitting opposite him. Fang Te knew it was meaningless, but he still wanted to accompany his two students.
After experiencing countless times of grief, Fang Te's heart was numb with pain.

Stretching out his hand, Fang Te touched the dead Ryan's head. Looking at the weeping Moon Dew, he wanted to raise his fingers to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, but like a soul, Fang Te's fingers passed through the Moon Dew .

Standing up, Fang Te could only "touch" Yuelu's head to "comfort" her.
Just when Fang Te was about to withdraw her hand and turn around to leave, Yuelu stopped crying and looked forward dully but full of hope:
"Is that you, teacher?"

Fang Te, who turned to leave, stopped, his pupils shaking slightly
"Well, it's the teacher." Fang Te replied, turning around to face Yuelu, but he didn't know if she could hear her.

"Is that you, teacher?"

Not hearing Fang Te's answer, Yuelu continued to ask, and her tears welled up again.

"Teacher, brother Qin Xiao is gone, brother Fei Telun and sister Qin'er are gone, and finally, even brother Posuomen is gone." The girl wept sadly, her crying face was cut like a knife Fonte's heart.
"Even Ryan! He clearly promised Yuelu, he promised that Yuelu would live, but in the end, in order to protect Yuelu, he stood in front of Yuelu! Why, why even Ryan left."

"Teacher, Yuelu misses you so much, misses her previous life so much, Yuelu seems to be with everyone!"

"Teacher, where are you, Yuelu? What should I do?"

All the suppressed emotions burst out, the girl's cries, shouts, mixed with the sound of the wind, drifted in the wilderness, and pierced Fangte's heart.
The girl kept crying for a long time, and Fang Te stood in front of the girl, heartbroken, and did not leave for a long time
"Teacher, where are you, where are you, Yuelu misses you so much, misses you so much"

Gradually, the girl cried hoarsely, and the tears had dried up.
"The teacher is here, always here." Fang Te's transparent body "hugged" Yuelu, trying to give her the slightest comfort, but now he couldn't even do this.

The girl wept silently. After the fierce battle and great grief, the girl's strength was exhausted, she slowly closed her eyelids, and leaned closer to Ryan.

"Believe in the teacher, everything will end, the teacher will not let you die, the future world will be very beautiful, the teacher will definitely make you all happy."

Looking at the sleeping girl after the huge emotional fluctuation, Fangte stood up, stared at her for a long time, then turned and left
After going through one battlefield after another, following the route provided by the chess pieces, Fangte came to a fishing village in the Moxi Empire.

This fishing village has been turned into ruins. On the ruins, corpses are scattered all over the place. Most of them are the corpses of sea dwellers holding tridents, and there are also corpses of human species among them.

However, these human races did not wear armor, nor did they have any residual magic fluctuations in their bodies. They were just ordinary fishermen.

Under the traction of the sea-dwelling species and human species chess pieces, Fang Te walked among the ruins and corpses, walking non-stop. Finally, Fang Te came to a human species man kneeling on the ground, soaked in blood. in front of.

Beside the man, with him at the center, the corpses of tens of thousands of sea dwellers are all over the ground
(End of this chapter)

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