Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 111 Separation

Chapter 111 Separation
The seventh spirit ring flashed, and the huge black Clear Sky Hammer behind Tang Hao suddenly bloomed. A strong black light surging and agitated, and the huge Clear Sky Hammer fluttered into the wind and turned into a distance of [-] meters.The huge hammer head is like a hill.

Stripes of red streaks emerged from the huge Clear Sky Hammer, the 10-year red soul ring on Tang Hao's body suddenly lit up, and the black giant hammer instantly turned completely red.

"The Pope's Palace, what a Pope's Palace. Hahahahahahaha..." Tang Hao's right hand moved amidst the arrogant laughter.

The [-]-meter-long giant hammer suddenly descended in the air, not towards the three Titled Douluo in front of them, but directly towards the Pope's Palace behind them.

In an instant, the air in the entire Spirit City became distorted, and every Spirit Master who was not a Titled Douluo could not move at all at this moment.

"Tang Hao, how dare you." Pope Bibidong was furious. She jumped up almost at the same time as Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, and faced the giant hammer in the air. At the same time, there were four other figures Shooting out from the Pope's Palace, a total of seven figures faced the giant hammer in the air at the same time.


The soul masters below the seventieth level all fell into a blank in their minds, and fainted to the ground amidst the indescribable violent roar.The loud noise as if punished by heaven made the whole Wuhun City tremble violently.

The seven figures flying in the air were smashed down at the same time, and the giant hammer in the air disappeared.

Ye Yu hugged Xiao Wu, not hiding her strength, her blue eyes instantly turned into blue vertical pupils, and a hundred ice cones made of extreme ice pierced the people on the side of Wuhun Hall, including those who came to support All of them were stabbed at the feet of everyone in Wuhun Hall by Ye Yu with an ice pick superimposed by the Ice Explosion Flame, and then exploded and froze into ice cubes.

Yueguan and Ghost, as titled Douluo, were also flustered for a moment by Ye Yu's unexpected blow. A few seconds later, the ice block that sealed them broke, but they were already covered by the extreme cold of the ultimate ice. Qi invades the body, if they don't meditate and adjust their breath, their meridians will soon be frozen by this extremely cold air!

Looking up to the sky and spurting a mouthful of blood, Tang Hao laughed wildly, "Bibi Dong, just wait. One day I will pay back all the debts Wuhundian owes me. This day is not far away."

After the words fell, Tang Hao picked up the stunned Tang San and Qi Ye with one hand, their figures flickered and disappeared in place.And Ye Yuheng picked up Xiao Wu who was also stunned, and followed Tang Hao to leave.

Tang Hao's thick voice gradually faded away in the air, "Master, Flender, you have taught Qiqi and San'er for many years, and I will never thank you for your kindness. Tang owes you."

When Pope Bibi Dong fell to the ground, his face flushed.Taking a deep breath, the flush slowly disappeared.

"Your Majesty the Pope." Ghost and Yueguan looked at Bibi Dong with ugly expressions.

"Don't chase, it's useless." Bibi Dong's voice was filled with despair.Over the years.She has been training hard.Finally reached the level of Title Douluo.The imaginary enemy in her heart is Tang Hao.However, facing Tang Hao today, she discovered that even though her spirit rings were exactly the same as the other party's.

But in terms of momentum, it is far inferior.After all, Tang Hao is still Tang Hao, Haotian Douluo.What a Haotian Douluo!
But what she didn't expect was that there were actually two evil animals here!

Bibidong thought of Ye Yu's ultimate ice soul skill, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Then what should they do?" Ghost looked at Shrek and his party in the square and asked.

Bibi Dong looked at the master lying in Flender's arms, and sneered, "Let them all go!" After finishing speaking, she walked away.

Sooner or later, sooner or later, they will know that Wuhundian is not a place where they can come and go freely!

After Bibi Dong left, the other cardinals of the Spirit Hall left together with pale faces.

Shrek and his party had Ning Fengzhi, Dugu Bo, Chen Xin and Gu Rong in their presence, and soon woke up.

Ma Hongjun looked around, "Third brother and Qiqi's father are too fierce, Haotian Douluo will be my idol from now on. But what about Xiao Wu and Ye Yu?"

"Tang San's father took them away, and Ye Yu left with Xiao Wu. With Haotian Douluo around, they will be fine. But you, what are your plans?" Ning Fengzhi looked at the five in front of him. the young girl asked.

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing looked at each other, "We are from the Star Luo Empire, we should go back after being out for so long!"

Oscar looked at Ning Rongrong, and asked in silence for a long time: "Sect Master Ning, can I join the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School?"

Ning Fengzhi was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "Of course, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School welcomes you at any time, including you."

Ma Hongjun shook his head, looked at Ning Fengzhi and smiled, "I won't go, the teacher is the dean of Shrek Academy, my direct disciple has run away, the teacher should cry!"

Flender glanced at Ma Hongjun speechlessly, and didn't bother to talk about him, all his mind was on Grandmaster who had just woken up from a coma and was a little confused at the moment.

"In that case, I'll take my leave first." Ning Fengzhi smiled, and left with Ning Rongrong and Oscar.

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing bid farewell to the master and they also left, leaving only Ma Hongjun and Jing Ling, Tai Long and the others followed the master, Flender and Liu Erlong back to Shrek Academy.

In addition to Tang San Tang Qi who was taken away by Tang Hao, and Xiao Wu who was taken away by Ye Yu, the five of them agreed to return to Shrek Academy to meet again in five years' time!

night.The cool night wind blew the leaves, leaving a spot of whirling shadows under the moonlight.

Xiao Wu slowly woke up from the coma.She sat up almost subconsciously and looked around.

The first thing that came into view was a pile of bonfires, the flames burning the firewood, making a crackling sound, and small sparks burst out in the burning.

Ye Yu watched Xiao Wu wake up, approached Xiao Wu, and softly asked about Xiao Wu's physical condition.

Xiao Wu shook her head and said that she was fine.

And beside them, there was a fire, sitting next to the fire was Tang Hao who had fought against the Spirit Hall by himself during the day, and a woman sitting beside him.

Qi Ye was still lying in that woman's arms and Tang San was lying unconscious on Tang Hao's lap.

"Are you awake?" Ah Yin watched Xiao Wu wake up and asked with a smile.

Xiao Wu nodded, looked at the woman suspiciously, "You are?"

"I am San'er and Qiqi's mother. When I met your mother, you were still a little rabbit, playing around all day long." Ah Yin's gentle voice made Xiao Wu's eyes sore, and she hadn't heard it for a long time. Someone had talked about Mama.

"Are you the Blue Silver Emperor?" Xiao Wu still remembered that her mother told her that another 10-year-old soul beast that took human form was the Blue Silver Emperor, and that the third brother's spirit was also the Blue Silver Grass.

"I am, you two are too bold, you should at least wait until the seventieth level before coming out. I was too confident back then, which almost caused an irreversible tragedy." A Yin said here, gently touching Looking at Qi Ye's soft light blue and silver hair, "Since you are awake, hurry back to the Star Dou Forest. The young man named Ye Yu next to you should have the same title as Brother Hao if he guessed right. Luo strength, it's just that your soul power is too low, wait until you're at level seventy or eighty before you come out."

Xiao Wu looked at Qi Ye in Ah Yin's arms, and asked with some doubts: "Auntie, is Qi Qi really a soul beast? I just now realized that Qi Qi's human aura is very faint, but I think Qi Qi It's like I don't know."

Ah Yin shook his head, and Ye Yu, who was watching, also said at this time, "She is definitely not a soul beast." With his eyesight as a million-year-old soul beast and the overlord of a party, it is still accurate to distinguish between humans and soul beasts.

Xiao Wu nodded with half understanding, clasped her fists at A Yin and said, "Xiao Wu is here to thank Auntie first, and uncle and I will go back to the Star Forest first. You, third brother, Qi Qi, uncle also Take care!"

Ah Yin nodded,
Ye Yu embraced Xiao Wu, nodded to A Yin, and disappeared in place in a flash.

A Yin smiled and used the dry firewood in his hand to set aside the small fire, looked at the direction Ye Yu and the others were leaving, and sighed softly: "He is really a reliable and good man, isn't he, Brother Hao?" A Yin turned his head Look at Tang Hao at the other end.

Tang Hao coughed lightly, and picked up Tang San who was still in a coma, "Let's go too, third sister, it's not suitable to stay here for long."

Ah Yin picked up Qi Ye and nodded with a smile.

In the blink of an eye, there was no one there except for the smoldering fire.

—— Digression——

Ye Yu [sighs]: The daughter-in-law can only use her arms when she wakes up.

(End of this chapter)

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