Chapter 112 Riot

The violent fluctuation of soul power was not over yet, as if it was still confronting something, it stiffly let out a long buzzing sound.

'Brother Hao, come on!Qiqi is not right! '

Ah Yin's voice suddenly appeared in Tang Hao's mind, Tang Hao's face changed, his smile stopped, and his figure quickly swept towards that direction: "Qiqi has an accident!"

Tang San was startled, he didn't care about his clothes and was a little disheveled, and chased in the direction Tang Hao was flashing.

Seven seven!

When Tang San and Tang Hao arrived, they saw Ah Yin anxiously looking ahead at the silver-blue fireball in the center of the grass that continuously made ripples in the surrounding space.

The fireball went up and down, the flames were weaker and stronger for a while, and even the fluctuation of the soul power was very unstable. The tyrannical energy filled this space, which made Tang Hao and Tang San who had just arrived feel a lot. oppression.

"Brother Hao!" Ah Yin looked at Tang Hao helplessly, and said in a hurry: "I don't know what's going on, Qiqi was promoted well, but suddenly the fireball stopped for a while, and then began to take the surrounding The flames started to riot. I couldn't get close to Qiqi, the tyrannical energy emitted by those flames was too domineering, and I felt like I would be crushed if I got closer."

Tang Hao approached A Yin, held A Yin's slightly trembling Rou Yi, looked at the rioting flames centered on the big fireball in the middle, and frowned, "How could this happen?"

"Is Qiqi in that ball of fire?" It was the first time Tang San saw this kind of situation. The first time Qi Ye wrapped himself in the fireball was beside A Yinhe Tang Hao. It was the first time Tang San saw this kind of situation. San couldn't help but also panicked.

Ah Yin shook his head, not knowing, his eyes began to turn red, "I originally wanted to get close to Qiqi to try to stop it, but I didn't expect that as soon as I got close, Qiqi's flames started to attack me. The first time I was attacked, I didn't I felt that Qiqi's flame was about to attack me and hesitated for a while, as if it was confronting something. The flame that spread to me solidified and dissipated for a while, and finally threw me out of the flame-shrouded environment. Range! I think Qiqi must have been unable to control the flames, and threw me out of the attack range of the flames while still maintaining a sliver of sanity."

"Then what happened next?" Tang Hao asked in a deep voice.

Ah Yin smiled wryly, "When I was about to step forward again, Qiqi's flames had already attacked me without hesitation. If I hadn't used the blue silver grass to protect myself, I'm afraid I would have been burned by now."

Tang San grimaced, his mother didn't know Qiqi Huoyan's attack ability, but he did.Back then was burned by Qiqi's flames, not even ashes left!
If Qi Qi has no consciousness now, then it should be subconsciously keeping her hands on her mother!
While the three of them were discussing, Qi Ye, who was wrapped in the fireball, also felt uncomfortable, the veins on his forehead popped out, as if he was holding back and enduring something.

Suddenly, Qi Ye suddenly opened his eyes, the pupils of the opened eyes were not lavender, but were covered by pure white flames, completely turned into the pupils of flames!

Qi Ye let out a painful, venting roar from his throat, and the anxious three people outside were startled, and retreated a few steps when the raging pure white flame spread a few meters around.

The three raised their heads, and a scene that shocked them appeared——

The ball of flames floating up and down on the grass suddenly unfolded itself like a flower bud in petals in all directions.The pure white flames scattered around turned around one after another as if they had received some order, and poured into Qi Ye's body one after another with Qi Ye curled up in the center of the flame flower as the center of gravity.

The three of them were taken aback, thinking that Qi Ye had finally regained consciousness and began to take back the pure white flame on his own. When Ah Yin and Tang San were about to step forward, Tang Hao grabbed their wives and children who were about to step forward, "Wait a minute Wait! Something is wrong!"

The pure white flame that had originally returned to Qi Ye surged out again, and a cloud of white mist gradually began to form above Qi Ye. In the white mist, a phantom that looked like a soul beast loomed.

They don't know what kind of creature it is, they can only roughly tell that it is a beast shape purely made of flames, the unknown phantom that looks like a soul beast has long ears that look like ears. Its two wings, its dragon-shaped head, its slender body, and its tail that burst like ice crystals.

Tang San was taken aback, that cloud of white mist had been seen when he had finished taking Wangchuan Qiushuilu and Ziji Demon Eyes advanced.

It was like this when he looked at Qi Qi with the Purple Demon Eye! It's just that there was no phantom in the white mist that looked like a soul beast but didn't look like it!
So, could that phantom in the white mist be Qiqi?
With the appearance of the white mist and the phantom inside, the pure white flames burning on Qi Ye's body became even crazier, as if they were accumulating energy, more and more pure white flames continued to gather toward the white mist above.

Tang San's eyes flickered slightly, and he used Ziji Divine Light on Bai Wu, a scene that even Tang Hao and Ah Yin, who were titled Douluo, could not see clearly appeared in his eyes.

The white mist is still the white mist, and the phantom is still the phantom.It's just that there is an extra layer of gold above the white mist, like a barrier.The phantom in the white mist was constantly accumulating energy and colliding with the barrier.

Tang San saw that after the phantom collided several times, the golden barrier trembled slightly, causing the phantom to charge even more crazily.

Suddenly, black light visible to the naked eye gushed out from the golden barrier, and the night-like blackness completely enveloped the white mist in the widened eyes of the three of them, with no gaps showing.

Tang San's face changed slightly, he couldn't see through the black light!
Ah Yin screamed, Tang Hao stared, watching Qi Ye's curled up body tremble slightly after the black light swallowed the white mist, the pure white flames burning on his body flickered violently as if seeing some terrible existence After a few blows, it crashed into the air!
Together with the flower of flame transformed from pure white flames that supported Qi Ye to float in mid-air, they collapsed into the air together!
The black light also disappeared after devouring the pure white flames. Qi Ye, who was suspended in mid-air, instantly lost his support and fell downwards.

"Qiqi!" Ah Yin exclaimed, and then quickly rushed over to catch Qi Ye who fell from mid-air, but was taken a step ahead by the faster and graceful figure behind him.

The moment Tang San met Qi Ye, the pain of being burned swept his nerves.Then, Tang San's hand was covered with a layer of white light from Xuanyu's hand, and he caught Qi Ye.

Tang Hao and Ah Yin surrounded him, Ah Yin checked Qi Ye's condition and said in a daze, "Qiqi is level 56 and now he just passed out."

Hearing that Qi Ye was out of danger, Tang Hao and Tang San both heaved a sigh of relief.

On the other side of the void, Shen Ye withdrew her strength, and her delicate hands hanging under her sleeves trembled slightly, "This little girl is really worrying."

That tone, with a smile at the same time, also has a hint of inexplicable meaning.

(End of this chapter)

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