Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 123 Graduation

Chapter 123 Graduation ([-])

The top floor of Yuexuan is a huge hall, which is elegantly and comfortably furnished, and there are four doors that lead to unknown places.

"The top floor is my private space, and no one else will come up without my permission. You all sit down!" Yuehua brought a glass of water to each of the four, and sat opposite them, "Good boy, what are your names?" what name?"

"My name is Tang San, and this is my younger sister, Tang Qi." Tang San had put down his guard at this moment, and Qi Ye was staring intently at a pot of blooming tulips by the window of the hall.

"You look like your father, and you also look like your mother. On the other hand, Xiao Qi, who looks like almost no one, but looks better than you." Speaking of this, Yuehua stretched out her hand to pinch Qi Ye, still a little baby fat small face.

Hearing Yuehua say that he didn't look like anyone, Qi Ye looked over.

"Brother, how are you?" Tang Hao asked, pursing his lips.

Yuehua sighed, "You also know that big brother keeps everything in his heart, and has become more and more silent these years. When I went back last time, I accidentally saw him holding a portrait of the three of us when we were young and looking at it. .Second brother, big brother misses you very much, don't you plan to go back?"

"It's not the time yet," Tang Hao shook his head, didn't say any more, just held A Yin's hand next to him, "These two children have just come out of the city of killing, and only with you is the best choice." Tang Hao said. Hao took out a roll of parchment and handed it to Tang San, "A year later, follow the map to find us."

"Second brother, what is the wrong time? When is your so-called time?" Tang Yuehua became excited again at this moment, and shouted at Tang Hao.

"Yuehua, you tell elder brother. I will go back to see him when the time is up." After Tang Hao said no more explanations, Ah Yin only had time to smile softly at Tang Yuehua, and the figures of the two gradually faded away until Disappear.

After Tang Hao and Ah Yin left, Tang Yuehua silently shed two lines of tears. She hadn't seen her second brother for nearly 20 years, but now that they met, they had to meet for a short time.

Tang Yuehua turned to look at the two brothers and sisters who were standing there, and walked up to them, "Are you 19 years old now?"

"We're still two months away from turning 19, right, brother?" Qi Ye thought for a while.

Tang San nodded, "Yes, we are still two months away from being 19 years old."

Tang Yuehua looked at Qi Ye, who was smaller than Tang San, showing a hint of surprise, "I thought Xiao Qi was two or three years younger than you, Xiao San."

Qi Ye's small face was dimmed. Since she gained a little height four years ago, she seemed to have stopped growing, as if she hadn't grown taller.

Looking at the dejected Qi Ye, Tang San reached out and touched Qi Ye's head, "Qi Qi had an accident in her early years, and then she grew very slowly."

Tang Yuehua nodded and said with a gratified smile: "Your father walked out of the Killing Capital at the age of 28, and you were almost ten years earlier than him. It seems that you have inherited the talent of your parents."

"In the next year, you will learn all kinds of aristocratic etiquette and music from me." Tang Yuehua looked at the siblings with burning eyes, and said with a smile.

Tang San was stunned, he thought his father asked him to practice, how could it be to learn etiquette, music and other things?Qi Ye didn't care, she nodded casually, "Are you studying here?"

Tang Yuehua nodded with a smile, "If you don't meet my requirements and satisfy me after a year, I won't let you go to find your parents. Don't think that these things are useless. It is not enough to have strong strength, you need to know how to navigate among various forces and powers without relying on strength, you still have a lot to learn.”

Tang San gave a wry smile, and agreed, his father would never harm him.

Afterwards, Tang Yuehua took them to a room in the backyard. The room was very elegantly furnished, "You will live here for the next year. Starting tomorrow, your classes will start. The night time is up to you Arrangements, but during the day, I hope you don't let me down."

"Yes, aunt." Qi Ye and Tang San nodded at the same time, Tang Yuehua smiled and left, giving space and time to the siblings.

Qi Ye walked into the room, and sat lazily on the soft chair in front of the windowsill, while Tang San put their luggage away one by one.

"dong dong dong"

"Miss and Master, I am Qing He, the maid in charge of this room. Madam asked me to bring some daily necessities to you two." The girl's light voice sounded after the door was knocked.

Both Qi Ye and Tang San tensed their muscles subconsciously. In the past two years in the killing capital, most of the people who knocked on their door were killed by them with a single blow, except for a few people.

Tang San relaxed a little, and opened the door. Qi Ye stood behind Tang San and looked out the door.

Qing He smiled at the two of them, and signaled the people behind her to put the things on the tray in the room into the room. After the waiter put the things away, Qing He said softly: "Young Master and Miss, please have a good rest. Madam told the two to go to Madam's place to study tomorrow morning."

"Thank you." Qi Ye thanked the maid as he looked at the clothes and accessories for the two of them on the tray.

"Miss and young master are polite, Qing He is leaving." The maid smiled unchanged, nodded to the two and left.

Qi Ye kicked off his shoes, went into the bathroom barefoot, and then walked out wearing his little nightdress.

Tang San stared unblinkingly at Qi Ye's exposed white calf, and his panties because of his nightgown, and swallowed without leaving any traces.

"Qiqi, I'm going to wash up."

Tang San somehow lowered his voice.Qi Ye moved her little head buried under the quilt, and a magnetic hoarseness came to her ears, which immediately made her ears itch.

Qi Ye raised his head and saw that Tang San had already entered the bathroom and closed the door, Qi Ye withdrew his eyes and fell asleep very quickly.

In the bathroom, the shower head had been turned on, and the hot water sprayed from it hit Tang San's body, turning into strings of meandering and delicate water streams, climbing down along the arc of the tight muscles, and finally falling into the cold water. On the floor tiles, they converge toward the vortex-shaped water outlet.

The steaming mist quickly rose again, Tang San's handsome face was softened, and the expression on his face seemed somewhat blurred in the rising mist that filled the room.

"Seven seven."

A hoarse and sexy voice sounded, with a lingering affection.

Qi Ye, who was sleeping soundly, moved his little head and buried himself deeper in the soft blanket.

She hasn't slept so peacefully in a long time
After today, they are about to start another practice!
In the Heaven Dou Empire, especially in the Heaven Dou City, Yuexuan is well-known among the nobles as the aristocratic etiquette academy of the empire.

As night fell, people kept entering Yuexuan through invitation cards. Today is Yuexuan's annual graduation ceremony, and most of the invited people are the parents and elders of the graduates.

The graduation ceremony was held on the third floor of Yuexuan, and many dignitaries were already seated on the third floor. As the owner of Yuexuan, Tang Yuehua was still dressed in a silver palace attire, standing at the side of the hall with a smile on his face, until her subordinates told her that everyone had arrived. Only then did she nod her head to signal that the graduation ceremony officially began.

A group of boys and girls in silver costumes filed in from both sides. There were a hundred of them, but there was no noise at all.Everyone has the same elegant smile on their faces, and they are in harmony with each other. There is a touch of nobility and no pride in their gestures, which is eye-catching.

At this moment, two people in white clothes walked out from both sides, one of them was holding a delicate and graceful golden harp, and the other was holding a musical instrument that was somewhat similar to the golden harp, except that the musical instrument looked a bit different. It has an elegant feeling, which is completely different from that of the harp.

The clear blue eyes of the young man holding the harp were clear to the bottom, and the dark blue hair was scattered on his shoulders, but he didn't feel rude.The most attractive thing is the calm aura on his body, which makes people unconsciously focus on him.

When they walked out of the side door, they became the focus of the audience almost instantly.

Even those graduates who walked into the hall with elegant smiles on their faces, most of them couldn't help casting a glance at the two of them.

Especially among the female students, there is no lack of fascinated eyes, and some male students cast admiring glances at the girl in white, but every time they accidentally intrude into the young man in their sight.

(End of this chapter)

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