Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 124 Graduation

Chapter 124 Graduation ([-])

The young man put the harp on the prepared table, sat on the special low stool, first smiled and nodded at the many guests, then slowly raised his slender hands and started to play gently.

Elegant, pure, crystal-clear tones like pearls and jade, and clear tones like morning dew flowed out from the delicate golden harp, and the hall fell silent immediately, and the wonderful sound of the harp was refreshing.Just like the beauty of the wonders gushing out of the fountain under the moonlight, it is filled with a poetic atmosphere.

Suddenly, another brisk music joined in, adding a little tranquility to the poetic atmosphere.

Not to mention other things, just looking at their appearance, these two people will undoubtedly make all the students present who are about to graduate look down upon them. The indifference and indifference they have on them is the most pleasing to the heart.

Tang Yuehua stood there quietly, listening to the wonderful sound of the piano. To her ears, the sound of the piano was of course different from others.She was listening to whether the sound of the piano was really as peaceful as they appeared on the surface.

A year has passed, a whole year has passed, Tang San has indeed changed a lot.Perhaps, this is his nature.As for Tang Qi, she had an indescribable feeling.

During the year, she found that sometimes Tang Qi didn't need to read or teach at all, and those small details seemed to be born with a sense of nobility.

She once tentatively asked Tang Qi if he had learned etiquette, but what he got was a blank look.

The two who played the qin music on the stage were Tang San and Qi Ye.Compared with a year ago, Tang San at this time has undergone earth-shaking changes.That is a change in temperament.From him, there was no trace of murderous intent spreading out.It's not that his murderous aura that he had experienced in the Slaughter City has disappeared, but the real inner meaning.

The oppressive feeling on Qi Ye's body also disappeared without a trace, just like her appearance, pure and innocent, like a harmless girl next door.

Of the two present, one is elegant and non-controversial, and the other is quiet and well-behaved.

When Tang Yuehua gave the first lesson to the siblings, he told them that to be truly strong, one must first learn to control everything about oneself.Especially mood and breath.

This year, Tang San and Qi Ye undoubtedly did a good job, so good that even a harsh lady like Tang Yuehua couldn't find a single flaw.Others need a three-year course, they finish it in one year, and they learn it better than anyone else.

It has always been the tradition of Yuexuan to represent the graduates to play the harp, and only the most outstanding graduates of this year can win this honor.Tang San and Qi Ye were able to sit there not because they were Tang Yuehua's nephews, but because of their own achievements.

The graduation ceremony was carried out step by step in this elegant music.The dignitaries have already begun to quietly inquire about the origins of Tang San and Qi Ye.But no one could tell.Even if they were their children, no one could tell where Tang San and Qi Ye came from.

To other students, Tang San and Qi Ye were like a mystery.When they first appeared here, no one wanted to get close to them because of the coldness, and no one liked them two transfer students.

Although the older brother Tang San is handsome, and the younger sister's face is exquisite and flawless, this is the imperial capital, so there are not many handsome men and beautiful women?

However, after a few months, everyone looked at them differently. In the study of various etiquette and music, Tang San and Qi Ye showed a learning ability far beyond ordinary people.The most notable thing was that the faint icy layer on Tang San's body gradually disappeared, and the sense of oppression and threat on Qi Ye's body also subsided, and he became quiet.

I just don't know why, they usually seldom communicate with others, let alone talk, and if they have something to say, it's just a few words between their brothers and sisters occasionally, and the rest of the time they just study silently.

Sitting under the stage, the most prominent among the nobles was a young man. His age seemed to be at the intersection of youth and middle age.He is the crown prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, Xue Qinghe.

This time, Xue Qinghe came here for her sister's graduation ceremony.

Looking at the harmonious men and women on the stage, Xue Qinghe also had to admit in his heart that he couldn't pick out any flaws between the two.Looking at Qi Ye, Xue Qinghe couldn't help but think of the soul master competition five years ago. It was the same as five years ago, that exquisite appearance remained unchanged, even his height.But the man next to her was not Tang San, but a young man named Tang Yin, who was also accompanied by a young man from the same clan as Tang Qi.

A year has passed, how could he have imagined a year ago that he and Qi Qi would actually play musical instruments in front of everyone today.

When he first started studying with Qiqi and his aunt, he was full of doubts in his heart.

However, when the time passed a month.Tang San discovered that the path his father pointed out to them was so correct.

Practicing in the killing capital is to train the mind.The same is true in Yuexuan.

When he gradually calmed down here, recalling everything that happened in the past four years, as well as his entire growth process.He found himself mentally exhausted.

During this year, he had the best rest for his body and mind. Although he didn't deliberately cultivate, everything he had learned over the years was gradually integrated in this tranquility.Even the governor meridian, the last line of defense of the eight extraordinary meridians, began to loosen gradually.

Level 57, this is Tang San's current spirit power level.In five years, from level 42 and level 57 to level [-], an average of level [-] per year, it sounds like he can't compare with the speed of his training in Shrek Academy for more than two years.But in reality, after level [-], how can the soul power required for each level be comparable to before?
Compared with a year ago, Qi Ye has only increased by one level, and she has only increased by one level in the two years in the Slaughter Capital, and her current spirit power level is only one level higher than Tang San's.

Tang San was silently happy in his heart that he was finally going to catch up with Qiqi, but at the same time he was also a little worried, because in three years, Qiqi's leveling up was too slow, if calculated, it took an average of one and a half years to get to level one.

He also asked Qiqi if there was something unclear or doubtful during her cultivation, but Qiqi was also at a loss every time, and even she herself didn't know what went wrong.

Seeing that there was nothing to ask, Tang San had no choice but to give up.

Yuexuan's graduation ceremony ended successfully, and each college received the graduation certificate from Tang Yuehua, and happily threw themselves into the arms of their relatives.

Qi Ye and Tang San stood in front of the still elegant and beautiful Tang Yuehua, and said in unison, "Thank you, aunt."

"You are outstanding, and your parents will be proud of you." Tang Yuehua smiled gratifiedly.

"Aunt Yuehua, don't you want to introduce me?" A clear voice sounded, Qi Ye and Tang San looked over, and it was Prince Xue Qinghe in casual clothes.

Tang Yuehua angrily said, "Don't always call me auntie, am I very old?"

"Aunt Yuehua." Xue Qinghe smiled helplessly, looked at Qi Ye and Tang San who were standing behind Tang Yuehua, Tang Yuehua gave up half of his body, "Let me introduce to you, these two are my nephews, Tang Qi, you should have seen it, this is Tang Yin."

"Naturally, my younger sister Tang Qi's outstanding performance in the soul master competition has left a deep impression on me so far, and her brother Tang San is also extremely outstanding." Xue Qinghe said with a faint smile after two flashes of light flashed in his eyes.

Qi Ye looked over lightly, and said softly, "Of course my brother is the best."

(End of this chapter)

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