Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 125 Departure

Chapter 125 Departure
Looking at the backs of Qi Ye and Tang San who left Yuexuan, Tang Yuehua stood on the window sill of the top floor, with a faint smile on his lips, "I'll be waiting for you at the sect."

Qi Ye and Tang San followed the parchment map left by Tang Hao and A Yin a year ago to the valley marked on the map, and returned to the valley where they practiced three years ago. Both Qi Ye and Tang San were excited.

The valley was still the same as before, quiet and peaceful, and the waterfall not far away crashed down, and Ah Yin stood by the lake and watched them quietly.

"Mom." Qi Ye and Tang San walked in front of Ah Yin, and Ah Yin looked at the two children who were already taller than her, "Let's go, your father and I have been waiting for you."

Qi Ye and Tang San looked at each other suspiciously, and followed A Yin into the wooden house that Tang Hao had built. Tang Hao was standing at the door of the wooden house quietly waiting for them.

Qi Ye and Tang San were stunned the moment they saw Tang Hao.Because in front of them was not the father they were familiar with, but Tang Hao who was missing his left leg and right arm.

Qi Ye and Tang San's eyes turned red almost instantly, and an incomparably strong evil spirit burst out, "Who is it, Dad, who hurt you like this?"

Because of extreme anger, Tang San's Death God Domain was forcibly inspired, and in an instant, the surrounding air instantly became icy cold.

Qi Ye caressed Tang Hao's severed arm, the residual soul power on it made her startled, and the evil spirit around her disappeared, she raised her head and looked at Tang Hao in a daze: "Father."

Tang Hao stroked the hair of the two of them, smiled lightly and said, "No one can hurt me except myself?"

Qi Ye felt hot in his eye sockets, as if something was about to fall, "Why?"

Tang Hao glanced at his little daughter who was about to cry, and sighed, "You're grown up, it's time to tell you what happened back then."

Qi Ye and Tang San sat quietly beside Tang Hao and A Yin. Tang Hao held A Yin's hand with a complicated expression, and then he sighed slightly, "Back then, your uncle and I were the two most talented people in the Clear Sky School. , and my father was the suzerain at the time, and he had been placed with high hopes since he was a child. My elder brother is 15 years older than me, and I have a deeper affection for my elder brother than my father, and almost all my skills are taught by my elder brother."

"When we were 20 years old, we were already called Haotian Twin Stars by the outside world. In terms of talent, I was better than my elder brother, and my father also gave me my first soul bone in that year." Tang Hao paused when he said this. Suddenly, Ah Yin's strength in holding his hand increased. Tang Hao lowered his eyes and continued, "Brother has always loved me. Even if my father surpassed him and made me the successor of the next suzerain of the sect, my elder brother never felt dissatisfied." .”

"Until the age of 30, my soul power broke through level 78. At that time, my elder brother's soul power was [-]. My strength has gradually caught up with my elder brother. Your grandfather suffered internal injuries in the early years, and his strength is gradually not as good as before. Also Because of this, your grandfather asked us to go out to practice for ten years, and at the same time gave me the second soul bone of the sect."

"The sect has a total of three soul bones, two of which were given to me and the other to elder brother. In this way, I am almost certain to be the next suzerain." Tang Hao said here, beckoning the two The wooden box was sucked from the side shelf, and placed in front of Qi Ye and Tang San, "The ones inside are those two spirit bones."

Qi Ye and Tang San subconsciously looked at Tang Hao's missing left leg and right arm, Tang Hao said indifferently, "At that time, I left the sect with my elder brother and met your mother. She was kind and lively, and attracted me almost immediately. Later, the three of us walked together, and your mother was the youngest at the time, so she ranked third, and that's how San'er got her name."

"Later, your mother and I became husband and wife with the blessing of my elder brother. It was also at that time that my elder brother and I knew your mother's identity. I believe you have always guessed that your mother is indeed a 10-year-old soul beast, and at that time it was A 10-year-old soul beast that is about to enter maturity." Speaking of this, Tang Hao's eyes suddenly sank, "My eldest brother and I are the leaders of the younger generation of the Haotian School. Being watched by Wuhundian all the time, when I was about to take your mother back to the sect, I met the titled Douluo sent by Wuhundian. At that time, I was already at level 84, although that person didn’t get it Okay, but the three of us still started hiding around."

"What about Uncle? Have you ever returned to the Clear Sky School?" Qi Ye still had a good impression of the Clear Sky School. He always thought that his parents stayed outside for other reasons and never returned to the Clear Sky School.

"Later your mother was pregnant with you, and my eldest brother and I finally agreed to bring your mother back to the Clear Sky School, but the Wuhun Palace issued an edict to condemn the Clear Sky School and asked the sect to hand over me and your mother. His health was not good, he fell ill all of a sudden, and I didn't see him for the last time until he died." Tang Hao said this, his eyes were a little red, and now thinking of the scene at that time, Tang Hao is still full of anger.

Ah Yin caressed Tang Hao's left hand, and said softly, "Brother Hao, it's all over."

"Although nearly 20 years have passed, I will never forget the deceitful face of Wuhundian." Tang Hao took a rough breath, "They forced Haotianzong to hide from the world. Originally, the number one sect only Names are left."

"Before your mother was about to give birth, people from the Wuhun Temple came to find me. Even though I was already as strong as a Titled Douluo at that time, I was no match for four hands with two fists. In the end, I was severely injured by them." Tang Hao stroked Qi Ye's hair, and a smile appeared in his eyes, "Your mother sacrificed herself directly for me and you two. The sacrifice of a 10-year-old soul beast can't be interrupted even by Titled Douluo. It was even more impossible to hurt us. At that time, I was devastated and almost hopeless, it was Qi Qi who saved your mother, and Qi Qi fell into a deep sleep for six years because of this."

Tang San lowered his head and remained silent, only holding Qi Ye's hand harder and harder.He still remembered Qiqi's silent appearance lying next to him for six years, if it wasn't for Qiqi's faintly warm skin reminding him, he would have thought that Qiqi passed away in a deep sleep.

"I stripped these two soul bones because I hope that you can send them back to the sect for me," Tang Hao said in a deep voice, looking at the two soul bones in the wooden box, "Originally, this soul bone should be taken by myself. Send it back, but your mother and I still have some things to do. After your mother was rescued by Qi Qi, I went to the Pope's Palace to kill the former Pope. Although Bibi Dong hasn't moved yet, it shouldn't be too long gone."

Tang San took the wooden box solemnly, took a deep breath: "Father, don't worry, we will definitely complete the task."

While talking, he took out a piece of Longzhi leaf from the moonlit night at 24 bridges and stuffed it into his father's mouth, "I have only one piece of Longzhi leaf here. You have destroyed your limbs, and your vitality has been seriously injured. Longzhi leaf can strengthen the foundation and cultivate the vitality." You can take one tablet every month from now on, and after a year, your body should be able to return to a healthy state."

Tang Hao took the Longzhi leaf, put one piece into his mouth, felt the feeling that Longzhi leaf brought to him, Tang Hao nodded, "If you have nothing else to do, you can go directly after the rest. Go to Haotianzong. Remember to kneel for me in front of your grandfather's grave for three days during Jieshi, this is what I owe your grandfather."

Tang San shook his head, "No, Dad, I guess the price you paid for stripping off the spirit bone should not only be your left leg and right arm, right?"

Tang Hao was stunned for a moment, then nodded helplessly, "The most important thing to strip off a soul bone is not to cut off a limb, but to lose ten levels of soul power forever after stripping off a soul bone. You are also worried, I just removed my lowest level Although my two spirit rings only have level 77 spirit power, if you want to kill me, you must at least be a Titled Douluo."

Hearing this, Qi Ye raised his head slightly, and pulled Tang Hao past him without hesitation, "Father, I'll help you grow back the severed limb."

Ah Yin and Tang Hao were taken aback for a moment, and before they could react, Tang Hao felt the full vitality entering his body.

"Eh!" Tang Hao snorted, his arm and right leg suddenly felt itchy, and the stagnant soul power in his body also showed signs of recovery and growth.

"Brother Hao!" Ah Yin covered her mouth in disbelief and exclaimed. The next moment, under the gaze of three pairs of eyes, Tang Hao's broken arm and leg were covered with a layer of blue and silver flames, and the flames began to explode. Extended and gradually formed a shape.


The flames dissipated, and the newborn arms and legs were exposed, but unlike Tang Hao's other dark skin, it had a white complexion like a newborn baby.

"Cough." After being shocked, Ah Yin chuckled.

Qi Ye withdrew his hand and let out a long breath: "Father, it's done."

Tang Hao looked down at his Bai Shengsheng's arms and thighs, his face rarely turned dark.

"Father, now you're back to being a Titled Douluo." Tang San said to Tang Hao with a smile after embracing the dangerous Qi Ye who didn't know it.

Tang Hao glanced sideways at his wife, Ah Yin stopped laughing, Tang Hao looked at his two children again, coughed solemnly, took out a piece of parchment and put it in front of them, "This map you Take a look, remember it and return it to me, it contains the current address of Haotianzong."

(End of this chapter)

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