Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 191 Chapter 6

Chapter 191 Six Returns
The entire burning dark space froze, as if the pause button had been pressed, the invisible power of "truth" was solidified in the void, and the silver-white pure white flames seemed to be pulled towards him one after another. As the void converged, a translucent giant beast burning with silvery white flames gradually took shape, swimming in the dark night, becoming the only light in this dark world.

A faint ray of light shines from the inside of the flame. The color does not belong to any known color, but a brilliance that represents the law. Where the light shines, the darkness recedes.

The majestic magic power swayed from the body of the giant beast covered in silver-white flames, causing ripples in layers of space, spreading to the entire world of Yong Ye.


The giant beast let out a long cry, carrying an ancient breath, and the silver-white flame gradually died down, and was retracted back into the giant beast's body.Every inch of the giant beast exudes an ancient and pure aura, which also carries the brilliance unique to that law. The brilliance flickering on its body seems to illuminate the entire polar night world.

It only takes one glance to feel the inconceivable existence that originally belonged to this strange life form.

A pair of lavender animal pupils slowly opened, and countless rays of light visible to the naked eye flowed through them. The silver crescent moon pupils were like a piece of transparent silver crystal, and the sacred light of the Dao and the law slowly flowed inside, faintly like He saw two clusters of silver-white flames dancing in his pupils.

【What do you want?What do you wish for?Who are you? 】

That voice reappeared in this world again. The giant beast raised its head and stared at the void faintly. An ethereal voice came out clearly from its mouth. In fact, the giant beast just opened its mouth, but there was a voice coming from that Out of the bottomless mouth——

"What I seek is 'truth', and what I wish is 'truth'. I am a royal family, which symbolizes the will of [immortality]."

The royal family of Einzfeld is the designated administrators of [World]. They are not gods, demons, monsters, or humans.

Conceived, born, and derived from the "world".The highest law is derived from them, and it is in charge of billions of countless world laws.Cause and effect are drawn by them, and the track of time is reincarnation, gifting the truth of each world, and the world will rotate according to the truth, forming the "Way of Heaven" and multiplying the things in this world.

This is the royal family.

And one of the "truths" is herself.

Because, the meaning of her manifestation is [immortality].

No matter how many times she has lost her soul or died, she will be resurrected again.

Because she is [immortal], her soul is immortal!

After Qi Ye's words fell, a fierce light suddenly radiated from her body, subverting the entire world shrouded in eternal night!
Huang Ye, who was waiting in the Tiange, suddenly felt a sympathetic sense of blood, and if he felt something, he looked at the opened door of different space, and a figure slowly stepped out of it, as if walking in a leisurely cloud, Gradually came into his eyes——

There is a little silver light in the silver-blue long hair, and it spreads behind her like a moonlight. She is slender, and she is wrapped in a gauze skirt, and her exquisite body is covered, but there is still some baby fat on her delicate face. .Obviously, it gives people the feeling that this girl has grown up, from an immature child to a stable and mature adult, but time seems to have frozen on her body, even though she is taller than the original 1.6 meters A lot, but it barely reached 1.7 meters. Compared with the slender Huang Ye and the others, the girl seemed to be a child who hadn't grown up.

Meeting the eyes of those lavender pupils reflecting the sacred radiance, a smile was drawn on the corner of Huang Ye's mouth: "Welcome back, Xiaoqi."

A faint smile slowly bloomed on Qi Ye's quiet face: "Second brother."

Compared with the rigidity of calling the exit before, it is more natural now, with a touch of kindness.

Suddenly, Huang Ye looked towards Qi Ye's collarbone that was not covered by the gauze skirt, and saw a silver-blue flame-shaped mark engraved with sacred ancient characters on it, and squinted, "This is .The mark on the star?"

They had already discussed about the star in [Little Garden] before, and he had heard about it a little bit. Although he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he knew what it was the first time he saw it.

"En." Qi Ye responded softly, raised his hand, caressed his collarbone, and stroked the words written on it little by little, feeling warm in his heart.

The text on it is engraved with Tang San's name.

At the same time, it is also a proof of Tang San's love.

"Really? The person you love is really that kid named Tang San, right? Now, the most worrying result has come true." Although Huang Ye said bad things, the smile on his face was not the slightest. The reduction seems to be a small joke.

But they all know that this is not an insignificant joke, but a real, big event.

It's still a big thing about them.

"Dui Xing has been established, and I can feel that the imprint has also awakened on my brother." The 'brother' Qi Ye said was Tang San.

Huang Ye stroked his forehead helplessly: "If both parties are awakened, the contract with Xing has already come into force. Now, no matter what, we can't separate them."

"En." Qi Ye responded lightly, as if he didn't care about the consequences of Huang Ye's words.

"So, have you figured out what to do, my sister?"

Huang Ye looked at Qi Ye with a smile, and the other party shook his head calmly——

"do not know."

Huang Ye burst out laughing.

—— Digression——

Ergengjun is on his way and will appear at about 10:30.The second is that last week, Moli agreed to a cute little Jiageng in the group~
(End of this chapter)

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