Chapter 192 Back
"Fortunately, the trial has been completed now, otherwise it would really add another trouble." Huang Ye said happily, and met Qi Ye's puzzled gaze:
"It's all done? Isn't there seven levels of trials? This should be the sixth level, and there is another level."

"Because you have already completed the seventh exercise."

Shen Ye's voice came from behind the two of them.

Huang Ye turned around, saw Shen Ye approaching slowly, and raised her eyebrows: "Brother."

"What does this mean?" Qi Ye looked at Shen Ye hesitantly.

The corner of Shenye's mouth raised a gentle and sincere smile: "Because the seventh practice is for you to slaughter the entire plane."

".I." Just when Qi Ye wanted to say that she had never slaughtered the entire plane, she suddenly remembered that she unconsciously used her body form to create endless slaughter in a small world.

"It was that time."

Shen Ye nodded: "Yes. The so-called trial is to meet a new reincarnation in the constant destruction before being reborn. Therefore, the content of the first trial should be 'killing'."

"Your trial of 'absoluteness' in that dinosaur world is the second trial. The combination of the two meanings leads to the third trial in which you use your body as the Tao and incarnate as the 'Day of Heaven', and then It's 'judgment'."

"Since it is Tao, then you must know how to judge black and white; this kind of judgment is based on your absolute distinction between black and white, and tests whether you have truly understood the meaning of 'judgment'. The foundation of all 'causes' Once possessed, it is 'power'."

"It's not enough to have the 'truth', you need to practice the 'truth' and have enough strength to practice it. Then comes the sixth test, the 'name'. Who are you, or what kind of person are you? Why can you Judging others, why you have the ability to distinguish between black and white, why you are 'Qi Ye'."

"Based on the above, the answer we get is the last trial—'bloodline'. Complete the real awakening as a royal family. It is not just the appearance of appearance, but the 'self' manifestation of the meaning of its own existence."

"It's as if you understand your feelings for Tang San." After saying that, Shen Ye's gaze rested on Qi Ye's collarbone.

Qi Ye pursed his lips and remained silent.

Shen Ye sighed lightly: "Xiao Qi, you don't have to be nervous, since the matter is a foregone conclusion, you can only come up with a way to deal with it, and you can't let them take advantage of the loopholes."

Huang Ye looked at Shen Ye thoughtfully: "From your tone, you seem to have already anticipated the current situation?"

Shen Ye smiled and turned her head: "Probably so. Now we are waiting for A Ling and A You to come back."

Huang Ye suddenly realized: "Oh! That's right! A-Ling and A-You are still in [Xiaoting]."

Qi Ye looked at Shen Ye and then at Huang Ye, not understanding what charade the two were playing, but she didn't feel uneasy because she knew that they would not hurt her.

"Then, what should I do now?" Qi Ye's eyes flashed with confusion. She knew that she had violated the rules now, and she should wait for her other two sisters to return to the imperial palace to discuss countermeasures, but she still couldn't let go. Tang San who was hastily left on the Douluo Continent.

At that time, she didn't even say goodbye to her brother
Qi Ye's eyes darkened slightly, and Shen Ye and Huang Ye, who had been paying attention to Qi Ye's expression, looked at each other.

"If you want to find Tang San, just go." Shen Ye said.

Qi Ye looked at Shen Ye in surprise, a little embarrassed: "But, but..." This incident was originally her fault.
"It's okay, Xiaoqi, go if you want to. Your brothers are not incompetent people who can't protect your sister, so leave it to us to think about the countermeasures." Huang Ye also comforted.

Qi Ye's heart warmed slightly, he was silent for a while and then nodded: "Okay."

Now she has just completed her awakening, and she only has inherited memories, but she is still unclear about the current situation of the royal family, and she just has nothing to do if she stays here.

Qi Ye turned around, then suddenly remembered something, and added: "My brother is not incompetent, he is very powerful." After speaking, she tore open the void and left.

Shen Ye and Huang Ye were taken aback for a moment, then chuckled.

As soon as Qi Ye stepped onto the Sea God Island, Bo Saixi, who was sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain, felt the tyrannical aura of Qi Ye, saw the figure suddenly appearing on the eight deep-sea sinking silver pillars, and clearly saw the familiar Behind her face, she wanted to take a step forward and continued to sit where she was.

Qi Ye opened her eyes, and what appeared in front of her was a valley sunken into Sea God Island. Outside, there was an endless sea. The valley sunken into the island from the shore, about hundreds of meters deep.There are black rocks all around, and just by stepping on it, you can feel that it is as hard as steel.

At the top of each pillar, there is a small horizontal pillar, which is integrated with the thick pillar itself.It looks like a cross at the top, and on this cross, there are five gray rings in total.On the rings of the eight deep-sea sunken silver pillars, there is a person fixed respectively, among them, the one closest to the waves with monstrous momentum is Tang San.

The ferocious waves hit the eight people hard. The strong impact made them suffocate for a while, but it felt completely bearable.With the Chen Yin ring fixed, they don't have to be afraid of their bodies being washed away by the sea water, and Shen Yinzhu also remains motionless under the impact of the sea water.

Of course they didn't feel too much at the beginning, but after the number of impacts exceeded ten times, they had to urge their soul power to stand up to resist.Because of the continuous impact, their bodies have already felt numb.It's not pain, but numbness, tendons, flesh and bones.Numbness from everywhere.

The turbulent waves were like a master with powerful soul power constantly urging energy attacks to hit them, and every hit completely covered their entire bodies.Then, in just a quarter of an hour, each of them endured hundreds of shocks, and the numbness gradually transformed into pain.They are due to previous heavy consumption.The soul power has begun to be insufficient to protect the body.He could only endure the violent impact forcefully.

—— Digression——

Withdraw, withdraw~~liver game~
(End of this chapter)

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