Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 197 Fierce battle against the group of evil killer whales

Chapter 197 Fierce battle against the group of evil killer whales
Xiao Bai was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, and then began to explain the current situation to the other Shrek Eight Monsters.

Afterwards, Tang San opened the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover, fully including Xiaobai and his companions in the protection range, and he looked at Qi Ye who was standing on the side.

Qi Ye shook his head gently: "Brother, you don't have to worry about me."

Now she doesn't need those external protection at all.

Tang San paused, then said to Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, take us there."

Xiaobai glanced at Qi Ye, turned into a shark again, and swam into the sea: "Come with me."

This time, Tang San and their fourth test, just like the third test, Qi Ye just watched from the sidelines.

Watching Tang San cover the entire ocean with spiritual power, share the spiritual power with Xiao Bai, and then unexpectedly use the Zhuge God Crossbow smeared with poison to sneak attack, and then hide his figure, reducing the evil killer whales one by one. quantity.

The evil killer whale king was furious, but he never found any trace of his enemy. Even though he ordered all his fellows to look for the hidden enemy, there was still no news. On the contrary, their number was increasing. The rate of one dying in a few minutes is decreasing.

"It's time to launch a general attack." When Tang San shot No. 40 eight crossbow bolts, he finally put away the jade bottle containing the spring of ice and fire. He only had these 48 crossbow bolts on him, and the demon Killer whales also died or injured more than 48 under these [-] crossbow bolts, nearly a quarter of the total, and Tang San's chosen targets were all adult evil spirit killer whales.

Red flares soared into the sky.

The signal for the general attack was finally issued, Xiaobai led Tang San and turned around abruptly.Like lightning, it receded in the direction it came from.

The Demon Soul Great White Sharks have been following from afar, don't think they can't control the distance, but don't forget.They have advantages that the evil killer whales don't have.That's scouting.

Bai Chenxiang, who transformed into a sharp-tailed swift, was always high in the sky, relying on her amazing eyesight to lock the position of the group of evil killer whales.The news that has been reconnaissance is continuously sent back to the demon soul great white shark group.

Although the leaders Tang San and Xiao Bai were not there.But Dai Mubai and Oscar are both smart people.Hearing Bai Chenxiang say that the number of evil killer whales was constantly decreasing, they understood that Tang San's sneak attack was definitely a success.The green flare is not for them to attack.Therefore, they commanded the group of demon spirit great white sharks to follow dozens of miles away, guided by Bai Chenxiang.Not afraid of being lost at all.

Along the way, the Demon Soul Great White Sharks kept seeing the corpses of the Demon Killer Whales left in the sea water, and their morale, which was originally not high, continued to increase.At this time, the red signal flare rose from afar, and Dai Mubai immediately gave the order to charge in an all-round way.

Soon, Xiaobai brought Tang San together with the group of demon spirit great white sharks, Tang San stood up again, this time.He was standing on Xiaobai's back.The Devil Soul Great White Shark is at full speed.Like two hundred white water arrows, they chased the group of evil killer whales in front of them.

When they approached within ten miles of the group of evil orcas, the evil orca king finally discovered the situation behind him, and sent out a mental detection.Just in time to meet Xiaobai's mental fluctuations.The two collided, and the evil killer whale king's anger, which had been suppressed for a long time, completely broke out.He turned around brazenly, and brought his clansmen to greet him aggressively.

"Roar—" A water arrow shot out from the back of the evil killer whale king.Roaring.The thick and hoarse voice rang out with overwhelming anger, "You killed my people?"

Xiaobai proudly said: "That's right. It's us, Xiehu. Do you still remember what I said when you killed my younger brother? Today I will let you pay with blood, you bastards who have polluted the ocean, we represent Lord Sea God destroy you."

"Sea God? He disappeared tens of thousands of years ago. Want to fight against me, you little fish who don't know what to do. How your brother died back then, I will use it on you today."

As soon as he mentioned his younger brother.Xiaobai's eyes suddenly turned red.With a roar, he rushed forward with his own people.

While Xiaobai was rushing forward.Tang San tapped lightly on her back with one foot, and rose into the air.Ascending into the mid-air, he calmly cast his eyes all over the audience, and said to his companions: "Complete your mission first. Rongrong, you will give Xiaobai a buff."

Boom——the two overlord groups in the ocean collided fiercely, as the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.The Demon Soul Great White Shark has been oppressed by the Demon Killer Whale for an unknown number of years.At this time, 120% of their combat power has completely exploded. On the other hand, the evil killer whales, although their combat power erupted in an instant, are still very strong.But the previous massive consumption had already made them extremely exhausted, and it was impossible for them to display their true strength. Even so, as soon as the two sides met.The entire sea area was immediately stained red with blood.

What makes the evil killer whale king angry is the effect of the Shura hell in the killing god domain around him. No matter what, he can't exert his full strength. Under Xiaobai's entanglement attack, even if he wants to help his clansmen If you can't do it, you can only watch helplessly as your clansmen continue to die.

The evil killer whale king understands that if this continues, the entire army may really be wiped out today.Although Xiaobai in front of him is strong, he can still resist it.But his tribe has become more and more unable to persist.The number of casualties is far greater than that of the Demon Soul Great White Sharks.

To be able to cultivate to the 10-year level, the evil killer whale king is certainly not a fool, he understands.Tang San floating in the air to release the domain is the key.

His extremely large domain at least weakened the combat power of his clansmen by more than ten percent, but increased the Demon Soul Great White Shark by more than ten percent. This led to the fact that his clansmen were unable to defeat them with the same number of people. Demon Soul Great White Shark.

Thinking of this, the evil killer whale king's huge body suddenly rolled in the sea water, and then.The body pops out like a bowstring.Xiaobai suffered from the Devil Shark Tooth forcefully, resulting in dozens of wounds on his body, but his power storage has also been completed.An iron-gray water column as thick as a water tank spewed out from behind.Go straight to Tang San in the air.

"Be careful." Xiaobai roared, his body jumped up, and hit the evil tiger shark king heavily, sending him flying, turning into a shrew again, attacking ferociously.

In mid-air, Tang San's attention was always highly concentrated.It seemed that he had already guessed that the evil killer whale king would attack him.Facing the iron-gray water column locking itself.

Tang San didn't dodge, put the index finger and middle finger of his right hand together, and tapped lightly on the golden trident branding between his eyebrows.Then throw it downwards.

The crystal blue triangle was thrown out with his sword finger, and the triangle expanded in the air. In the blink of an eye, the equilateral triangle had expanded to a side length of one meter. The whole body released a deep blue, and met the gray blue streak head-on. water column.

The evil killer whale king's attack can be said to be going all out, the purpose is to destroy Tang San at once, and free his people from the Shura hell, otherwise he would not have suffered Xiaobai several times because of his energy accumulation. attack.

With a full blow from the 10-year spirit beast, Tang San's dark blue triangle blasted a jet of iron-gray water from the front.

Incomparably huge energy fluctuations erupted in the air.The dark blue triangle rotates in the air.It's like the main body covered by the vast sea, and although the gray water column of the erupting subway is powerful, it can be clearly seen that the energy in the water column seems to be separated by the vast sea.The gray breath scattered in all directions.However, countless blue light spots were forcibly absorbed by the Vast Sea Universe Cover.

Qi Ye, who was overlooking them in the air, was also naturally blown by the airflow, but the strong airflow did not shake her body, not even a hair.

The battle below was about to come to an end. The evil killer whale king watched his clansmen die one by one, his eyes were red, and his huge body floated on the sea and came to a halt.He didn't chase Xiaobai.

The original metallic luster on his body was quickly replaced by a layer of dead gray, and the extremely huge energy fluctuations seemed to block the entire sea area, similar to the appearance of the solidified sea area in the third stage in Xiaobai's domain, causing no matter whether it was an evil orca in the sea Or the movement speed of the Demon Soul Great White Shark became slower.

"Not good." Xiao Bai exclaimed, and rushed forward again.But.Around the body of the Evil Orca King, a layer of special invisible energy bounced off her body this time.Even its eyes turned from blood red to grayish white, and the air around its body began to twist violently.

"It's going to explode. Stop him." Xiao Bai yelled in fear.

No one at the scene knew how the 10-year soul beast self-destructed, but it was completely conceivable.A soul beast that has been cultivated for 10 years bursts out its accumulated energy and soul at the same time, what a terrifying power it is, once it really happens.I am afraid that there are not many people present who can survive.

Qi Ye's eyes were fixed, and countless chains of pure white flames protruded from the void behind him. The target was the evil killer whale king!
(End of this chapter)

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