Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 198 Absorbing the 8nd Soul Ring

Chapter 198 Absorbing the Eighth Soul Ring
Countless chains penetrated the huge body of the Evil Orca King, and the terrifying power contained inside was actually absorbed by the chains. In the end, the Evil Orca King looked at the void unwillingly, and his vitality and strength were rapidly increasing. speed is passing.

Unwilling, its body shrank a lot at once, and then burst open a few times, but it could only spread to small splashes around it.

It was like a balloon that had died down and had no air, so it could only burst open.

Without the leadership of the evil killer whale king.The rest of the evil killer whales couldn't resist too much at all, and they would have no chance of self-destruct in front of Xiao Bai.The Seven Shrek Monsters, who had recovered their breath, helped the Demon Soul Great White Shark work together.Soon, all the remaining evil killer whales were wiped out, drawing a perfect end to this race war.

The delightfully familiar light curtain reappeared, and the words that appeared in the minds of Dai Mubai, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong, Bai Chenxiang, and Xiao Wu were all the same.

"The fourth test, the shark-whale battle is completed. Due to special reasons, the difficulty of the test has been reduced, and the rewards have been halved. The casualties of the demon spirit great white shark are less than 500%. Once, Ning Rongrong's reward of [-] years of soul ring cultivation did not appear again.

Now that Qi Ye is connected with the law, he naturally heard the voice of Sea God, and when he heard that the reward was halved for a special reason, Qi Ye turned his eyes away and landed on Tang San.

When the golden light curtain gushing out from Tang San's forehead shattered, he received unusual words of reward.

Aged and majestic hovered in Tang San's mind, "Win with wisdom, minimize losses, and kill more than fifty evil orcas alone. Kill the evil orca king with your own hands, paying equal attention to wisdom and strength. The fourth test was overfulfilled . Seagod affinity increased by 30.00%. Total affinity [-]% five."

The brand of the golden trident lit up.Changing from the gloomy and introverted look of the past, dazzling light flashed, as if Tang San had an extra star on his forehead, at the same time.Tang San felt that there seemed to be an extra door in his spiritual world, and he pushed open this door with spiritual force.You will immediately enter a golden world.

Subconsciously, he drove his mental power into this brand new world, and suddenly, the golden trident on Tang San's forehead burst into golden light, the huge light illuminated the blood-colored sea water, and also shone on all the demon spirit great white sharks.

None of the Shrek Seven Monsters felt anything special, they just felt that the golden light was warm and very comfortable, with a somewhat majestic aura.

However, every shark in the demon spirit great white shark group started to tremble slightly, even Xiao Bai was no exception.The fear and respect from the heart made them all lower their proud heads.Silently worshiping around Tang San.

When Qi Ye saw this situation, a trace of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

"It should be all right now, Your Highness?"

Sea God's voice sounded in his head, with a trace of deep helplessness.

Qi Ye was wronged this time, and knew that it was her last shot that made her partners' rewards halved this time, but she knew that if it was her brother, even without her intervention in the end, he would be able to solve it perfectly, so she will be confident to convey information to Poseidon.

She communicated with Seagod only within two seconds, Rao even Tang San didn't realize that when Seagod was speaking, he barely saw the reward after he paused.

Withdraw the spiritual power injected into the golden trident brand.The Seagod's Light released immediately converges.But the golden trident on Tang San's forehead was still shining.This is an important difference from before.

Without the light of the Seagod's Light, the demon spirit great white sharks obviously calmed down, which made Tang San discover another effect of the Seagod's Light.deterrence.To be precise, it should be a deterrent to sea spirit beasts.

Oscar grumbled with some dissatisfaction: "We have all overfulfilled the task, so how can we make the task less difficult?"

Dai Mubai said angrily: "Isn't that considered a lowering? Think about it yourself, how does our fourth test compare with the previous three tests? If it wasn't for Xiao San, who would exhaust those evil killer whales first, and even kill one In the end, when the evil killer whale king was about to blow himself up, Qiqi made a move. Can we complete the assessment so easily? It would be nice to be able to give a complete reward, that is a first-level soul power! With us now The level. It may not be possible to improve after a year of penance."

"Master Tang San, Your Majesty, thank you." Xiao Bai emerged from the water, with sincere gratitude in his eyes, and turned to the others. "Thank you too."

Even she herself can't remember how many years she and her people have been living in the shadow of the evil killer whales. She doesn't know how many people died in the race war with the evil killer whales.The clan casualties were less than ten percent.This is for her.It's like dreaming.It also strengthened her belief that the Sea God favored her.

Tang San said in astonishment: "Xiaobai, why do you call me that?"

Xiaobai smiled wryly and said: "My lord, do you think anyone can possess the Seagod's Light? I don't want to say more, but now you'd better take that bastard's soul ring as soon as possible. With its cultivation base, even The attributes don't match your martial soul very well, but it is enough to produce quite powerful soul skills. How should I put it. He is also an existence second only to the deep sea demon whale king among sea soul beasts."

Hearing Xiaobai's reminder, Tang San remembered that his spirit power had already reached level eighty.And isn't the evil killer whale king who was just killed in front of him an excellent choice?
"It's not just me. Xiangxiang. You come down too. There are many dead evil orcas here. You can also choose a spirit ring of your own. Although the evil orca is not a flying spirit beast, its detection ability and spirit ring The quality is quite good. You pick one that you can absorb."

"Thank you third brother." Bai Chenxiang descended from the sky.

Xiao Bai lets a larger Demon Soul Great White Shark serve as Bai Chenxiang's mount temporarily.Let her absorb the soul ring on it.And she even made Tang San's mount herself.

Qi Ye flew to the two of them, hesitated for a while, but still didn't protect them.

If she made a move, the violent aura of the evil killer whale king would be instantly suppressed when he felt her, and Tang San and Bai Chenxiang would not be tempered.So she thought about it, and although she was very reluctant, she still didn't intervene.

Just started to absorb.Tang San realized something was wrong, the spirit ring energy of the Evil Orca King was too domineering, even though the god bestowed spirit ring brought him enormous pressure back then.Almost collapsed, but after all, it was a gradual improvement. With his endurance, his spirit power increased by ten levels, but what Tang San had to face was the 10-year spirit ring that completely burst out all resentment , he was almost counting breaths later.I couldn't stand it anymore.

Qi Ye frowned, and said, "Brother, mobilize the Seagod's Light, and if it doesn't work, then mobilize the pure white flame in the sixth soul ring."

Spiritual power poured into the golden trident brand without hesitation.Immediately, intense golden light poured down, covering Tang Sanse's entire body, as if coated with a layer of golden liquid.

The power of the Seagod's Light appeared.The energy of the spirit ring of the evil orca king who was extremely domineering before was like fire meeting water.Ice meets charcoal.Immediately suppressed a lot, the violent aura melted like ice and snow in front of the majestic Seagod's Light.

The violent aura of the evil spirit ring of the killer whale king was suppressed by the Seagod's Light, Tang San was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief, and quickly adjusted his Xuantian Kungfu internal force.It didn't directly confront the huge energy of the evil killer whale king's spirit ring.Instead, he resisted it with the wave unloading method that he had comprehended during the third test.

(End of this chapter)

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