Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 278 A New Awakening

Chapter 278 A New Awakening
"The existence of this possibility cannot be ruled out." Qi Ye relaxed his body and leaned against Tang San's arms, "Then, should the loophole be repaired first?"

Tang San smiled slightly: "There's no rush for this. We're not here to complete the mission, we're here for our honeymoon. And just like what you said, Qiqi, it doesn't have the qualifications to use you, does it? In this world, the guardian that exists in the sea is still very interesting, aren't you also interested in the monster that just hatched?"

"Guardian." A clear expression appeared on Qi Ye's face, and then he was indifferent, "Does brother want to take Godzilla under his command?"

"It depends." Tang San's eyes flashed brightly.

"Then let's go and see that big guy in the sea first!" Qi Ye blinked and said.

She wants to see the hatched monster. She is also very interested in the guardian of this world who has a fate with the sea. [Little Garden] Playing in the world, I have seen too many rare and strange beasts, and I am not very interested in those strange beasts that stare as protoss and gods in appearances and myths, not to mention that when I came to this world, the guardian called Godzilla The appearance has already appeared in their minds, and seeing the appearance, the freshness is relatively low.

But since they are on their honeymoon, my brother has rarely been interested in other people or things these years. Huo Yuhao, the nephew back then, is one, and the Forest of Divine Beasts before they came out is another.

Tang San seemed to have seen through the regret of Qi Ye's words. Although he didn't open his mouth to refute Qi Ye's words, there was warmth in his heart, and there was a hint of warmth in his ethereal blue eyes.

"According to your."

In the remote Antarctica, the wind and snow were blowing, and soldiers wearing special protective clothing lay dead on the ground one by one.Yin Hong's blood was frozen into ice. This place was originally an Antarctic base stronghold belonging to the Emperor's organization, but now it has become the dominance of the mercenaries under the madman Tywin Lannister.

Two military planes were parked on the ice, but their positions were different, so the people waiting on the planes didn't find each other, and they didn't know at all that the people on both sides were freezing the underground of the No. [-] monster Ghidorah. There was a fierce battle in the base, and we can only know that something happened.


The huge Iceland was shaken suddenly, and then, a group of people ran out from the exit of the base back and forth, and got on the plane belonging to their mercenaries.

After a few more seconds, Iceland trembled even further, as if something was about to break through the ice.

After the mercenaries boarded the plane, another group led by Professor Serizawa, a military adviser organized by the emperor, ran out from the exit in a panic, as if something terrible was chasing after them.


There was another trembling earthquake. This time the shock no longer just shook off the ice and snow on the entire Iceland as before, but directly opened up the ground covered by thick ice, and the ground was cracked inch by inch. The place where the Antarctic base of the Emperor Organization was originally built collapsed and sank.

As if a person sailing in the sea encountered the most inescapable vortex in the sea, the collapsed ice, snow and buildings were swallowed by the hollow in the center, like an endless abyss, devouring everything within reach.


There was a faint sound of dragon chant. On the ice, Professor Serizawa and the others stood in the distance, looking back at the spectacular scene like an ice waterfall. Mark Russell, who was standing beside Professor Serizawa, raised his head feeling , looking up at the sky above this disaster land, the plane had already taken off and stopped in mid-air, his wife who did not choose to return to him at the base before, but took their daughter and was still standing beside the group of dangerous thugs Emma Russell's eyes were full of complexity and injury, and more shock.

In the cabin, Emma Russell held the sonic synthesizer Oka that she had activated with one hand, with a painful and determined expression on her face, looking at her husband through the void of tens of meters, silently stating her position .


A special sound wave emanated from the Orca, as if responding to its sound, under the sunken icefall abyss, suddenly, a black three-toed claw, each as big as a military aircraft, curved like a knife in black The claws hooked the crumbling ice.Countless cold currents swirled from the ground to the icefall, as if something was attracting them.In the next second, it looked like a lion's tail, but it was not the same as the needle-like long hair, it was a real sharp thorn.Each barb is half the size of the fuselage.


Amidst the loud noise that shook the sky, the master with the huge claw hook and the barbed tail appeared.

It looks like an oriental dragon, but the shape of its horns is more inclined to the western mythical dragon. The three heads of the dragon rise from the ground where it has been frozen for a long time, and the ferocious and hard phosphorous sheet has been covering half of its face. , the long neck supporting the head is extremely slender, and the two tails with barbed tails are facing the sky, shaking excitedly because they finally woke up.Its whole body was covered with golden scales, a pair of huge wings replaced the wrists, dunking deeply into the snow-covered ground, the huge two wings trembled slightly, and suddenly rose from the ground under the attraction of sound waves, bringing the messy The ground was broken again, and countless huge and deadly ice shards were shaken off by it, which made Professor Serizawa and the others on the ice ground look terrified.


(End of this chapter)

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