Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 279 Godzilla Appears

Chapter 279 Godzilla Appears

On the ice ground, it was like the scene when an earthquake struck. The well-behaved and quiet glaciers under their feet revealed their ferocious side at that moment, and turned into a huge ice block and abyss that took human lives. Pulled down the abyss of death.

Not only on the ground, but even Emma Russell and the others who were flying in the sky in a military plane were almost hit by the flapping wings of the awakened No. [-] monster Ghidorah.

Huge ice cubes splashed in all directions, almost hitting their wings.


Ghidorah looked up to the sky and let out a dragon chant that shook the sky. The dragon chant intensified the shattering of the glacier, and the people organized by the emperor were miserable.

"Brother, it's so noisy."

Amidst the sky-shattering dragon chant, a voice of complaint mixed with the emotions of a little girl sounded suddenly, but it was not noticed by others, even Ghidorah.

A smile flashed across Tang San's face, he raised his hand, as if to help Qi Ye cover his ears, "Then do you want me to help Qi Qi cover her ears?"

Qi Ye obediently asked Tang San to cover her ears, and continued to overlook the tragedy happening below.

When a large piece of ice was about to hit Professor Serizawa and his female assistant Vivienne, Tang San's eyes flickered slightly, and a golden-blue divine power flashed in his eyes. Below, it was about to hit the two of them. The icicles were broken into countless tiny ice particles in such a strange way.

Qi Ye raised his head in confusion: "Brother, why did you help her?"

Looking at Qi Ye's ethereal and sincere lavender eyes, Tang San sighed: "They have faith. Although I have already perceived that faith is for Godzilla, the guardian who lives in the sea in this world, it is still the sea. believers. It’s so hard to help them.”

"Oh." Qi Ye turned his gaze back down again.

In fact, she could tell that the man would not die, but the woman's flame of life was almost exhausted, which meant that she should have died there.But after her brother intervened, the flame of that woman's life began to burn again, rewriting her fate in a disguised form.

Originally, according to the rules of the plane, they could not change and intervene in the lives of the pillars of the original world at will, unless they gave them "rebirth" after death.However, there are still loopholes in this world, if you change your life, you will change your life, it's no big deal.

The extremely hot blue light beam broke through the ice fog and hit Ghidorah's long neck heavily.Ghidorah's three heads bent uncontrollably into a terrifying angle, and then straightened again the next moment.


Ghidorah's vertical scarlet pupils looked furiously at the culprit who dared to attack it.


The glaciers on the ground were broken layer by layer, and the noisy sea covered and swallowed the broken glaciers.The pitch-black "mountains" stretching up from the deep sea suddenly rose out of the sea, revealing pitch-black backs that looked like huge reefs.

The vast sea is like a piece of paper torn from the middle, the surging waves are noisy, the waves are blowing against the terrifying huge body, and the ferocious black body is completely revealed in the eyes of everyone.

The golden beast-shaped pupils were also mixed with furious emotions, and they opened their powerful jaws towards Ghidorah with incomparable majesty:

An ancient, surging, stirring, and majestic roar came out of its mouth, shaking people's eardrums with pain.

Qi Ye frowned, looked at the gigantic beast that suddenly jumped up from the deep sea, and blinked blankly: "Brother, is that a lizard?"

Tang San looked at Qi Ye helplessly: "That is the darling of this world and the guardian of the sea, Godzilla."

Shock flashed in Qi Ye's eyes.

Such a big lizard? !

Even though you have received information about this world when you entered this world, what you see roughly in the information is always different from what you see with your own eyes in reality.

Just like now, Qi Ye's anticipation at the beginning has turned into a slight dislike.

"I thought it... didn't expect it to be so fat." Qi Ye suddenly lost interest in Godzilla.

The smile on the corner of Tang San's mouth remained unchanged, "They're about to start a war. Let's see if this darling's fighting power is equal to his appearance."

Qi Ye nodded: "Yeah."

- off topic -

I have caught a cold recently, and I still have a little fever, and my head is groggy. It's too difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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