Chapter 23

"You lost! You lost! Go, go down and buy buns!" Bingyu was so happy that all the branches were shaking, everyone had just set the rules, a group of people were playing horses, and if they lost, go shopping (a group of people are extremely lazy) .Just at this time, everyone was hungry and no one wanted to get down.Poor Four Seasons, just on the back of his hand, fired a cannonball.

Yaotiao looked at Siji helplessly, and said, "Brother Siji, let me go with you."

"Ah!" Siji was taken aback, "No need, I'll just go by myself."

"Oh." Yaotiao was sullen.

Watching Siji go out, Bingyu patted the slim shoulder, "Hey, Luohua is intentional, flowing water is ruthless."

"He's not ruthless!" Yaoyao was very dissatisfied, and quickly reacted, gasped, and quickly covered her mouth with a blushing face.

"Hey, what's there to be shy about is something that everyone knows!" Bingyu comforted, then lazily spread out on the chair.

"Know? Know what?" Yinyin on the side fell asleep while reading the cards just now, but woke up now.

"I know your size!" Yaotiao poked Yinyin's forehead vigorously.

"Ouch!" the voice yelled.

Now that the four seasons are gone, a bunch of people are bored again and start looking at each other.

"I said, little... uh... young master, what are you doing all the way here? We've been playing for days." Xiao He asked.

"How many days?" Bingyu stared, "It's only three days!"

"Is it only three days?" Xiao He scratched her head. "Maybe I've been living in confusion."

"I have to be confused. I don't go out every day, sleep until the sun is three poles, and hit the horse hanging when I get up. Who knows how many days have passed." Yaotiao made a summary statement about her life in the past few days.

"Uh..." Being speechless, Bingyu rolled her eyes, "Yinyin, when will you find that master?"

"I do not know."

"You don't know?" Everyone said in unison.

"I... I don't know!" Yinyin almost cried.

"Then let me cover your food expenses for so long!" Bingyu was so excited (you still want money at this time!), "I want to ask Monkey to reimburse me! Do you know how much it costs for three people to eat three times a day? Really!"

"That, that, you can't blame me! That master's quirk, my master said, just wait for him to come to us."

"Then what are you doing here? Just let him come to me directly!" Grandma, you have three people involved in such a stupid thing, and I have lost all my money to support others. Save your money!snort! (Please, your money is also Xiao Yiran's, okay) Bingyu's heart is infinitely excited.

"But you don't know the code."

"Tell me the password and it's over?"

"Master said you can't tell outsiders."

"Tch, mysterious and insane." Bingyu muttered.

"I'm coming!" Siji rushed into the door panting.

"Here comes Baozi!" A group of people jumped up excitedly and rushed towards Siji.

"Ah—help——" Siji's cries for help were drowned in a...

"Hurp—" Bingyu rubbed her stomach, "The meat buns are still delicious."

"No, vegetable buns are delicious." Xiao He said.

"Sugar buns are delicious!" Yinyin said.

"The meat buns are delicious!" Yaotiao raised her hands in agreement.

"Who said that! Sugar buns are delicious"

"Vegetable buns..."

@#¥%... (A group of people started a new battle)

(End of this chapter)

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