Chapter 24

At noon on the fourth day...

"Ah—" Bingyu stretched her waist, ran to Xiao He's room and kicked her, "Lazy thing, get up!"

"Ah—" Xiao He yawned again and again, "Master, you got up so early."

"Yeah, get up, get up." Bingyu kicked again.

"Master," Xiao He reluctantly got up, "What are we doing today, playing horse hanger or fighting landlords?"

"I decided to go to my uncle's house today."

"Oh." Xiao He lazily walked to the tablecloth, "Ah!" At this moment, she realized, "But it has been sealed!"

"That can't be wasted here." Bingyu said, but the real thought in her heart is: I am wasted here, and Mimi will be used up by the extra three people. I should finish it early and call it a day. There is some oil and water left.For the remaining three, Xiao Yiran will reimburse them anyway.

"Oh, that's right." Xiao He rubbed his head. "Then I'll tell Yaoyao them."

"Hey!" Bingyu stopped her, "Let the young couple develop and develop."

"What!" Xiao He stared into two big eyes, "Just the two of us?!"

"Yes." What's so strange about this!Bingyu said without hesitation.

"..." Xiao He's facial expression was stiff.

"Okay, after a while you bring some food up, we'll discuss the long-term plan." Bingyu walked back to her room gracefully.


"Can you keep your voice down while eating noodles!" Yaotiao patted the table dissatisfied.

"I've always eaten like this." Bingyu was also very dissatisfied.Tsk, if you didn't know how to cook, I wouldn't let Xiao He wake you up.

"Master!" Yinyin rushed in panting.

"Ah—" Bingyu hurriedly hid the noodles under the table.It's over, it's over, I deliberately didn't ask them to eat today, why did they get up so early! (Boss, it’s noon now, okay!)

"Master, the master is here!" Yinyin said.

"Ah!" The three said in unison.

"Where is where?" Everyone started a ground-breaking search.

"I'm here." A child's voice sounded.

Everyone opened their eyes wide and saw a seven-year-old boy turning from behind Yinyin.

"Yinyin!" Bingyu screamed, "What kind of master is this?"

"My surname is Gao Mingshou, what's the matter?" The child looked at her with disdain, and put his hands on his chest.

"Little poor boy, what are you doing here before weaning?" Bingyu spat.

"In this case, I'm leaving." The child turned and went out.

"Hey——" Yinyin pulled him back, and looked back at Bingyu, "He did it through practice."

"Practice? What kind of kung fu?" Bingyu wondered.

"Could it be..." Xiao He was guessing.

"The legendary - Ninety-Nine Children Returning Kungfu!" Yaotiao turned pale with fright, and scared the four seasons to lie on the ground.

"One look at you and you know that you are ignorant." The child continued to despise Bingyu.

Bingyu's mouth crooked in fright at this moment.My mother, someone has mastered such a perverted kungfu as Jiujiu Huantong Kung Fu, she really deserves to be a master!It is said that after practicing this skill, it is invulnerable to all poisons, invulnerable to swords and guns, and even the corpse does not smell bad after death. It is indeed a magical skill sought after by martial arts people!However, most of them got mad and turned into shemale before they practiced well, so many people went to practice Sunflower Book in the middle of the project.After practicing this skill, one has to become a child for five years, then change back, then become a child again, change back, become a child again, and then...

(End of this chapter)

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