my wishful wolf

Chapter 143

Chapter 143
Dongfeng night blooms thousands of trees.More blowing down, stars like rain.BMW carved cars fragrant all over the road.The sound of the phoenix flute moved, the jade pot turned brightly, and the fish and dragon danced overnight.

Moth snow willow golden strands, laughter filled with dark fragrance.I looked for her thousands of times in the crowd, and suddenly I looked back, but the man was there, in a dimly lit place.

——Xin Qiji, "The Sapphire Case"

Jing An has been having the same dream repeatedly recently, it seems like a dream, but it doesn't seem like a dream.

In the spring of that year, Jing An was eight years old, his father took him out to play, he walked to a monastery, and saw a refined man walking by, holding a delicate and weak girl by the hand.

When the father saw it, he went up to greet the man, and the two talked very speculatively.Jing An was bored, so he only looked at the girl, and saw that she was born very well, although she was still young, but her eyebrows and eyes were exquisite, like a doll, it could be seen that she was a beauty embryo, if she grew up, she would definitely have a beautiful appearance.

The girl saw Jing An looking at herself, but she was shy, so she hid behind the elegant man, Jing An heard her father say: "This is Ling Ai?" The man said: "Exactly, she was ill a few days ago Once, I made a wish in this temple, and I brought her here today to fulfill the wish.” The father nodded, and the two talked for a while before the man took the girl’s hand and left.

After the two left, the father lowered his head and asked: "Jing An, why, could it be that he likes Miss Lou?" Jing An shook his head.Father asked: "She is extremely beautiful, if it is bigger, I am afraid that she will be the most beautiful woman in this capital, why, doesn't Jing An like it?"

Jing An said: "No matter how beautiful she is, she is too timid to even look at me." The father laughed loudly and said: "The girl is meant to be protected, why are you so bold? Boudoir The rules here are not to follow men casually, avoid you, that's their rules."

Jing An Huo Huo waved the wooden sword in his hand, said with disdain: "If you don't like it, you don't like it, no matter how beautiful it is, you don't like it."

His father took Jing An's hand and took him to see all the statues of Buddha in the temple.After coming out, I still saw that Lou Hanlin led the little girl outside.

The father then said with a smile: "Jing An, take a look again, if you want such a beauty, I will decide to marry you for you, and she will be yours in the future... If you don't want it, with her stunning beauty , soon became someone else's."

Jing An raised his eyes and saw that girl was looking down at a windmill, her smile was like a flower, she was indeed breathtakingly beautiful, more delicate than a flower.

The woman who sold things wanted to tease her, so she handed over some windmills of different designs, the girl was startled, dropped the windmill in her hand, and hid behind Lou Hanlin again.

Jing An frowned, then looked down at the wooden sword in his hand, and said: "I don't really like it, whoever wants it, let it be."

The father was very surprised, thought for a while, then said: "Then what kind of girl does Jing An like?" Jing An thought for a while, and said: "I don't know." The father looked at him, very helpless.

Jing An danced his sword twice, stopped slowly, and said: "Father, I don't know now, maybe I will know when I see it in the future."

My father laughed when he heard this, looked up at the sky, thoughtfully, and said, "In that case, I won't ask any more... Well, Jing'an, I promise you that in the future, your marriage will be decided by yourself." choose, okay?"

Jing An said: "Of course it is good!" Then he pestered him again, saying: "Father, when will you give me the real sword? I have practiced the 48-style sword skills very well. I use this wooden sword I'm tired of it, and I can't kill people, and it's annoying to watch."

Once among thousands of people, I saw the only one.

Jing An only thought that she might be a flirtatious person, so it was this one's turn...unexpectedly, after going around, the person she thought was within reach turned out to be thousands of miles away. She thought she should be grateful for a little charity, but instead Unexpectedly, she would rather give up everything and go thousands of miles away than enjoy the tenderness and affection he gave her in front of her.

For the first time in his life he miscalculated.


Revisiting Jing'an's old place, the wind and snow fluttered, the signboard of "Liang Ji" swirled in the wind, the snow flakes slapped on the face, and the slightest bit of cold turned into water and flowed down like tear stains.

Jing An was in a trance, suddenly thinking of that day, she was drunk and fell down here, she would marry someone another day, and from then on she would be someone else's wife, her heart was hard to understand.

The man came from the wind and snow, stretched out his hand to him, and said, "Master Hou..."

That face is so similar... At that time, he looked at it for a long time in a daze, but who was the face that he always felt very familiar with?Jing An thought deeply, and finally remembered that in a certain year, when his father was still around, he pointed at the girl hiding behind Lou Hanlin and said, "Jing An, if you want her, she will be your wife. If you don't want her, she will soon be someone else's because of her beauty."

Jing An smiled in relief and said, "So it was you."

It turned out that at that time, he had already remembered.

Tell the truth after drinking.

Woke up but forgot everything, actually didn't remember at all, in the memory, that very accidental meeting.Perhaps, subconsciously, I feel that if I think about it, it will be extremely scary.

Jing An woke up from the dream.

The person next to her was sleeping soundly, Jing An stretched out his hand to touch her face, it was like a dream, what night?

Yue'e woke up startled, and asked blankly, "What's wrong?"

Jing An looked at her and said, "Yue'er..."

Yue'e heard his strange voice and said, "What's wrong?"

Jing An thought for a while, and finally said: "It's nothing."

Yue'e felt a little uneasy, Jing An hugged her, thought about it, then smiled, and said: "I seem to have seen you before...but it doesn't seem to be you."

I've seen her before, but it's not her.

Absolutely not.

That girl who always hides behind Lou Hanlin, that woman who will turn the country into a city when she grows up, that lady from the Lou family who had a marriage contract with her eldest brother, that Lou Rongyu who has nowhere to go...

Not the one in his arms.

Jing'an hugged Yue'e tightly, thinking in her mind, it was she who had calmly avoided being entangled with him, it was she who kicked up and hurt the person he sent to tease her, it was she who resolutely severed her finger to save him, resolutely She sacrificed her life to lure away the thief, she was the one who silently refrained from speaking, but secretly walked away without a trace...

She was always silent, but it frightened him secretly.

He didn't ask about the affairs of Baiyi Nunnery, and she didn't talk about it. If one day she wanted to talk about it, he would just listen.

No matter what a woman like her did, he would not be surprised. He never thought in his life that he would be so attached to a woman. ——When his father repeatedly asked him if he wanted that stunning Miss Lou, he had no feelings for her, and even felt that such a timid woman could not even compare to a wooden sword in his hand!
How could I meet her, evil, evil, it was my own evil, but it hurt her.

Doctors from all over the world were either hired with a lot of money or robbed by force. Today, there are already No. 14.

Jing An was on the side, looking horrified, seeing the silver needle inserted deeply from the temple, he was restless, as if the needle had been pierced into his body, wishing he could take her place.

It's really more uncomfortable than being hit by a hundred knives.

Each of them will have this kind of torture. The previous thirteen were in vain. Because they hurt her, they were beaten up by him and expelled. If she hadn't interceded, with his temperament, he would have simply killed her. , who told these quack doctors to do anything wrong, and make her suffer instead?
Jing An always felt that it was her own sin, but she was asked to bear it. ——This feeling made him panic, and even couldn't help crying when he hugged her, but fortunately she couldn't see it.

I didn't want to heal her eyes at first, so what if she was blind, and he was there, as long as he was there, he didn't feel any difference when she was blind, but when he watched her stretch out her hand to fumble for something, he would feel feel sad.

Yue'e only advised him not to be discouraged, one after another the doctors came and left again, Jing An's patience turned murderous, and she laughed and rubbed away the murderousness again, turned into patience again, and finally just endured Heartache, reach out to hold her hand, let her know that he understands when she is suffering, and will be with her, always with her.

However, my heart still hurts, it was he who caused her to be like this, he knew that if he let go early in the morning, she would definitely be with Su Qing, with white heads and eyebrows, he couldn't help but say that he harmed her.

He owed her, but she still had to pay him back.God's good fortune is so weird.

On the night of the Shangyuan Festival, in the city of Kuizhou in the northwest, there was a lantern festival. Lanterns of various colors were hung up all over the streets, and all the people had fun, walking among them, laughing and talking loudly.

Jing An protected the person in his arms, and said: "I recognize this one, it should be a mandarin duck lantern, because there is a mandarin duck on one side, brilliant in color, and the two are leaning against each other, do you think it is a mandarin duck?" lamp?"

Although Yue'e couldn't see it, but hearing what Jing An said so vividly, she thought to herself, covered her mouth with a smile, and said: "It must be."

Jing An put his arms around her shoulders, lowered his head close to her ear, and said: "If you don't know what it looks like, I can..." Yue'e was slightly startled, but felt that Jing An had kissed her on the face, and then kissed her cheek again. Down, on her lips for a moment, Yue'e couldn't see it, but heard the noise in her ears, and she blushed instantly.

After leaving her, Jing An asked: "Do you know what it's like? That's how it is."

Yue'e was so ashamed that she buried her face in his chest and said, "You are so shameless, what if someone sees you?"

Jing An said: "What are you afraid of, the husband loves the lady, who dares to say anything?"

Yue'e couldn't justify him in these nonsense, but after all, she wasn't really angry, so she suppressed a smile, and gently squeezed his hand with her backhand, such a small movement, which made Jing'an full of heart Sweet, bowed her head and said: "This lantern festival is not very beautiful, why don't we go back home and be a pair of mandarin ducks?"

Yue'e was ashamed and said, "I still want to watch it. Tell me more."

Jing An sighed, and said: "I know you did it on purpose." Yue'e smiled slightly, but didn't say anything.Jing An pointed out to her again, after watching for a while, Yue'e wanted to buy the Pisces lantern, Jing An took the money, and went to get the Pisces lantern, Yue'e behind her pulled Jing'an's sleeve, a person rushed out from nowhere, As soon as Yue'e bumped into her, Yue'e took a step back, and was about to call Jing'an, but someone said, "You stepped on my shoe." Yue'e had no choice but to apologize, and a moment later, a wave of people rushed over, shouting, Yue'e raised her voice to call Jing'an again, but her voice was lost in the din of voices.

Yue'e stumbled, tried to stand still, but couldn't stand firmly, was separated by the crowd, and shouted Jing'an desperately, staggered and fell to the ground so hard that she fell to the ground, unable to get up for a long time, brain When I was in a daze, I suddenly thought of him saying: "From now on, leave me..."

Eyes are instantly wet.

After an unknown amount of time, Yue'e woke up with pain all over her body, tentatively got up, groped with her hands, and shouted: "Jing An, Jing An!"

Eyes blinking a few times, anxious, if he can't find himself, he will be a hundred times worried, what should he do?

Yue'e shouted: "Respect, respect!" Tears fell drop by drop, and when one drop was about to fall, Yue'e suddenly saw another star's light flashing past her eyes.

Yue'e froze all over.

Jing An turned around, but there was no one behind him.

Jing An's hand trembled and almost dropped the lamp, he hurriedly shouted: "Yue'er, Yue'er!" The people around turned their heads to look at him, Jing An turned around and looked around in a hurry, but couldn't find him. Where is the person, Jing An yelled, separated from the crowd and flew to look for Yue'e, from this end of Lantern Street, whirlwinded to find the other side, but he still did not see anyone.

Jing An stood there blankly, even the tips of his fingers were cold.

With the lantern in his hand and the candle flame dancing, Jing An frowned and closed his eyes, tears welling from the corners of his eyes, took a deep breath, turned around and went back to dispatch troops.

Not far ahead, someone walks slowly along the edge of a stall along the long street, supporting her.

Jing An's body shook.

She watched helplessly as she came to a huge revolving lantern, on which various figures were painted, turning round and round. She stretched out her hand, touched it, touched it back and forth, and smiled, laughing as if Famous flowers bloom at night, extremely fragrant, extremely sweet, and extremely delicate.

Jing An shouted tremblingly: "Yue'er!" Could it be his own hallucination?
Yue'e turned her head, looked at Jing An with a blink of her eyes, and said with a smile: "Jing An..."

How true this sound is.

The Pisces lantern in his hand floated to the ground, Jing An pushed aside the crowd, and rushed to the side of the revolving lantern, staring blankly at the person in front of him.

Yue'e looked up at him, smiled with tears, and said: "Jing'an, I saw you, my eyes saw it, Jing'an... this lamp is so beautiful, is it not as good as the one you mentioned earlier? This place is really beautiful, Jing An..." She got carried away for a moment, looked around happily.

What does it matter if you can't see it?Whose fault is whose debt, what does it matter?As long as she is always by his side like this, he will treat her well, forever and ever...

Jing An opened his hand without saying a word, and hugged her tightly.

Behind him, a passing child picked up the Pisces Lantern that Jing An had left behind earlier, ran over, and asked cautiously, "Do you want this lantern?" Jing An wept and remained silent, but still hugged Yue'e .

The child muttered twice, and said: "If you don't speak, I'll take it as your confession." He glanced at Jing An, and then said to the little girl next to him: "He doesn't want this lamp anymore, you promise me not to talk to the Zou family again." If my brother is playing together, I will give it to you."

The girl said: "Okay, I won't play with him anymore." The little boy said: "That's good, here you are." The girl said: "Why are they hugging and crying?" The little boy said: "I don't know, ashamed shame."

Jing An was bowing his head to kiss Yue'e, when he heard the words, he turned around and said angrily, "If you keep making noise, return the lamp!" Seeing Jing An turning his head back, the two children were afraid that he would come to ask for the lamp, so they ran away with the Pisces lamp in their hands It was far away, and after running far away, he turned around and looked at Jing An with lingering fear.

Yue'e laughed and fell into Jing An's arms.

That night, Jing An dreamed that he returned to Xiangye Temple when he was eight years old, and met the girl who was hiding behind Lou Hanlin.

Father said: "Jing An, do you really want it?"

Jing An smiled and said, "No."

In front of him, the girl lost the windmill and hid behind Lou Hanlin, Jing An ran over, took the windmill and handed it to her.

The girl took it timidly.Jing An looked at her and said: "You are not her, really, you are not her." The girl gave him a shy look, Lou Hanlin shouted: "Rong'er, let's go." The girl smiled at Jing An and said : "In that case, I'm leaving." Jing An nodded.The girl said: "It's really gone." Jing An sent it off with a smile.

The father said, "What kind of girl does Jing An want?"

Jing An looked at the sword in his hand, thought for a while, and said: "Maybe one day, when I meet her, I will know."

The night was getting deeper, Jing An opened his eyes, looked at the sleeping face in front of him, lowered his head and kissed her on the lips, Jing An whispered:

"Father, I already know what kind of person I want. Because——I have really met her."

(End of this chapter)

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