Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 101 Tracking and Being Tracked

Chapter 101 Tracking and Being Tracked
Qianye Shangxie and the others looked at each other, chose a secluded path and walked over, and the stalkers followed after struggling.Feeling that the people behind were following up, Qianye Shangxie raised the corners of his mouth and smiled charmingly.

What Fatty is most afraid of seeing now is this kind of smile, and he always feels an ominous premonition.Sure enough... Qianye Shangxie looked at the road ahead, nodded to a few people, and everyone went up to the eaves to ambush.

After a while, the stalker arrived, staring wide-eyed at the fork in front of him, not knowing which one to choose.After hesitating for a long time, I chose the road on the left.

Li Zi whispered next to Qianye Shangxie: "The road on the left is a dead end not long after entering, we just wait here, I guess the other party will not choose to fly out."

Qianye Shangxie rolled his eyes: "Fatty, you follow, we'll wait here." The fat man pointed at himself and widened his eyes: "I'll go?" Qianye Shangxie smiled, but it was very unfriendly: "Yes, you go."

The fat man pointed to Li Zi: "He will come with me." After speaking, he followed the stalker with his innocent face.As for Yue Qingran and Qianye Shangxie, he was responsible for waiting here for their return.

Yue Qingran stood on the eaves indifferently, wearing a gauze dress that moved with the wind, like a beauty under the moon.Standing gracefully under the eaves, with the moon.

Shaking his head: "Unfortunately, it would be nice if you were wearing black night clothes. With a jug of fine wine, it must be a very good scene. But in this state, forget it."

Yue Qingran watched Qianye go evil for a while, and sat down.Qianye Shangxie sat on the eaves, with a lazy expression on his face: "When do you think they will come back? If the time is too slow, we won't be able to catch up with them after a while."

Yue Qingran shook his head, looked at Qianye Shangxie innocently, Qianye Shangxie sneered: "Forget it, you won't answer me if I ask you, speaking of it, what did you think of that snow spirit beast just now? "

Yue Qingran was stunned for a moment, then recalled the snow spirit beast and the young man beside him, and shook her head: "Since you have decided not to give up, you must be ruthless, otherwise the snow spirit beast will hug a little hope."

"Having hope, yet facing disappointment and despair, this is the cruelest thing. This young man has undoubtedly made the cruelest decision, which will make the Snow Spirit Beast face a series of crises, Still holding on to hope, and then dying in despair. Is such a snow spirit beast really what the boy hopes for?"

Although what he said was confusing, but Qianye Shangxie understood.If the Snow Spirit Beast thought that it was reluctant when it was young, it would not cherish it when it met a new owner, and would run back desperately.

However, after running back, the boy saw that he was unable to support him, and was also worried that his current master would come to look for him and cause trouble, so he didn't pay attention to this snow spirit beast.

Seeing the wisdom sent back, the snow spirit beast's first hope was shattered in exchange for disappointment.The first time I thought I didn't do well, that's why I did this, so there will be a second and third time, and after so many repetitions, disappointment turns into despair.

Then after these back and forth, he finally understood the fact that he was completely abandoned, but at that time, was the Snow Spirit Beast still the most primitive Snow Spirit Beast?

Qianye Shangxie didn't know, neither did Yue Qingran.But they were not in the mood to know, because Fatty and the others had already returned.So will come the stalkers below who are ready to choose another path.

"Don't go, we'll wait for you here, it's useless for you to choose another path." After finishing speaking, Qianye Shangxie appeared to follow Shen Hou, and Li Zi appeared in front of the follower.

Knowing that he had been discovered, the stalker was stunned for a moment: "What do you want?" Yue Qingran snorted coldly: "How? This is what I want to ask you, right? You followed us yourself, and now ask this question Don't you think it's too late?"

Dodging his eyes, he took a small step back: "What are you talking about? Why don't I know? I just want to go back. You have become my way."

"Really? But you have followed me all the way, we are not good people, we are cruel, if you don't tell the truth, I have no choice but to send you to the death building." Fatty looked at this stalker indifferently, smiling.

Seeing the fat man laughing and saying such words as sending him to die at this time, the stalker got a little nervous, and faltered: "I'm nothing, I, I'm just being followed by someone's money."

The fat man's eyes lit up, he took a step forward, leaned against the stalker, and asked eerily, "Really? Who took the money and why did you follow us?"

He said to the aggrieved one: "Don't kill me if I tell you." After being affirmed by the fat man, the stalker breathed a sigh of relief: "There is a person who sneakily asked me to follow you, and then see what you bought .”

The fat man raised his eyebrows, motioning him to continue, and he said, "But I didn't see what you bought." The fat man looked at Qianye Shangxie, who blinked: "So, do you know how to return to life?"

The follower nodded: "Of course I know, just say I didn't see it." Qianye smiled evilly and nodded, but he didn't buy anything anyway.

"Who asked you to follow?" Shaking his head: "I didn't see the other party, I only know that the other party is a man." Man?Qianye Shangxie frowned, who could it be?
Waving to the fat man, the fat man gave him a kick and told him to leave quickly. "Forget it, don't think about it, let's go first, and find them quickly."

Having said that, it occurred to me that there was still a follower to follow, and they hurried back along the way they had come.Li Zi took the lead and led everyone to follow along the clues on the road.

Walking to a small forest, Li Zi frowned: "We have already left the town." Qianye Shangxie froze for a moment, then nodded calmly, already thinking that the other party might leave overnight.

This idea was confirmed, and my heart was not so shocked. "Can you find it?" Li Zi nodded, looked around carefully, and walked along a small path.

After walking not far, they saw Yang Yun and Xiao Si in front of them.As soon as Xiaosi turned around, he saw Qianye Shangxie and the others. He quickly put his finger on his mouth, and they walked over in a low voice.

"How is it?" Qianye Shangxie asked quietly.Yang Yun turned around, and they were not surprised to see Qin Ye Commercial, and said, "The man is ahead, but I didn't catch up."

"Is he waiting for someone or what?" Yang Yun vacated a place for Qianye Shangxie, Qianye Shangxie looked at it and was stunned: "When is Z doing? Beast taming?"

Yang Yun smiled: "I don't know, the young man who didn't catch a cold passed away rashly, but the only thing that is certain is that he definitely has no bad intentions."

At this time, the man stopped his hands and said in a low voice: "Is everything here?" Qianye Shangxie quickly stopped talking.Although the sound was small, it was enough for everyone present to hear.

I thought I was talking to someone else, and they all listened attentively.Immediately, I saw the other party laugh twice, and looked in the direction where everyone was.

"Well, all ten people are here." Qianye Shangxie broke out in a cold sweat, as if he had spotted us.He remained calm and listened with his breath held.

The other party laughed a little here: "I'm talking about you, the children who have stalking powder pasted on my negotiations, on my trouser legs, on my body and on the wall, won't you come out? It's been so long with me. "

"Oh, by the way, there are a few people who arrived later, right?" After saying this, it became clear who it was.It seems that he is talking to everyone.Qianye Shangxie let out a groan in his heart.

He came out calmly and made a confession, leaving the rest of the people behind.Seeing Qianye Shangxie exposed, Yang Yun and Yue Qingran did not show weakness and stood up.

Together, the three blocked the rest of the people behind.The other party was not angry or anything, and said with a smile: "What about the person who kicked the threshold? Let me see, who is so clever."

When his name was called, Xiao Si couldn't hide, the fat man stopped Xiao Si and wanted to go out by himself, but Xiao Si smiled, shook his head and walked out.

"What about me? Since you know why you don't take off your clothes?" The other party smiled: "I just want to see what you guys think, tell me what my purpose is."

Lao Fang stood up and said, "We have no malicious intentions. We just hope that you can destroy that demon stone. It is very ominous. I hope you can return it so that it will not exist again in this world."

The other party shook his head, took out the demon stone from his arms, smiled, and held it in his hand: "So you can feel it too, and that's why I bought it back."

Everyone didn't understand, so they looked at each other.The other party continued: "Because, I also want to destroy it." After speaking, he turned his hand, and the demon stone fell to the ground.

Broke to pieces.But this still doesn't work, Lao Fang stepped forward and hoped to destroy it into powder. The other party knew what Lao Fang was thinking, and used spiritual power first, and with a light touch, those broken monster stones turned into powder .

Lao Fang heaved a sigh of relief, and cupped his hands: "Thank you senior, please don't take offense if you offend me. Let's leave now." After speaking, he wanted to take everyone away.

The other party smiled and asked to stay: "Why, do you want to leave like this? Isn't the idea too beautiful?" Qianye Shangxie, Yang Yun, Yue Qingran, and Lao Fang were all experienced, and they tensed up instantly. He picked himself up, turned sideways, and was left in the opponent's line of sight, ready to strike at any time.

Seeing everyone's vigilance, the other party smiled: "Okay, you guys are thinking too much. I want to say, take this spirit beast back, and give it to that boy, and let him take good care of it. It's my behalf. put it there for safekeeping."

Qianye Shangxie rolled his eyes, knowing that the other party didn't intend to embarrass everyone, he breathed a sigh of relief, and turned around: "Okay, can you please throw him over?"

The other party nodded, threw it over indifferently, and said, "It's just for safekeeping, so he must take good care of it. I may come back to pick it up at any time. In order to prevent it from being recognized, I will give this jade pendant to you."

(End of this chapter)

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