Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 102 A Conversation in the Woods

Chapter 102 A Conversation in the Woods
After finishing speaking, he untied the jade pendant around his neck, broke it into two halves, handed over one half and said: "This is half, the other half is here with me." Qianye Shangxie vomited and raised his eyebrows: "Throw it here, I'll go on, don't worry."

The opponent didn't mind throwing it over, Qianye Shangxie caught the snow spirit beast cub, and then took the jade pendant with spiritual power thrown by the opponent.Shocked by spiritual power, he went two steps away and stopped.

"Thank you, senior, for your mercy." After Qianye Shangxie stopped his body, he nodded slightly and said respectfully.The other party chuckled: "You are really good, at least you can still catch it."

Lao Fang looked at everyone and said, "Since this is the case, we will take the first step. Senior, there will be a period later." After speaking, he cupped his hands.Seeing that the other party didn't say anything, Lao Fang heaved a sigh of relief and took everyone ready to leave.

"Hey! I haven't finished talking yet, it's fine to go, you two stay." After speaking, he pointed to Qianye Shangxie and Yang Yun.Yang Yun pointed to his nose and looked back at the others.

Qianye Shangxie was only surprised at the beginning, and then looked at the other party expressionlessly.

The other party still wore a veil on his face, making it impossible to see what was underneath.Yue Qingran frowned, squinting her eyes like Qianye was evil, trying to understand what the other party wanted to do.

"Don't think about it. If you can figure out that I am a senior, you will fail too much. Ah, stay obediently. The rest of you can go back wherever you came from. Don't worry about it, just go."

Yang Yun was the captain, Yang Yun did not leave, and the team members did not dare to leave at will.The same is true here at Qianye Shangxie, everyone remained silent and waited quietly.

The other party became angry: "I let you go, why? Force me to do it?" Qianye Shangxie frowned, and said to the fat man and the others: "Old Fang, fat man, take them and leave first, Yang Yun and I It's fine here."

Yang Yun said 'En', and then Lao Fang took everyone away.The fat man glanced at Qianye Shangxie, then at Yue Qingran, and had no choice but to take the other three people outside first to wait.

"What about you? Little girl, why don't you hurry up and leave?" Seeing Yue Qingran standing there without moving, the other party was a little annoyed.Qianye Shangxie pondered for a moment: "Qingran, you go too, wait for me, I will look for you in a while."

Yue Qingran smiled lightly, and shook her head: "Impossible, I'll just stand here and wait for him, if you have anything to say, hurry up, and we'll go back together after we finish."

Qianye Shangxie rubbed the center of his brows, and didn't speak any more, but his body was slightly written and he took a wrong step forward.Blocking half of Yue Qingran's body.

Seeing such a scene, the other party laughed back angrily. "Little girl, you are very brave, but what if my good mood is ruined by your words? Be careful, I will kill you like this."

Yue Qingran pursed her lips, and took a deep breath: "You won't, if you wanted to kill them, you would have done it long ago, and you wouldn't talk to us here. Besides, didn't you ask us to call this snow spirit * *Do you want to keep it in the hands of that boy?"

The other party smiled sinisterly: "The three of you are dead, and there are other people outside, why don't I just find someone else?" Yue Qingran looked at the other party: "But, you handed over the task to Qianye is evil, so you trust him and don't trust others, so you will definitely not kill him."

Pause: "At least... not now, even if you want to kill him, you will wait until Qianye Shangxie completes the task you gave me, right?"

The other party smiled: "You are a super smart little girl, but ah, smart children always die very early." After speaking, he moved his palm lightly.

Qianye Shangxie was on guard all the time when the two were talking, and now seeing a powerful spiritual power surge out with a slight movement of the opponent's palm, he quickly stood in front of Yue Qingran, luck blocking it.

You can't hide it, you can only block it.Yue Qingran was also on guard, so when the other party made a move, his spiritual power had already flowed out, and he was ready to resist.

However, Qianye Shangxie suddenly jumped out, just like Yue Qingran, wanting to resist.Yue Qingran simply learned from the scenes in the previous TV series of Wuhan University, and put her spiritual power on Qianye Shangxie's back.

I thought that Qianye Shangxie would have more spiritual power to fight against, but I didn’t expect that because everyone’s fierce attributes are different, and it’s a reality that it’s a TV series, so it’s just hurting Qianye Shangxie’s back. .

After getting this person, Yue Qingran quickly stopped, but it was a bit late.At the same time, the other party's spiritual power had also arrived, Qianye Shangxie frowned and resisted, and then knelt down on the ground after letting out a sigh of relief.

Yue Qing was anxious: "Qianye Shangxie, did you do that?" Qianye Shangxie smiled wryly: "Please, who told you to do this? I know you want to help me, but you almost hurt me." kill me."

Yue Qingran breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Qianye Shangxie understood her.just know.If it were someone else, maybe Yue Qingran would be here from now on, but Qianye Shangxie would not, Yue Qingran knew that Qianye Shangxie would never be.

With a sigh of relief, Yue Qingran sincerely apologized: "I'm sorry, I thought this would strengthen your ability to resist, but I didn't expect..." She looked at Qianye with some guilt.

Qianye Shangxie smiled wryly: "Yue Qingran, this is the first and last time. I don't want my back to be used to hurt you in the future. If I can't do it, I will take back my love for you." trust."

Yue Qingran's expression froze, looked at Qianye Shangxie, firmly held Qianye Shangxie's hand, and nodded firmly: "I won't do it again, leave your back to me with confidence."

Qianye smiled evilly, closed his eyes and began to adjust his breath.Yue Qingran looked at the seller, staring closely at the person in front of Qianye Shangxie.The other party smiled: "Do you think you can stop me? Not even him."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to Qianye Shangxie behind Yueqing.Yue Qingran said firmly: "Even if it doesn't work, you have to give it a try. He entrusted himself to me with confidence, and I will protect him with all my might."

The person on the opposite side smiled and looked at Yue Qingran: "Really? You have a good idea. Since you are in the same class and the person you trust the most, you must protect him with a reputation so that you can live up to the other party's trust. "

Yue Qingran was a little confused, not knowing what this person meant and what he wanted.I don't know whether I want to kill everyone or what I want, which makes people a little unpredictable.

"Hehehe, don't think about it, you can't figure it out. You two, I will stay because I know that you are both good seedlings, and you will become big in the future. Speaking of which, this town is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers."

Yue Qingran continued to listen. "A few days ago, Tai Nong saw someone. It was also very good. There was also a little maid accompanying him, and there was a well-informed and capable doctor beside him. Hidden dragon and crouching tiger, hidden dragon and crouching tiger."

Yue Qingran's expression froze, probably... At this time, Qianye Shangxie stood up: "You didn't do anything to them, did you?" The other party smiled: "Why, do you know each other?"

Yue Qingran tugged at the corner of Qianye Shangxie's clothes: "It can't be them?" Qianye Shangxie knew who Yue Qingran was referring to, and nodded: "Probably, if the guess is right."

The other party sneered: "You are all good seedlings, it's a pity that the other party didn't make me feel good, and I wanted to give some pointers." Qianye Shangxie sneered: "Don't worry, they are all people with principles, and their abilities are not good. What I learned by myself was taught by others, how could I be learning from you."

After speaking, he shook his head secretly.To Ang Xiaoran: "Sure enough, since I know you, I know that there is a strange feeling, so, let me test it out."

"What about you? Do you want me to give you some pointers?" Qianye Shangxie rolled his eyes and shook his head: "Unfortunately, I am also a person guided by a teacher, so I can't bear it because of your great love."

Looking at Yang Yun, Yang Yun shook his head: "My reason is the same as his, thank you for your kindness, I really have no luck." Qianye Shangxie looked at the other party with a smile in his eyes, but deep in his eyes Still glowing coldly, ready to shoot at any time.

"Okay, okay, you are all people who value love and righteousness. I knew that kid Ge Xingkong would not lie to me, but I just couldn't believe it. I didn't expect what he said was true."

Ge Xingkong?Qianye Shangxie's eyes froze, does this count as being cheated by others?Yang Yun was also taken aback when he heard Ge Xingkong: "Principal?" The other party took off his veil and smiled: "I'm a friend of Xingkong, we've been in the brain, I heard that there are some good seedlings in his school, I'll come over See if it's really good."

"Come here and try to see if you can be kidnapped. I didn't expect that you are all clever, and I don't know the way. Now I believe that he has indeed received a batch of good seedlings. They are really good children. "

Qianye Shangxie heaved a sigh of relief and rubbed his wounded abdomen.Yang Yun saw it, and complained a little dissatisfied: "Then you are still so ruthless? Did you do it on purpose?"

The other party smiled: "Of course, how can you tell if you are really good children if you don't kill yourself?" Yang Yun cut back and asked: "I don't know what the old man is called?"

Touching his chin: "Oh? Ask me what's my name? Haha, it's not worth mentioning. Don't ask, lest you go back and inform Old Man Ge when you go back. Then I will lose more than I gain."

Yue Qingran looked at the other party: "Tell me your name, otherwise I still can't trust you. You said you are Ge Lao's friend? You can pretend to be someone else, and you just killed Qianye Shangxie , I don't trust you."

"Oh haha, the little girl is outspoken, I really don't like what she said. It's okay, it's okay, you can call me the red old man, then you will know who it is when you say Ge Xingkong."

Qianye Shangxie was thoughtful: "Old man red? I seem to have heard this name somewhere." Yue Qingran grabbed Qianye Shangxie's sleeve: "Do you know him?"

Qianye Shangxie rubbed his chin, looking at the dark night sky.The red old man looked at Qianye Shangxie with interest and pondered: "What did you think of? Did you think of it, little ones."

Looking at it again, Yang Yun seemed to have some impressions and was also thinking.Yang Yun thumped his palms: "Oh, I remembered. Senior Hong, you came to our academy last year, right? I remember seeing you."

The old man in red smiled: "Well, yes, I remembered. I had the impression when I saw you just now, so I was talking about you, you are very powerful."

Qianye Shangxie frowned: "I only came to school this year, so I don't have any reason to know you, but I have seen you." The old man in red looked at Qianye Shangxie with a smile: "Then you think about it slowly, it is best to Remember."

Qianye Shangxie waved his hand: "Don't disturb me." After thinking carefully for a while, his eyes lit up: "Ah, I remembered, it's you. It's Mr. Hong who was famous all over the world back then."

The old man Hong waved his hand: "It's not worth mentioning, it's rare that you know me, it's not worth mentioning." Qianye smiled evilly: "Yes, thanks to you for remembering that I once went to celebrate the birthday of the Daji family."

(End of this chapter)

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