Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 106 The month-end assessment officially begins

Chapter 106 The month-end assessment officially begins

Qianye Shangxie felt relieved, at least if it was like this, it proved that they could still complement each other, maybe these weird red legions would come back to help him at a critical moment.

Seeing that they didn't interfere with each other and lived in peace, Qianye Shangxie closed his eyes in peace, mobilized his spiritual energy, and tried it out.Deliberately walk in front of the Red Legion, and even bump into those Red Legion occasionally.

But they just moved, as if there was an encirclement outside. The Red Legion didn't break out of the encirclement, and could only helplessly watch Ling Qi walk past proudly.

Looking at his internal injuries, he had already healed from the repeated torture. Qianye Shangxie went to see these red legions again, and it was confirmed that these red legions were just a group of children with a heart.

Occasionally, I come out to make a fool of myself, and I still know how to return something that I have stolen from others.Qianye Shangxie tried to control these red legions, but accidentally discovered that these red legions were under his control.

It's just that they are very naughty, and sometimes they can't control it well, and the one who hurts is themselves.Especially releasing them from the encirclement without being sure is the last thing they should do.

In order to confirm his guess, he was able to control these red legions.So Qianye Shangxie released them.Only a few of the released Red Legion were controlled by themselves, and most of them fled around.

The Red Legion's lethality was too great, even the repaired tendons couldn't bear this installation, Qianye Shangxie's face turned pale.

The part of him that was under his control walked cautiously, and after walking for a while, he realized that he was a little bit out of control. Qianye Shangxie hurriedly restrained his mind, temporarily ignoring the terrible pain.

Carefully put the controlled ones back into the encirclement, and when they see their teacher, go find those disobedient ones, and carefully control them to go back little by little.

Probably because the aura was under his control and did not provoke them, so the small number of red legions did not cause much damage to the body.

After the Red Legion came out, most of them went to find trouble with spiritual energy.Qianye Shangxie had no choice but to create a new body, one part to endure the pain, one part to control the obedient red army, and the other part to control his aura so as not to be provoked.

Qianye Shangxie felt like he was taking care of the children, he shook his head helplessly, his mind sank inside, and continued to control them.After everything is under control, Qianye Shangxie is helpless looking at these red legions.

Can't control, really can't control them.However, Qianye Shangxie had a hunch that if he could control them, they would definitely become stronger.

If they can fuse together and find a small amount of balance, it may be even more powerful.Qianye Shangxie just thought about it for a while, but didn't dare to put it into practice immediately, because these red legions were too violent.

After finishing his work, he opened his eyes and looked at it. It was already dark.The sun is on its way up and down.Qianye Shangxie watched Yu Cui carefully, because Yu Cui had returned to its original state after leaving them alone for a long time.

It turned into that kind of milky white jade, and the red bloodshot inside was probably the kind that appeared in his body.Qianye Shangxie picked up Yucui and observed it carefully for a long time, but he didn't find any tricks.

Sighing, I remembered that person said at that time that Yucui became a little irritable because he hadn't found a predestined person for a long time, and those who were not predestined people became violent and even died because they got Yucui.

Qianye Shangxie thought about the red legion in his body, a bit of a year, it really looks like this, it's not worrying.But they are still far away from berserk, it can only be said that they are curious.

Qianye Shangxie looked left and right, turned over and over, but didn't see anything.Yucui has been by her side for a long time, maybe the violent energy has passed.The flat mouth was retracted at the waist.

In the future, if you want organic pansies, you can consider using those red legions.Just wait until one batch is manageable, and then get the next batch out of it.

Thinking of this, he stroked Yucui.Yucui lit up without anyone noticing, as if she was very happy.Qianye Shangxie closed Yang Jing, lay flat on the bed, slowly circulated the spiritual power in his body, and circulated around his body.

The next morning was the time for the assessment.Qianye Shangxie arrived at the assessment site to join Yue Qingran.Not surprisingly, I saw that Teacher Zhou was also there.

Teacher Zhou carefully looked at Qianye Shangxie, and nodded, "Not bad, he is recovering well." Qianye Shangxie nodded slightly, but thought in his heart that he almost died yesterday.

Yue Qingran took a look at Qianye Shangxie. Without Teacher Zhou's skills, he couldn't find out what Qianye Shangxie was like, but he could know that Qianye Shangxie was in a good state today by relying on Qianye Shangxie's breathing.

"The content of the assessment is just that. Look at your spiritual power, explosive power, speed, and understanding of those theoretical knowledge. After all, it's an exam in the academy, so it won't be too difficult. You should play well."

After finishing speaking, he looked around, and said mysteriously and seriously: "Don't be too ostentatious, the tree attracts the wind, it's almost enough, remember?"

Qianye Shangxie glanced around and nodded.There were indeed a lot of malicious eyes looking at them, Qianye Shangxie naturally understood this truth.Nodding: "We're just about right, just make sure we can still be in the teacher's class."

Teacher Zhou looked at Qianye Shangxie with relief: "That's right, you can control this yourself, and sometimes it is very useful to keep a hole card for yourself, otherwise you will find that you have exposed too much, and it is no longer useful .”

Yue Qing understood this truth a long time ago.In the previous life, I kept my hole cards, so I won. Although I died, at least the base was not left behind.

That's enough.Yue Qingran looked at Teacher Zhou with admiration, she knew that this teacher was really kind to the two of them, no matter what the purpose was, but now her actions won Yue Qingran's consent.

Taking a deep breath, Qianye Shangxie looked around: "When will it start? When will we arrive?"

"We came according to the class, so the first one is our class. Don't worry, it won't take too long. According to the ranking, the first two are probably you."

Qianye Shangxie nodded, found a random place and sat down.After a while, the assessment began.After briefly talking about what needs to be assessed, the first one to go up is Yue Qingran.

After testing the level of spiritual power and the ability to control spiritual power, the teacher asked some theoretical questions and asked Yue Qingran to answer them.Then there is a test of agility and explosive power in a simulated field.

Qianye Shangxie watched all this with cold eyes, and there was no need to worry at all. Qianye Shangxie couldn't be more clear about Yue Qingran's ability, so all he had to do was quietly wait for him to play.

Yue Qingran entered the next examination room, and Qianye Shangxie also took the stage.As before, Qianye Shangxie gave the teachers a satisfactory answer.

Then he also walked into the venue where Yue Qingran was.After entering the inside, he saw Yue Qingran had just walked down, fighting against each other, nodded, and Qianye Shangxie walked up.

The simulated venue, as the name suggests, everything inside is a phantom, but the degree of realism is unparalleled.A heavy object came head-on, even though it was just a phantom, one could feel the wind speed and strength immediately.

Qianye Shangxie stood on it, quietly waiting for the phantoms that were not necessarily what they were projected from all directions.Sometimes it is a needle as thin as a cow's hair, and sometimes it is a thick and heavy wood.

Qianye Shangxie dodged one by one, his eyes swept down the stage, just in time to see Yue Qingran who was waiting attentively.He also glanced at her leisurely, which showed that the strength was still very relaxed.

Yue Qingran saw it naturally, and coughed slightly.Qianye Shangxie quickly came back to his senses, carefully controlling his body, not to reveal too many skills.

At the end of the fight, it wasn't a big deal, but in order not to let himself get too carried away, Qianye Shangxie took a symbolic breath for a while.

Yue Qingran looked at Qianye Shangxie's 'wretched' look with a smile in his eyes, and teased: "It's rare to see you in such a mess."

Emphasizing the pronunciation of the word "worry", Qianye Shangxie wiped the sweat that was deliberately forced from his forehead, and smiled wryly.After the test project was completed, two people walked out.

Teacher Zhou was waiting outside the door. When he saw the two people coming out, he stepped forward: "How is it? Is it difficult?" Yue Qingran cast a glance at Qianye Shangxie: "Teacher, the items inside are very difficult. The evil was messed up."

Teacher Zhou took a breath when he heard this, and got stuck there with Qianye.Qianye Shangxie raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, then nodded: "That's true, but Yue Qingran is not much better."

Teacher Zhou understood in an instant, and gave the two of them a sigh of relief: "You two, I was shocked. It's fine, it's fine, you can go, the specific notice will be posted on the bulletin board at night , you just have to pay attention.”

Qianye Shangxie nodded: "Teacher, let's go first." Teacher Zhou smiled and waved: "You two, I just don't worry, let's go first."

Qianye slapped Xie Nuu, and the two walked out.Teacher Zhou continued to stand there waiting for other students to come out. "How about it? It's rare for you to see my embarrassment. Aren't you going to comfort my wounded heart?"

Yue Qingran glanced at Qianye Shangxie, and rolled her eyes: "Didn't you say that I am the same? Then there is no need." Playing coldly, ignoring Qianye Shangxie's pretentious appearance, walked to the grove inside.

"What? You still want to fight with me again?" Yue Qingran shook her head: "No, I just want to see how my phantom is doing. I have been practicing hard for the past few days. Try again. I don't believe you still can catch me."

Qianye Shangxie laughed dumbly: "You..." He stopped talking.Yue Qing stared unconvinced: "What about me? I don't believe you can still catch me."

Shrugging his shoulders indifferently and shaking his head: "No matter how many times, I can still catch you, believe it or not?" Qianye Shangxie set up his position and motioned for Yue Qingran to come over.

Yue Qingran snorted coldly, looked at Qianye Shangxie: "I don't believe it anymore." After finishing speaking angrily, he rushed up.The phantom's speed is fast, with a shadow of nothingness, beautiful but full of killing intent.

Qianye Shangxie had already gotten used to such a bizarre phantom, a faint smile curled up on the corner of his mouth, and he looked at Yue Qingran dotingly.For Yue Qingran's quick and accurate shots, Qianye Shangxie had already understood it.

Close your eyes, feel the sound of the wind quietly, Yue Qingran's shots are effectively intercepted.Yue Qingran frowned, and stopped unwillingly to watch Qianye Shangxie.

"If possible, I will try my best to kill you, in a way you can't think of." Yue Qingran said.Qianye looked into Yue Qingran's eyes evilly, nodded: "I believe it."

After finishing speaking, he took a breath and continued, "But I know you won't do that, so leave those killing moves to others, I'm not blessed to suffer."

Yue Qingran snorted, turned around, and ignored Qianye Shangxie.

(End of this chapter)

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