Chapter 107
Yue Qingran blinked and stood there, Qianye Shangxie next to him stepped forward slightly to block Yue Qingran's small half body.After watching Jueming for a long time, he turned around and was about to leave.

Two heads were in a hurry: "Hey, you just left like this? I hate when people judge me when I fight." Yue Qingran blinked: "Then the existence of the commentator is courting death."

Jueming paused, turned his head, and stared at the two with sinister eyes.Ertou said maliciously: "I forgot to tell you, Jueming hates being called a commentator the most."

Yue Qingran shrugged: "It doesn't matter, what do you say?" Qianye Shangxie stood there like a flower protector, without making a sound or refuting.

The second head looked at the two of them: "How about we play a game, the winner has the right to say anything, and the loser forget it." Qianye Shangxie shrugged loosely: "Forget it, so as not to waste time A miss hurt you."

There was a small voice of discussion among the crowd: "This person is so courageous, he dared to say that. How about a quick tongue? Who is he?"

"You don't know, do you? These are freshmen. They seem to be two powerful people in the first class. They were the top ones when they came in this assessment. It seems to be called Qianye Shangxie, right? The girl's name is Yue Qingran."

Hearing this, Ertou stood up and smiled angrily: "Qianye Shangxie?" After taking two steps, "Yue Qingran?" After taking another two steps, he stood on the periphery of the onlookers and looked at them two people.

The two of them didn't move, they looked at him calmly. "It's okay, since you are so powerful, so what if we fight? Is this a matter of course, right?"

Qianye Shangxie raised the corners of his lips, and smiled evilly: "You think too much, I'm just worried that I might accidentally hurt you. That's all." The last few words can be emphasized.

The two heads were shaken by the evil smile just now, and they were stunned.And what he heard afterwards simply made him furious. "You can do it, are you very good? You will know if you come to fight."

Jueming also came over and stood beside Ertou: "Two against two, fight one." After speaking, he looked at Yue Qingran.Yue Qingran stared ahead, without even looking at the two of them: "I'm going to be late, let's go, go to class."

After finishing speaking, he lifted his foot and walked around the two of them to leave.Qianye Shangxie bypassed from the other side.The two heads of Jueming reached out to stop them at the same time: "If you don't agree, don't even think about leaving."

This sentence was said by the second head, Jueming didn't have the time to talk.

Just as Qianye Shangxie was about to make a move, Ge Xingkong from a distance walked over slowly as if watching a play.Yue Qingran also saw it, took a deep breath, until today this matter cannot end well.

"So what if you just agree? I just want to take a look." Ge Xingkong walked over, stood not far away and said with a smile.

Yue Qingran rolled her eyes, turned her back to look at Ge Xingkong.Ge Xingkong didn't know where to find a fan, where to fan it.

Qianye Shangxie saw Yue Qingran turned his back on his body, thought for a while, and he would rather look at the two heads than Ge Xingkong's treacherous face.

Seeing that the two ignored him, Ge Xingkong didn't care: "You just agree, if you mess with the party, the best way is for everyone to solve it. As the saying goes, you are a gentleman, you don't say anything."

The expression on the second head became strange, and Jueming paused.Yue Qingran took a deep breath, Qianye Shangxie simply kept his face expressionless.All the onlookers were chased away by Ge Xingkong, but they did not receive such pain.

"Besides, I've already made an agreement with those who left. After school, I'll go to the arena to watch your competition. I also found someone to be the banker. You can't just disagree like that."

Qianye Shangxie scratched his head, took a step back, and took another step back, making a detour to Yue Qingran.Discussing in a low voice: "What should we do this time? We can't leave, or we force our way in?"

Yue Qingran had a cold face: "I've seen shameless people before, but I've never seen such shameless people. I can't help it, I can't afford to offend." Qianye Shangxie chuckled and rubbed Yueqing Ran's head: "Why don't we agree?"

Yue Qingran snorted and said nothing.Qianye smiled evilly: "Okay, I agree, is this the head office?" These words were said to Jue Ming, but his eyes drifted to Ge Xingkong.

Ge Xingkong smiled, took the fan in Long's hand, and nodded in satisfaction: "Well, it's done, you four come with me."

After speaking, he turned and left.Yue Qingran stared: "Who is it? Is this here to smear us?" Qianye Shangxie scratched his head: "It's probably like this."

Yue Qingran took a deep breath: "I've taken more deep breaths recently." Qianye Shangxie raised the corners of his mouth and smiled: "Let's go, it must be a bad thing for him to seek us."

Jueming glanced at Yue Qingran and the others who were still chatting there, and left without looking back.The second head looked at the two, then at the two walking in front, sighed and followed.

Arriving at Ge Xingkong's hut, Jueming stood outside and did not dare to go in.Qianye Shangxie walked to the front and looked at them differently: "Why don't you go in?" After speaking, he pushed open the door of the house.

There was the sound of the organ from inside.Qianye Shangxie's expression changed, and he quickly hid to both sides of the door.At the same moment when they heard the voice, the three people behind all reacted.

Hiding on the two sides, when the hidden weapons were all released, and tried it on the other three, Qianye Shangxie came out cautiously and walked inside step by step.Yue Qingran followed closely behind, leaning sideways, vigilant.

After walking a few steps, Qianye Shangxie stopped, and Yue Qingran stopped.Jueming said indifferently: "Array." Well, if it's true, Yue Qingran doesn't know much, a layman.

But just like that, Yue Qingran still thought about it.This was intentional by Ge Xingkong, no matter what the reason was, he was testing everyone.There were no hidden weapons of these organs here before, but now they appear.

It means that there is something that needs to be entrusted to everyone to do, or it is simply for betting on this matter.Qianye Shangxie glanced at Jueming coldly, and said to Yue Qingran, "Follow me."

Yue Qingran raised her eyes, looked at Qianye Shangxie, and shrugged.Qianye Shangxie still has some understanding of these formations, so it is definitely no problem to follow him.

The key point is that the question is whether Leon personally believes that Qianye is evil or not.If they go another way, I don't know how it will affect everyone.

Jueming looked at Qianye Shangxie and said, "I'll change someone." Yue Qingran raised his eyebrows, looked at Qianye Shangxie in front, then looked at Jueming behind him, and lowered his eyes.

Erto simply said to Yue Qingran: "Let the two of them fight it out on their own, let's rest later." Qianye Shangxie pulled Yue Qingran back, and said to Jueming: "Okay."

Yue Qing was not surprised by this statement, but she was also a little surprised.Qianye Shangxie is almost an all-rounder, and it is not in her personality to compromise so easily now.

Changing positions, Qianye Shangxie turned around and said in a low voice, "They are all experts, but he is proficient, and I am capable, that's all." Yue Qingran nodded.Proficient, is specialized in the study of this.Yes, it just means that it can be passed easily, but it will still be difficult.

Therefore, which is more important, Yue Qingran understands, then Qianye Shangxie understands even more.

"How do you know?" Er Tou asked back in disbelief.Qianye Shangxie shrugged: "The pride in this, the belief, the eyes. Can you understand these?"

The second head was dazed for a while, then nodded: "Barely understand." Qianye Shangxie looked at it and nodded.Yue Qingran nodded. People who are proficient in this, when faced with this, have a whole body of arrogance.

Walking cautiously, I just feel so miraculous, the people who have gradually moved away from Ge Xingkong's house, walked more and more remote, and even reached the back door.

But after turning a corner in the blink of an eye, he was already very close to the door. After repeating this several times, he finally walked out.

Relieved, Qianye Shangxie pushed open the door of Ge Xingkong's room and hid aside.No hidden weapon?Looking at each other, Qianye Shangxie sighed and nodded.

Jueming indifferently watched Ertou walk in cautiously, and stopped after walking not far.Jueming's expression remained unchanged, and he walked in.

Qianye Shangxie followed closely behind, and Yue Qingran stood obliquely behind Qianye Shangxie.

After entering, Qianye Shangxie stared at Ge Xingkong.The reason why the two heads didn't move was because when he walked in cautiously and looked around, he suddenly saw Ge Xingkong who was sipping tea leisurely by the small window.Jueming went in, no surprise Ge Xingkong was here.

Ge Xingkong laughed: "Don't look at me so surprised, I've been watching your movements all the time." Qianye Shangxie took a step forward: "Tell me, what's the purpose?"

Ge Xingkong took out a piece of paper from under the bed and threw it on the table.A few people took a look for the past: "What is this? Are you looking for those weird things again?"

Yue Qingran vetoed it without saying a word: "I'm not interested." Ge Xingkong shook his finger: "It's different, don't rush to reject me. This is linked to the academy, and it happens every year, but this year's adventure is just a little bit. "

"Reason." Qianye Shangxie asked.Ge Xingkong made this body, and said seriously: "This activity is held every year. Over the years, a few students from the school are selected to participate together. But this year's situation is different."

"In the place where the ghost flower was discovered in recent years, 46 people died. The corpses of these 46 people were eaten by the ghost flower, which caused the ghost flower to mutate, and it is suspected that someone did it on purpose."

"That's right, someone is playing ghost fruit. Ghost fruit is a friendly competition between various schools, and now it is being remembered by outsiders, so this makes everyone feel very uncomfortable."

Yue Qingran interrupted: "Did you plant the ghost flower?" Ge Xingkong nodded: "The ghost flower is so rare that the deans of several of our colleges personally chose a safe place to plant it. For friendly competition at a graduate school."

"This year, 46 people died in this place for no reason, and all of them were outsiders. This means that the ghost flower's place has been exposed, and it is very likely that someone is playing the ghost fruit."

Qianye Shangxie nodded: "Continue?" Ge Xingkong took a sip of tea: "So, what everyone has to do is to maintain the existence of the ghost fruit, which means that we have to dig out the ghost flower and replace it with a new one. place."

"So this year is not a competition, but a cooperation. The major schools cooperate, let's bring the ghost flower back, but some of the other schools are robbing, some are cooperating, we can't tell the difference. So I let you guys go over and take charge. Bring the ghost flower here .”

Ge Xingkong went on to say: "The maturity of the ghost fruit is three months later, and the ghost flower will be released after half a month. At that time, not only people are coveting, but also beasts are coveting."

"The task this time is very important, so I chose the four of you because you have enough ability. Whether it is a ghost flower or a ghost fruit, the important thing is to bring back the whole plant. If the fruit on it is gone, it will be gone. It can go up further in the future.”

"What you need is to bring them back intact, while ensuring your health." Qianye Shangxie nodded: "Understood, we will bring them back. But how do you store them?"

(End of this chapter)

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