Chapter 108

As we all know, different plants are stored in different geographical locations, and the preservation methods are different.Some plants die away from the soil, and some plants die away from their containers.

So how to seal them in the most effective time has become a very serious problem.Ge Xingkong nodded, and found a small box in the storage bag: "The flame box, the one with the door and ghost flower."

"The temperature inside is just right for the storage of ghost flowers, which can keep ghost flowers alive for more than half a year. Therefore, it is the best thing to install ghost flowers."

Jueming took it, weighed it, and put it in the storage bag.Qianye Shangxie asked again: "You won't just let the four of us go there, will you? Are you kidding me?"

Ge Xingkong waved his hand: "That's why, those few friends who are specially approved to go with you." Qianye Shangxie is unknown, so Ge ​​Xingkong said: "It's those few, Bailitang, Rose and Autumn, The two of them are available. The six of you are enough."

Yue Qingran frowned: "What about Bai Ling'er?" Ge Xingkong said generously: "You can come to my place, I will take care of you for a while, and wait for you to come back."

Shaking his head: "This method is not feasible."

"Then what should we do? You can't take it there, can you? It's very dangerous there, and someone who doesn't know martial arts will drag you back in an instant."

Yue Qingran thought for a while: "Forget it, let me let you go." Ge Xingkong nodded: "Good boy, good apprentice, don't embarrass me." Qianye Shangxie frowned: "Got it .”

Ge Xingkong suddenly thought of something and said: "By the way, you still have seven days to go, and you will be leaving after seven days, otherwise you will not be able to catch up."

Qianye Shangxie nodded and caught a glimpse of Jueming and the two of them.

Seeing the horrified gazes of Jueming and Ertou, Qianye Shangxie slightly leaned back.Ge Xingkong also saw it, and smiled: "What kind of expressions are you guys making?"

Jueming shook his head: "It's just that I didn't expect it. No wonder the two of them were called." Qianye Shangxie didn't take it seriously: "Okay, that's it, let's go first."

Ge Xingkong said: "By the way, you guys should go to the Library Pavilion by the way. There are detailed records about ghost flowers in there. Just read it carefully and get ready."

Yue Qingran's eyes widened: "Send Bai Ling'er to the library, it suits him." Ge Xingkong nodded: "Whatever, as long as he likes it."

A few people came out and looked at the time: "It's almost time for get out of class, let's finish the ring, since it's a promise." Jueming looked at the sky and nodded: "After the ring, let's go to Zangshu Pavilion."

After a few people finished speaking, they walked in the direction of the ring.Go inside, those who know the news are already waiting.Jueming and Ertou have always been fighting alone. It is indeed a highlight when they want to join forces to fight against others.

Because they were not taking the regular route, several people neither signed up nor did anything. Today's venue is just for them.Seeing Qianye Shangxie and the others, Jueming walked over: "With spiritual power or without spiritual power?"

"Whatever you don't have is fine, we don't specialize." Qianye Shangxie said flatly.Jueming nodded and walked back.Yue Qingran smiled: "It's pitiful, Fatty's team competition, we've been away for several months, and we can't compete in the team competition."

Qianye smiled evilly: "Let's add a little more life-saving unique skills, it will definitely be more dangerous than it is now. Especially if the opponent doesn't play tricks and plays viciously, we may not be able to resist."

Yue Qingran nodded: "There are still seven days, and we will be leaving in seven days. Now we have to start looking for some unique skills to connect with. Then life is the most important thing."

When you're ready, it's time to play.After going up, I found that the two had been waiting there for a long time.Qianye Shangxie was not pretentious, and walked up directly, clasping his fists.

After a bit of courtesy, there was no unnecessary nonsense between the two, and they directly signaled to start.The teacher next to him who was in charge of controlling slowly closed the door of the arena.

After closing the door, everyone was shocked by the momentary pressure.Jueming said: "You are the principal's apprentice, I just want to see how powerful this apprentice is."

Yue Qingran raised the corners of her mouth and smiled, and said calmly: "Only he is, it has nothing to do with me, can you be gentle with me?" Jueming was stunned for a moment.

Qianye smiled evilly and shook his head, looking at Yue Qingran dotingly.

Only then did Jueming realize that he had been raped.It doesn't matter, and rushed over with Ertou.Now that this is the case, the two of Qianye Shangxie can no longer stand still. Fortunately, the tacit understanding between the two is high enough.

Yue Qingran jumped onto Qianye Shangxie's shoulders, and with the help of a kick, rushed into the air, bent down and rushed down, facing the two heads.Yue Qingran knew that Jueming was much stronger than Ertou, so she handed it over to Qianye Shangxie to deal with it.

Qianye Shangxie shrugged indifferently, opened the field, and kept Yue Qingran and the others aside.This side is the world of Jueming and Qianye Shangxie.

Jueming has a sense of teamwork, and knows that Yue Qingran's figure and pace can definitely defeat the two heads in a short time, so he doesn't like to fight, and rushes to help.

Qianye Shangxie raised the corners of his mouth, getting more and more interesting.He simply ran over to help Yue Qingran.The scene changed from the long distance just now to the close distance now.

Yue Qingran and Qianye Shangxie were back to back, seeing Jueming rushing over, Yue Qingran rushed forward, Qianye Shangxie stopped Yue Qingran's belt.Yue Qingran took advantage of the trend to choose the topic, changed the type of apartment and returned to Qianye Shangxie's side.

Taking this opportunity, the second head rushed over and kicked Qianye Shangxie.Qianye slapped the evil on the spot and hid, Yue Qingran kicked the two heads.

Qianye Shangxie blocked Jueming's attack on Yue Qingran, and there was a scuffle on the field.Swapping opponents from time to time, varying in severity, made Jueming duo unbearable.

It also made Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran feel strenuous.Four people stood panting at the four corners.Wait for the enemy to move.If the enemy does not move, I will not move.

Next is the time to compete everyone's endurance, and it is also a great time to repair the body.Jueming lost due to poor coordination, and Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran lost due to inadaptability.

So for a while, it was impossible to tell the winner, and then it was the critical moment.After testing and running in, the next step is the real master duel.

Jueming was the first to move out, Yue Qingran and Qianye Shangxie rushed over, their heads also started to move, the four of them kicked together.

Qianye Shangxie glanced at Yue Qingran, Jueming glanced at Ertou, several people nodded, the four kicked feet were still on top, everyone lay down slightly, and started to circle.

See who can't sustain this strength first, whoever will fall first, the moment of falling is a good time to attack.Yue Qingran knows that the two of them are relatively weak, and they may not be able to persevere.

Qianye Shangxie put one hand on the ground, and the other held Yue Qingran's hand.The two said they were together, so the chances of being thrown off would be smaller.

Turning around, the crowd was dazzled, and the four people on the field were not much better. Qianye Shangxie felt that his foot had been dropped, and I entered Yue Qingran's collection.

Yue Qingran also felt her feet loosen a little.The two simply stood up. Although they couldn't attack immediately, it was good to be able to defend.

The opponent's foot will loosen, no accidents, it is surprising that they can last for so long.The Jueming two also became wary.

After a while, Yue Qingran and Qianye Shangxie feet fell off at the same time.Jueming shot immediately, leaving the opponent with no time to react.Kicking Qianye away, Yue Qingran also fell out.

The outcome is still unclear, Yue Qingran stood up, using the phantom, rushed over again, circled the two of them back and forth, the two subconsciously wanted to block, but did not expect that Yue Qingran's moves were not here.

Without spiritual power, it was difficult to distinguish Yue Qingran's phantom, and Jue Ming was also confused.Simply, Jue Ming stopped attacking, and devoted himself to defense.

Jueming's defense was in place, and Yue Qingran couldn't attack the opponent for a while.Seeing that Jueming was like this, the second head also wholeheartedly defended, Yue Qingran pouted and stopped.

Qianye Shangxie took the opportunity to attack from behind.Jueming bent down and dodged it, seeing that all the moves were almost used, the two could not tell the winner, Qianye Shangxie said: "Come on, let's do it directly, the last move, if you don't hit it, you will lose."

Jueming nodded: "We are also the last move, whoever resists wins."

The two looked at each other and nodded.It was really the last move, Yue Qingran and their last move were separated, Jueming and their last move were also separated.

Picking up Yue Qingran's belt, Qianye Shangxie threw Yue Qingran out, followed by him.Seeing Yue Qingran kicking towards him, Jueming quickly dodges.The second head also launched an attack at the same time.

Jumped out from the side, bounced on the spot, aimed at Qianye Shangxie who was following him, and hit him.Qianye Shangxie had to dodge, so he had no choice but to deviate from the route of following Yue Qingran.

In this way, Yue Qingran kicked and Jueming dodged, while Qianye Shangxie was also dodging the one who kicked at the other end, but lost a great opportunity to attack again.

Jueming also rushed over at this time, and the two of them besieged Qianye Shangxie up and down.Yue Qingran stabilized her figure and was already a step late when she rushed over.

With a sigh, Yue Qingran said calmly: "Stop." Hearing Yue Qingran's voice, Jueming stopped the attack immediately.Qianye Shangxie also stopped resisting.

Qianye Shangxie smiled lightly and said: "We admit defeat." As promised, it was the last attack, so the attack was over, he lost, and he calmly surrendered.

For them to face up to their own record, Jue Ming admired it very much, turned his head and said: "If you can prove your record at any time, I will be able to relax a lot."

Double-headed staring: "You are talking nonsense, be careful I will hit you." Jueming shrugged: "You can't beat me, this is the key." The manufacturer has calmed down, and the teacher in charge of controlling on the field opened up the players on both sides of the ring.

The instant recovery of spiritual power made everyone take a deep breath, Jueming said: "This is the most tiring match I have ever played." Qianye Shangxie nodded: "I am the same."

(End of this chapter)

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